


Provides an Alicloud Serverless App Engine (SAE) Application Load Balancer Attachment resource.

For information about Serverless App Engine (SAE) Load Balancer Internet Attachment and how to use it, see alicloud_sae_load_balancer_internet.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.164.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

provider "alicloud" {
  region = "cn-hangzhou"

variable "name" {
  default = "tf-example"
data "alicloud_regions" "default" {
  current = true
resource "random_integer" "default" {
  max = 99999
  min = 10000
data "alicloud_zones" "default" {
  available_resource_creation = "VSwitch"

resource "alicloud_vpc" "default" {
  vpc_name   = var.name
  cidr_block = ""

resource "alicloud_vswitch" "default" {
  vswitch_name = var.name
  cidr_block   = ""
  vpc_id       = alicloud_vpc.default.id
  zone_id      = data.alicloud_zones.default.zones.0.id
resource "alicloud_security_group" "default" {
  vpc_id = alicloud_vpc.default.id

resource "alicloud_sae_namespace" "default" {
  namespace_id              = "${data.alicloud_regions.default.regions.0.id}:example${random_integer.default.result}"
  namespace_name            = var.name
  namespace_description     = var.name
  enable_micro_registration = false

resource "alicloud_sae_application" "default" {
  app_description    = var.name
  app_name           = "${var.name}-${random_integer.default.result}"
  namespace_id       = alicloud_sae_namespace.default.id
  image_url          = "registry-vpc.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/lxepoo/apache-php5"
  package_type       = "Image"
  jdk                = "Open JDK 8"
  security_group_id  = alicloud_security_group.default.id
  vpc_id             = alicloud_vpc.default.id
  vswitch_id         = alicloud_vswitch.default.id
  timezone           = "Asia/Beijing"
  replicas           = "5"
  cpu                = "500"
  memory             = "2048"
  micro_registration = "0"

resource "alicloud_slb_load_balancer" "default" {
  load_balancer_name = var.name
  vswitch_id         = alicloud_vswitch.default.id
  load_balancer_spec = "slb.s2.small"
  address_type       = "internet"

resource "alicloud_sae_load_balancer_internet" "default" {
  app_id          = alicloud_sae_application.default.id
  internet_slb_id = alicloud_slb_load_balancer.default.id
  internet {
    protocol    = "TCP"
    port        = 80
    target_port = 8080

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • app_id - (Required) The target application ID that needs to be bound to the SLB.
  • internet_slb_id - (Optional) The internet SLB ID.
  • internet - (Required) The bound private network SLB. See internet below.


The internet supports the following:

  • protocol - (Optional) The Network protocol. Valid values: TCP ,HTTP,HTTPS.
  • https_cert_id - (Optional) The SSL certificate. https_cert_id is required when HTTPS is selected
  • target_port - (Optional) The Container port.
  • port - (Optional) The SLB Port.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID. The value is the same as the application ID.
  • internet_ip - Use designated public network SLBs that have been purchased to support non-shared instances.


The resource can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_sae_load_balancer_internet.example <id>