iOS 进阶功能

更新时间:2021-12-17 11:09:58

本文介绍的是音视频通话 API 在 iOS 中的进阶功能。

渲染 View 相关

实现 ARTVCEngineDelegate 中部分和渲染相关的回调接口。

  1. 渲染 View 对象被创建。

    //渲染 View 对象被创建,同时 feed 相关联,业务收到此回调时可将此 view 加入到布局中,//并设置其 frame。
    -(void)didVideoRenderViewInitialized:(UIView*)renderView forFeed:(ARTVCFeed*)feed{
  2. 渲染首帧视频。

    -(void)didFirstVideoFrameRendered:(UIView*)renderView forFeed:(ARTVCFeed*)feed{
  3. 停止渲染视频。

    -(void)didVideoViewRenderStopped:(UIView*)renderView forFeed:(ARTVCFeed*)feed{


  • 所有错误。通过统一的错误回调接口回调业务,业务根据不同的错误码,进行相应的错误处理。

    -(void)didEncounterError:(NSError *)error forFeed:(ARTVCFeed*)feed{
  • 错误定义如下:

    typedef NS_ENUM(int,ARTVCErrorCode){
      bad parameters passed to API
      ARTVCErrorCodeBadParameters                  = - 103,
       camera permission is denied by user
       without this permission,video call cann't be continued,please advise user enable camera permission in settings.
      ARTVCErrorCodeCameraPermissionNOtAllowed     = -104,
      microphone permission is denied by user
      without this permission,video call cann't be continued,please advise user enable camera permission in settings.
      ARTVCErrorCodeMicrophonePermissionNOtAllowed = -105,
      timeout happened,publish/subscribe cann't be finishied successfully
      ARTVCErrorCodeTimeout                        = -108,
       you has already published or subsrcibed a feed .
      you cann't publish or subsrcibe the same feed once again when it has NOt been unpublished or unsubscribed.
      ARTVCErrorCodeAlreadyPublishedOrSubsrcibed   = -111,
       you has NOt published or subsrcibed the feed .so you cann't do unpublish or unsubscribe operation.
      ARTVCErrorCodeFeedHasNOtBeenPublishedOrSubsrcibed   = -119,
      internal  webrtc-relative error when doing publish/subscribe,for example,setting sdp failed,creating sdp failed,e.g.
      ARTVCErrorCodeInternalError                  = -113,
       * current room has become invalid .most of all,it's because network's down,heartbeat abNOrmal.
       * if you wanna continue,you MUST call createRoom again to get a new valid room.
      ARTVCErrorCodeCurrentRoomHasBecomeInvalid    = -114,
      server error hanppened.CreateRoom request failed,it's a server internal error.
      ARTVCErrorCodeProtocolErrorCreateRoomFailed  = -115,
      server error hanppened.JoinRoom request failed,it's a server internal error.maybe the room you joined has been became invalid yet.
      ARTVCErrorCodeProtocolErrorJoinRoomFailed    = -116,
      server error hanppened.Publish request failed,it's a server internal error.
      ARTVCErrorCodeProtocolErrorPublishFailed     = -117,
      server error hanppened.Subscribe request failed,it's a server internal error.maybe the stream you subscribed has been unpunlished yet or some error else.
      ARTVCErrorCodeProtocolErrorSubscribeFailed   = -118,



[_artvcEgnie switchCamera];

mute 远端视频

mute 远端视频代码如下:

ARTVCFeed* feed = 要 mute 操作的远端 feed;
[_artvcEgnie muteRemoteVideo:YES forFeed:feed];



[_artvcEgnie muteMicrophone:YES];

mute 远端音频

mute 远端音频代码如下:

ARTVCFeed* feed = 要 mute 操作的远端 feed;
[_artvcEgnie muteRemoteAudio:YES forFeed:feed];


  • 切换模式:

    [_artvcEgnie switchAudioPlayModeTo:ARTVCAudioPlayModeReceiver complete:nil];
  • 变化通知:

      NSString *toast = nil;
      switch (audioPlayMode) {
          case ARTVCAudioPlayModeSpeaker:{
              toast = @"扬声器模式";
          case ARTVCAudioPlayModeReceiver:{
              toast = @"听筒模式";
          case ARTVCAudioPlayModeHeadphone:{
              toast = @"耳机模式";
          case ARTVCAudioPlayModeBluetooth:{
              toast = @"蓝牙设备模式";
          case ARTVCAudioPlayModeInit:{
              toast = @"未知模式";
      [self showToastWith:toast duration:2.0];



    if(netStatus == APMNetReachabilityStatusReachableViaWiFi){
        return ;
    [self showToastWith:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"网络切换到:%@",[APMNetworkStatusManager stringOfNetworkStatus:netStatus]] duration:2.0];



-(void)didAvailabeSendBandwidthBecomeLow:(BOOL)isLow currentBandwidth:(double)bw forFeed:(ARTVCFeed*)feed{
        [self showToastWith:@"当前通话质量不佳" duration:2.0];



ARTVCFeed* feed = 要截屏的 feed;
[_artvcEgnie snapshotForFeed:feed  complete:^(UIImage* image){

获取通话质量的 Debug 信息

通过回调来返回任意流的 Debug 信息。

 brief debug information is generated(including bitrate/cpu/codec,e.g.),you can show this on your debug information view.
- (void)didBriefDebugInformationGenerated:(NSString*)debugInfo forFeed:(ARTVCFeed*)feed{
//如果有需要,可以将 debugInfo 按流展示在 Debug 窗口。


  • 通过回调可获取任意流的实时监控信息,包括码率、帧率、CPU 等。

    -(void)didRealtimeStatisticGenerated:(ARTVCRealtimeStatisticSummary*)summary forFeed:(ARTVCFeed*)feed{
  • 返回的数据内容如下:

    @interface ARTVCRealtimeStatisticSummary : NSObject
    //connection stats googCandidatePair
    /** 实际总发码率 单位 bps*/
    @property(NOnatomic,copy) NSString* totalSendBitrate;
    /** 实际总的收码率 单位 bps*/
    @property(NOnatomic,copy) NSString* totalRecvBitrate;
    /** 网络延迟(毫秒)*/
    /** 网络延迟(毫秒)*/
    @property(NOnatomic,copy) NSString* rtt;
    //video send
    /** 视频码率发 单位 bps*/
    @property(NOnatomic,copy) NSString* videoSendBitrate;
    /** 实际视频发帧率 */
    @property(NOnatomic,copy) NSString* videoSendFps;
    //video recv
    /** 视频码率收 单位 bps*/
    @property(NOnatomic,copy) NSString* videoRecvBitrate;
    /** 实际视频收帧率 */
    @property(NOnatomic,copy) NSString* videoRecvFps;
    /** 声音码率发 单位 bps*/
    @property(NOnatomic,copy) NSString* audioSendBitrate;
    /** 声音码率收 单位 bps*/
    @property(NOnatomic,copy) NSString* audioRecvBitrate;
    /** 视频发送丢包率*/
    @property(NOnatomic,copy) NSString* videoLossRate;
    //audio send
    /** 音频发送丢包率*/
    @property(NOnatomic,copy) NSString* audioLossRate;
    /** cpu */
    @property(NOnatomic,copy) NSString* cpu;

通话过程中动态调整编码分辨率和相机 FPS(仅使用于内置 camera)

  • 当前分辨率以及 FPS 分别为 640x360、15 FPS 时,设置如下:

    _artvcEgnine.videoProfileType = ARTVCVideoProfileType_640x360_15Fps;
  • 假设,因业务需求需要将分辨率以及 FPS 临时调高至 960x540、30 FPS,设置如下:

    _artvcEgnine.videoProfileType = ARTVCVideoProfileType_960x540_30Fps;
  • 处理完特定业务需求后,恢复至 640x360,15 FPS。

    _artvcEgnine.videoProfileType = ARTVCVideoProfileType_640x360_15Fps;

通话过程中动态调整编码分辨率(适应于所有 video source)

  • 自定义推流中,当前分辨率为 640x360,若因业务需求需要临时调高至 960x540,设置如下:

    [ _artvcEgnine changeVideoProfileTo:ARTVCVideoProfileType_960x540_15Fps forVideoSource:ARTVCVideoSourceType_Custom];
  • 内置 camera,当前分辨率为 640x360,若因业务需求需要临时调高至 960x540,设置如下:

    [ _artvcEgnine changeVideoProfileTo:ARTVCVideoProfileType_960x540_30Fps forVideoSource:ARTVCVideoSourceType_Camera];



  • 只支持 NV12 格式的视频帧,以 CVPixelBufferRef 格式输入.

  • 调用方目前需要保证 FPS,按照一定的 FPS 来输入。建议使用 15-24FPS。

  • 只支持手动模式推流。



[ _artvcEgnine setAutoPublish:NO];
ARTVCCreateCustomVideoCaputurerParams* params = [[ARTVCCreateCustomVideoCaputurerParams alloc] init];
//如果需要 SDK 帮忙渲染,需要设置 provideRenderView 为 YES,SDK 默认不帮业务渲染。
            params.provideRenderView = YES;

            self.customCapturer = [_artvcEgnine createCustomVideoCapturer:params];
            //按照一定的频率喂数据给 SDK,格式是 CVPixelBufferRef,只支持 NV12 格式。
            [self.customCapturer provideCustomVideoFramePeriodlyWith:CVPixelBufferRef];
ARTVCPublishConfig* config = [[ARTVCPublishConfig alloc] init];
            config.videoSource = ARTVCVideoSourceType_Custom;
            config.videoProfile = ARTVCVideoProfileType_640x360_15Fps;
            self.customPublishConfig = config;
            [_artvcEgnine publish:config];



[ _artvcEgnine setAutoPublish:NO];
    NSLog(@"start screen sharing");
    ARTVCCreateScreenCaputurerParams* screenParams = [[ARTVCCreateScreenCaputurerParams alloc] init];
    screenParams.provideRenderView = YES;
    [_artvcEgnine startScreenCaptureWithParams:screenParams complete:^(NSError* error){
        NSLog(@"start screen sharing finish,error:%@",error);
             //这里的 code 见启动屏幕捕捉的错误码章节

           //屏幕捕捉成功后再调用 publish 进行推流
            ARTVCPublishConfig* config = [[ARTVCPublishConfig alloc] init];
            config.videoSource = ARTVCVideoSourceType_Screen;
            config.audioEnable = NO;
            config.videoProfile = ARTVCVideoProfileType_1280x720_30Fps;
            [_artvcEgnine publish:config];
    NSLog(@"stop screen sharing");
    [_artvcEgnine stopScreenCapture];
    ARTVCUnpublishConfig* config = [[ARTVCUnpublishConfig alloc] init];
    config.feed = self.screenLocalFeed;
    [_artvcEgnine unpublish:config];



    screen capture alrady under running, you cann't start it again before you call stop
    ARTVCErrorCodeScreenCapturerAlreadyUnderRunning            = -1011,
    starting screen capture failed
    ARTVCErrorCodeStartScreenCaptureFailed                     = -1012,
    start screen capture success,but may be encounter errors during the processing of the capure operation.
    ARTVCErrorCodeScreenCaptureFailedInProcessing              = -1013,
  • 本页导读 (0)
  • 渲染 View 相关
  • 统一错误处理
  • 切换摄像头
  • mute 远端视频
  • 麦克风静音
  • mute 远端音频
  • 听筒扬声器模式
  • 网络变化通知
  • 带宽不足通知
  • 截屏功能
  • 获取通话质量的 Debug 信息
  • 获取通话质量的实时监控信息
  • 通话过程中动态调整编码分辨率和相机 FPS(仅使用于内置 camera)
  • 通话过程中动态调整编码分辨率(适应于所有 video source)
  • 自定义推视频流
  • 屏幕共享

