Log Service provides the LogSearch/Analytics function to query and analyze large amounts of logs in real time. You can use this function by enabling the index and field statistics. Refer to details
Example Usage
Basic Usage
resource "random_integer" "default" {
max = 99999
min = 10000
resource "alicloud_log_project" "example" {
project_name = "terraform-example-${random_integer.default.result}"
description = "terraform-example"
resource "alicloud_log_store" "example" {
project_name = alicloud_log_project.example.project_name
logstore_name = "example-store"
shard_count = 3
auto_split = true
max_split_shard_count = 60
append_meta = true
resource "alicloud_log_store_index" "example" {
project = alicloud_log_project.example.project_name
logstore = alicloud_log_store.example.logstore_name
full_text {
case_sensitive = true
token = " #$^*\r\n\t"
field_search {
name = "terraform-example"
enable_analytics = true
type = "text"
token = " #$^*\r\n\t"
Module Support
You can use the existing sls module to create SLS project, store and store index one-click, like ECS instances.
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required, ForceNew) The project name to the log store belongs. -
- (Required, ForceNew) The log store name to the query index belongs. -
- The configuration of full text index. Valid item as follows:case_sensitive
- (Optional) Whether the case sensitive. Default to false.include_chinese
- (Optional) Whether includes the chinese. Default to false.token
- (Optional) The string of several split words, like "\r", "#"
- List configurations of field search index. Valid item as follows:name
- (Required) The field name, which is unique in the same log store.type
- (Optional) The type of one field. Valid values: ["long", "text", "double", "json"]. Default to "long".alias
- (Optional) The alias of one fieldcase_sensitive
- (Optional) Whether the case sensitive for the field. Default to false. It is valid when "type" is "text" or "json".include_chinese
- (Optional) Whether includes the chinese for the field. Default to false. It is valid when "type" is "text" or "json".token
- (Optional) The string of several split words, like "\r", "#". It is valid when "type" is "text" or "json".enable_analytics
- (Optional) Whether to enable field analytics. Default to true.json_keys
- (Optional, Available in 1.66.0+) Use nested index when type is jsonname
- (Required) When using the json_keys field, this field is required.type
- (Optional) The type of one field. Valid values: ["long", "text", "double"]. Default to "long"alias
- (Optional) The alias of one field.doc_value
- (Optional) Whether to enable statistics. default to true.
-> Note: At least one of the "full_text" and "field_search" should be specified.
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The ID of the log store index. It formats of<project>:<logstore>
Log store index can be imported using the id, e.g.
$ terraform import alicloud_log_store_index.example tf-log:tf-log-store