


Provides a Cloud Firewall Instance resource.

For information about Cloud Firewall Instance and how to use it, see What is Instance.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.139.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

create a pay-as-you-go instance

resource "alicloud_cloud_firewall_instance" "PayAsYouGo" {
  payment_type = "PayAsYouGo"

create a subscription instance

resource "alicloud_cloud_firewall_instance" "Subscription" {
  payment_type = "Subscription"
  spec         = "premium_version"
  ip_number    = 20
  band_width   = 10
  cfw_log      = false
  period       = 1

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • payment_type - (Required, ForceNew) The payment type of the resource. Valid values: Subscription, PayAsYouGo. NOTE: From version 1.220.0, payment_type can be set to PayAsYouGo.
  • period - (Optional) The prepaid period. Valid values: 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36. NOTE: 1 and 3 available since 1.204.1. If payment_type is set to Subscription, period is required. Otherwise, it will be ignored.
  • renew_period - (Deprecated since v1.209.1) Automatic renewal period. Attribute renew_period has been deprecated since 1.209.1. Using renewal_duration instead.
  • renewal_duration - (Optional) Auto-Renewal Duration. It is required under the condition that renewal_status is AutoRenewal. Valid values: 1, 2, 3, 6, 12. NOTE: renewal_duration takes effect only if payment_type is set to Subscription, and renewal_status is set to AutoRenewal.
  • renewal_duration_unit - (Optional) Auto-Renewal Cycle Unit Values Include: Month: Month. Year: Years. Valid values: Month, Year.
  • renewal_status - (Optional) Whether to renew an instance automatically or not. Default to "ManualRenewal".
    • AutoRenewal: Auto renewal.
    • ManualRenewal: Manual renewal.
    • NotRenewal: No renewal any longer. After you specify this value, Alibaba Cloud stop sending notification of instance expiry, and only gives a brief reminder on the third day before the instance expiry. NOTE: renewal_status takes effect only if payment_type is set to Subscription.
  • logistics - (Optional) The logistics.
  • modify_type - (Optional) The type of modification. Valid values: Upgrade, Downgrade. NOTE: The modify_type is required when you execute an update operation.
  • cfw_service - (Removed since v1.209.1) Attribute cfw_service does not support longer, and it has been removed since v1.209.1.
  • spec - (Optional) Current version. Valid values: premium_version, enterprise_version,ultimate_version.
  • cfw_log - (Optional) Whether to use log audit. Valid values: true, false.
  • cfw_log_storage - (Optional) The log storage capacity. It will be ignored when cfw_log = false.
    • premium_version - The valid cfw_log_storage is [1000, 500000] with the step size 1000. Default Value: 1000. Unit: GB.
    • enterprise_version - The valid cfw_log_storage is [3000, 500000] with the step size 1000. Default Value: 3000. Unit: GB.
    • ultimate_version - The valid cfw_log_storage is [5000, 500000] with the step size 1000. Default Value: 5000. Unit: GB.
  • ip_number - (Optional) The number of public IPs that can be protected. Valid values: 20 to 4000.
    • premium_version - The valid cfw_log_storage is [60, 1000] with the step size 1. Default Value: 20.
    • enterprise_version - The valid cfw_log_storage is [60, 1000] with the step size 1. Default Value: 50.
    • ultimate_version - The valid cfw_log_storage is [400, 4000] with the step size 1. Default Value: 400.
  • band_width - (Optional) Public network processing capability. Valid values: 10 to 15000. Unit: Mbps.
    • premium_version - The valid cfw_log_storage is [10, 2000] with the step size 5. Default Value: 10. Unit: Mbps.
    • enterprise_version - The valid cfw_log_storage is [50, 5000] with the step size 5. Default Value: 50. Unit: Mbps.
    • ultimate_version - The valid cfw_log_storage is [200, 15000] with the step size 5. Default Value: 200. Unit: Mbps.
  • fw_vpc_number - (Optional) The number of protected VPCs. It will be ignored when spec = "premium_version". Valid values between 2 and 500.
    • enterprise_version - The valid cfw_log_storage is [2, 200] with the step size 1. Default Value: 2.
    • ultimate_version - The valid cfw_log_storage is [5, 500] with the step size 1. Default Value: 5.
  • instance_count - (Optional) The number of assets.
  • cfw_account - (Optional, Available since v1.209.1, Bool) Whether to use multi-account. Valid values: true, false.
  • account_number - (Optional, Available since v1.209.1, Int) The number of multi account. It will be ignored when cfw_account = false.
    • premium_version - The valid account number is [1, 20].
    • enterprise_version - The valid account number is [1, 50].
    • ultimate_version - The valid account number is [1, 1000].

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • create_time - The creation time.
  • status - The status of Instance.
  • end_time - The end time.
  • release_time - The release time.


Cloud Firewall Instance can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_cloud_firewall_instance.example <id>

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