


Provides a NLB Server Group resource.

For information about NLB Server Group and how to use it, see What is Server Group.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.186.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {
  default = "tf-example"
data "alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups" "default" {}
resource "alicloud_vpc" "default" {
  vpc_name   = var.name
  cidr_block = ""
resource "alicloud_nlb_server_group" "default" {
  resource_group_id        = data.alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups.default.ids.0
  server_group_name        = var.name
  server_group_type        = "Instance"
  vpc_id                   = alicloud_vpc.default.id
  scheduler                = "Wrr"
  protocol                 = "TCP"
  connection_drain         = true
  connection_drain_timeout = 60
  address_ip_version       = "Ipv4"
  health_check {
    health_check_enabled         = true
    health_check_type            = "TCP"
    health_check_connect_port    = 0
    healthy_threshold            = 2
    unhealthy_threshold          = 2
    health_check_connect_timeout = 5
    health_check_interval        = 10
    http_check_method            = "GET"
    health_check_http_code       = ["http_2xx", "http_3xx", "http_4xx"]
  tags = {
    Created = "TF",
    For     = "example",

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • address_ip_version - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) The protocol version. Valid values: Ipv4 (default), DualStack.
  • any_port_enabled - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed, Available since v1.214.0) Full port forwarding.
  • connection_drain_enabled - (Optional, Computed, Available since v1.214.0) Specifies whether to enable connection draining.
  • connection_drain_timeout - (Optional, Computed) Set the connection elegant interrupt timeout. Unit: seconds. Valid values: 10 ~ 900.
  • health_check - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) Health check configuration information. See health_check below.
  • preserve_client_ip_enabled - (Optional, Computed) Indicates whether client address retention is enabled. Special instructions: When AddressIPVersion is of the ipv4 type, the default value is true. Addrestipversion can only be false when the value of ipv6 is ipv6, and can be true when supported by the underlying layer.
  • protocol - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) The backend protocol. Valid values: TCP (default), UDP, and TCPSSL.
  • resource_group_id - (Optional, Computed) The ID of the resource group to which the security group belongs.
  • scheduler - (Optional, Computed) The routing algorithm. Valid values:
    • Wrr (default): The Weighted Round Robin algorithm is used. Backend servers with higher weights receive more requests than backend servers with lower weights.
    • Rr: The round-robin algorithm is used. Requests are forwarded to backend servers in sequence.
    • Sch: Source IP hashing is used. Requests from the same source IP address are forwarded to the same backend server.
    • Tch: Four-element hashing is used. It specifies consistent hashing that is based on four factors: source IP address, destination IP address, source port, and destination port. Requests that contain the same information based on the four factors are forwarded to the same backend server.
    • Qch: QUIC ID hashing is used. Requests that contain the same QUIC ID are forwarded to the same backend server.
  • server_group_name - (Required) The name of the server group. The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, periods (.), underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name must start with a letter.
  • server_group_type - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) The type of the server group. Valid values:
    • Instance (default): allows you to specify Ecs, Ens, or Eci.
    • Ip: allows you to specify IP addresses.
  • tags - (Optional, Map) Label.
  • vpc_id - (Required, ForceNew) The ID of the VPC to which the server group belongs.

The following arguments will be discarded. Please use new fields as soon as possible:

  • connection_drain - (Deprecated since v1.214.0). Field 'connection_drain' has been deprecated from provider version 1.214.0. New field 'connection_drain_enabled' instead.


The health_check supports the following:

  • health_check_connect_port - (Optional, Computed) The port of the backend server for health checks. Valid values: 0 ~ 65535. 0 indicates that the port of the backend server is used for health check.
  • health_check_connect_timeout - (Optional, Computed) Maximum timeout for health check responses. Unit: seconds. Valid values: 1 ~ 300.
  • health_check_domain - (Optional, Computed) The domain name used for health check. Valid values:
    • $SERVER_IP: uses the intranet IP of the backend server.
    • domain: Specify a specific domain name. The length is limited to 1 to 80 characters. Only lowercase letters, numbers, dashes (-), and half-width periods (.) can be used. -> NOTE: This parameter takes effect only when HealthCheckType is HTTP.
  • health_check_enabled - (Optional, Computed) Whether to enable health check. Valid values:
    • true: on.
    • false: closed.
  • health_check_http_code - (Optional, Computed) Health status return code. Multiple status codes are separated by commas (,). Valid values: http_2xx, http_3xx, http_4xx, and http_5xx. -> NOTE: This parameter takes effect only when HealthCheckType is HTTP.
  • health_check_interval - (Optional, Computed) Time interval of health examination. Unit: seconds. Valid values: 5 ~ 50.
  • health_check_type - (Optional, Computed) Health check protocol. Valid values: TCP or HTTP.
  • health_check_url - (Optional, Computed) Health check path. -> NOTE: This parameter takes effect only when HealthCheckType is HTTP.
  • healthy_threshold - (Optional, Computed) After the health check is successful, the health check status of the backend server is determined from failed to successful. Valid values: 2 to 10.
  • http_check_method - (Optional) The health check method. Valid values: GET or HEAD. -> NOTE: This parameter takes effect only when HealthCheckType is HTTP.
  • unhealthy_threshold - (Optional, Computed) After the health check fails for many times in a row, the health check status of the backend server is determined from Success to Failure. Valid values: 2 to 10.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the resource supplied above.
  • status - Server group status. Value:


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when create the Server Group.
  • delete - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when delete the Server Group.
  • update - (Defaults to 5 mins) Used when update the Server Group.


NLB Server Group can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_nlb_server_group.example <id>

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