


Provides a Cloud Monitor Service Dynamic Tag Group resource.

For information about Cloud Monitor Service Dynamic Tag Group and how to use it, see What is Dynamic Tag Group.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.142.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

resource "alicloud_cms_alarm_contact_group" "default" {
  alarm_contact_group_name = "example_value"
  describe                 = "example_value"
  enable_subscribed        = true
resource "alicloud_cms_dynamic_tag_group" "default" {
  contact_group_list = [alicloud_cms_alarm_contact_group.default.id]
  tag_key            = "your_tag_key"
  match_express {
    tag_value                = "your_tag_value"
    tag_value_match_function = "all"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • contact_group_list - (Required, ForceNew) Alarm contact group. The value range of N is 1~100. The alarm notification of the application group is sent to the alarm contact in the alarm contact group.
  • match_express - (Required, ForceNew) The label generates a matching expression that applies the grouping. See match_express below.
  • match_express_filter_relation - (Optional, ForceNew) The relationship between conditional expressions. Valid values: and, or.
  • tag_key - (Required, ForceNew) The tag key of the tag.
  • template_id_list - (Optional, ForceNew) Alarm template ID list.


The match_express supports the following:

  • tag_value - (Required, ForceNew) The tag value. The Tag value must be used in conjunction with the tag value matching method TagValueMatchFunction.
  • tag_value_match_function - (Required, ForceNew) Matching method of tag value. Valid values: all, startWith,endWith,contains,notContains,equals.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID in terraform of Dynamic Tag Group.
  • status - The status of the resource. Valid values: RUNNING, FINISH.


Cloud Monitor Service Dynamic Tag Group can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_cms_dynamic_tag_group.example <id>