本文介绍Databricks数据洞察产品中Databricks Runtime Delta和社区开源版本Delta Lake在性能优化方面的差异点。

Performance Optimization

1. Compaction

Delta Lake on Databricks can improve the speed of read queries from a table by coalescing small files into larger ones.

Official Document: https://docs.databricks.com/delta/optimizations/file-mgmt.html#compaction-bin-packing


OPTIMIZE delta.`/data/events`



Specify an optional partition predicate

OPTIMIZE events WHERE date >= '2017-01-01' 
# Databricks notebook source

# DBTITLE 1,Clean up Parquet tables
#  %fs rm -r /tmp/flights_parquet 

# DBTITLE 1,Clean up Databricks Delta tables
#  %fs rm -r /tmp/flights_delta
# DBTITLE 1,Step 0: Read flights data

flights = spark.read.format("csv") \
  .option("header", "true") \
  .option("inferSchema", "true") \

# DBTITLE 1,Step 1: Write a Parquet based table using flights data

#  Once step 1 completes, the "flights" table contains details of US flights for a year. 
#  Next in Step 2, we run a query that get top 20 cities with the highest monthly total flights on the first day of week.

# DBTITLE 1,Step 2: Run a query
from pyspark.sql.functions import count

flights_parquet = spark.read.format("parquet").load("/tmp/flights_parquet")

display(flights_parquet.filter("DayOfWeek = 1").groupBy("Month","Origin").agg(count("*").alias("TotalFlights")).orderBy("TotalFlights", ascending=False).limit(20))

#  Once step 2 completes, you can observe the latency with the standard "flights_parquet" table. 
#  In step 3 and step 4, we do the same with a Databricks Delta table. This time, before running the query, we run the `OPTIMIZE` command to ensure data is optimized for faster retrieval. 

# DBTITLE 1,Step 3: Write a Databricks Delta based table using flights data

# DBTITLE 1,Step 3 Continued: OPTIMIZE the Databricks Delta table
display(spark.sql("DROP TABLE  IF EXISTS flights"))

display(spark.sql("CREATE TABLE flights USING DELTA LOCATION '/tmp/flights_delta'"))

display(spark.sql("OPTIMIZE flights"))

# DBTITLE 1,Step 4 : Rerun the query from Step 2 and observe the latency
flights_delta = spark.read.format("delta").load("/tmp/flights_delta")

display(flights_delta.filter("DayOfWeek = 1").groupBy("Month","Origin").agg(count("*").alias("TotalFlights")).orderBy("TotalFlights", ascending=False).limit(20))

# The query over the Databricks Delta table runs much faster after `OPTIMIZE` is run.
# How much faster the query runs can depend on the configuration of the cluster you are running on, 
# however should be **15-20X faster**compared to the standard parquet table. 


Test Environment Query over Parquet Table Query over Delta Table after `OPTIMIZE` is run
result-1 50.95 seconds 1.93 seconds

2. Data Skipping

Data skipping information is collected automatically when you write data into a Delta table. Delta Lake on Databricks takes advantage of this information (minimum and maximum values) at query time to provide faster queries. You do not need to configure data skipping - the feature is activated whenever applicable.

Official Document: https://docs.databricks.com/delta/optimizations/file-mgmt.html#compaction-bin-packing

Blog and User Cases: https://databricks.com/blog/2018/07/31/processing-petabytes-of-data-in-seconds-with-databricks-delta.html?_ga=2.29295480.552083878.1584501563-968665100.1584501563

3. Z-Ordering

Z-Ordering is a technique


WHERE date >= current_timestamp() - INTERVAL 1 day
ZORDER BY (eventType)


All the script for data generation and test code can be found 
in: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1ZQKoku9zFoC4qwYY3jlKlhYlvF8I2SpI

-- Dataset schema:

CREATE TABLE `conn_zorder` (`src_ip` STRING, `src_port`INT, `dst_ip` STRING, `dst_port` INT)
USING delta
  path 'hdfs://rhodium-tests-1:8020/tmp/data/random/conn_zorder')

-- Optimize command: 

OPTIMIZE '${baseLocation + connZorder}' ZORDER BY(src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port)    

-- Query Tested: 

select count(*) from conn_zorder where src_ip like '157%'and dst_ip like '216.%'


Product Data Set Size Runtime of Predicate Query on optimized Columns (s) DBR Delta faster than OSS Parquet by factor of
DBR Delta 10B Row, 1M files (267GB) 11 16.9090909
OSS Parquet 10B Row, 1M files (267GB) 186