


This data source provides the Ecd Simple Office Sites of the current Alibaba Cloud user.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.140.0+.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

data "alicloud_ecd_simple_office_sites" "default" {
  ids    = ["example_id"]
  status = "REGISTERED"
output "desktop_access_type" {
  value = data.alicloud_ecd_simple_office_sites.default.sites.0.desktop_access_type

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Simple Office Site IDs.
  • name_regex - (Optional, ForceNew) A regex string to filter results by Simple Office Site name.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).
  • status - (Optional, ForceNew) Workspace State. Valid values: REGISTERED,REGISTERING.

Argument Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • names - A list of Simple Office Site names.
  • sites - A list of Ecd Simple Office Sites. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • bandwidth - (Deprecated from 1.142.0) The Internet Bandwidth Peak. It has been deprecated from version 1.142.0 and can be found in the new datasource alicloud_ecd_network_packages.
    • cen_id - Cloud Enterprise Network Instance Id.
    • cidr_block - Workspace Corresponds to the Security Office Network of IPv4 Segment.
    • create_time - Workspace Creation Time.
    • custom_security_group_id - Security Group ID.
    • desktop_access_type - Connect to the Cloud Desktop Allows the Use of the Access Mode of. Possible Values: the Internet: Only Allows the Client to Public Cloud Desktop. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Only Allows in the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in the Client to Connect to the Cloud Desktop. Any: Not by Way of Limitation. Use Client to Connect to the Cloud Desktop When It Is Possible to Choose the Connection.
    • desktop_vpc_endpoint - The Desktop Vpc Endpoint.
    • dns_address - Enterprise Ad Corresponding DNS Address.
    • dns_user_name - Easy-to-Use DNS Name.
    • domain_name - Enterprise of Ad Domain Name.
    • domain_password - Domain of the User Who Will Administer This Target Application Password.
    • domain_user_name - The Domain Administrator's Username.
    • enable_admin_access - Whether to Use Cloud Desktop User Empowerment of Local Administrator Permissions.
    • enable_cross_desktop_access - Enable Cross-Desktop Access.
    • enable_internet_access - (Deprecated from 1.142.0) Whether the Open Internet Access Function.
    • file_system_ids - NAS File System ID.
    • id - The ID of the Simple Office Site.
    • mfa_enabled - Whether to Enable Multi-Factor Authentication MFA.
    • network_package_id - Internet Access ID.
    • office_site_id - The Workspace ID.
    • office_site_type - Workspace Account System Type. Possible Values: Simple: Convenient Account. AD_CONNECTOR: Enterprise Ad Account.
    • simple_office_site_name - The simple office site name.
    • sso_enabled - Whether to Enable Single Sign-on (SSO) for User-Based SSO.
    • sso_status - Whether to Enable Single Sign-on (SSO) for User-Based SSO.
    • status - Workspace State. Possible Values: Registering: Registered in the Registered: Registered.
    • sub_dns_address - AD Subdomain of the DNS Address.
    • sub_domain_name - AD Domain DNS Name.
    • trust_password - AD Trust Password.
    • users - AD User Name Array.
    • vpc_id - Security Office VPC ID.
    • vswitch_ids - The vswitch ids.