


This data source provides the Global Accelerator (GA) Endpoint Groups of the current Alibaba Cloud user.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.113.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "region" {
  default = "cn-hangzhou"

variable "name" {
  default = "tf-example"

provider "alicloud" {
  region = var.region

data "alicloud_ga_accelerators" "default" {
  status = "active"

resource "alicloud_ga_bandwidth_package" "default" {
  bandwidth              = 100
  type                   = "Basic"
  bandwidth_type         = "Basic"
  payment_type           = "PayAsYouGo"
  billing_type           = "PayBy95"
  ratio                  = 30
  bandwidth_package_name = var.name
  auto_pay               = true
  auto_use_coupon        = true

resource "alicloud_ga_bandwidth_package_attachment" "default" {
  accelerator_id       = data.alicloud_ga_accelerators.default.ids.0
  bandwidth_package_id = alicloud_ga_bandwidth_package.default.id

resource "alicloud_ga_listener" "default" {
  accelerator_id  = alicloud_ga_bandwidth_package_attachment.default.accelerator_id
  client_affinity = "SOURCE_IP"
  protocol        = "UDP"
  name            = var.name
  port_ranges {
    from_port = "60"
    to_port   = "70"

resource "alicloud_eip_address" "default" {
  bandwidth            = "10"
  internet_charge_type = "PayByBandwidth"
  address_name         = var.name

resource "alicloud_ga_endpoint_group" "default" {
  accelerator_id                = alicloud_ga_listener.default.accelerator_id
  listener_id                   = alicloud_ga_listener.default.id
  description                   = var.name
  name                          = var.name
  threshold_count               = 4
  traffic_percentage            = 20
  endpoint_group_region         = "cn-hangzhou"
  health_check_interval_seconds = "3"
  health_check_path             = "/healthcheck"
  health_check_port             = "9999"
  health_check_protocol         = "http"
  port_overrides {
    endpoint_port = "10"
    listener_port = "60"
  endpoint_configurations {
    endpoint = alicloud_eip_address.default.ip_address
    type     = "PublicIp"
    weight   = "20"

data "alicloud_ga_endpoint_groups" "default" {
  accelerator_id = alicloud_ga_endpoint_group.default.accelerator_id
  ids            = [alicloud_ga_endpoint_group.default.id]

output "first_ga_endpoint_group_id" {
  value = data.alicloud_ga_endpoint_groups.default.groups.0.id

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, List) A list of Endpoint Group IDs.
  • name_regex - (Optional, ForceNew) A regex string to filter results by Endpoint Group name.
  • accelerator_id - (Required, ForceNew) The ID of the Global Accelerator instance to which the endpoint group will be added.
  • listener_id - (Optional, ForceNew) The ID of the listener that is associated with the endpoint group.
  • endpoint_group_type - (Optional, ForceNew) The endpoint group type. Default value: default. Valid values: default, virtual.
  • status - (Optional, ForceNew) The status of the endpoint group. Valid values: active, configuring, creating, init.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • names - A list of Endpoint Group names.
  • groups - A list of Ga Endpoint Groups. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • id - The ID of the Endpoint Group.
    • endpoint_group_id - The endpoint_group_id of the Endpoint Group.
    • listener_id - The ID of the listener that is associated with the endpoint group.
    • endpoint_group_region - The ID of the region where the endpoint group is deployed.
    • name - The name of the endpoint group.
    • description - The description of the endpoint group.
    • health_check_interval_seconds - The interval between two consecutive health checks. Unit: seconds.
    • health_check_path - The path specified as the destination of the targets for health checks.
    • health_check_port - The port that is used for health checks.
    • health_check_protocol - The protocol that is used to connect to the targets for health checks.
    • threshold_count - The number of consecutive failed heath checks that must occur before the endpoint is deemed unhealthy.
    • traffic_percentage - The weight of the endpoint group when the corresponding listener is associated with multiple endpoint groups.
    • endpoint_group_ip_list - (Available since v1.213.1) The list of endpoint group IP addresses.
    • status - The status of the endpoint group.
    • port_overrides - Mapping between listening port and forwarding port of boarding point.
      • endpoint_port - Forwarding port.
      • listener_port - Listener port.
    • endpoint_configurations - The endpointConfigurations of the endpoint group.
      • endpoint - The IP address or domain name of Endpoint N in the endpoint group.
      • probe_protocol - Probe Protocol.
      • probe_port - Probe Port.
      • type - The type of Endpoint N in the endpoint group.
      • weight - The weight of Endpoint N in the endpoint group.
      • enable_clientip_preservation - Indicates whether client IP addresses are reserved.

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