


This data source provides CEN Route Maps available to the user.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.87.0+.

Example Usage

data "alicloud_cen_route_maps" "this" {
  cen_id             = "cen-ihdlgo87ai********"
  ids                = ["cen-ihdlgo87ai:cenrmap-bnh97kb3mn********"]
  description_regex  = "datasource_test"
  cen_region_id      = "cn-hangzhou"
  transmit_direction = "RegionIn"
  status             = "Active"

output "first_cen_route_map_id" {
  value = data.alicloud_cen_route_maps.this.maps.0.route_map_id

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cen_id - (Required) The ID of the CEN instance.
  • ids - (Optional) A list of CEN route map IDs. Each item formats as <cen_id>:<route_map_id>.
  • status - (Optional) The status of the route map, including Creating, Active and Deleting.
  • description_regex - (Optional) A regex string to filter CEN route map by description.
  • cen_region_id - (Optional) The ID of the region to which the CEN instance belongs.
  • transmit_direction - (Optional) The direction in which the route map is applied, including RegionIn and RegionOut.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • ids - A list of CEN route map IDs. Each item formats as <cen_id>:<route_map_id>. Before 1.161.0, its element is route_map_id.
  • maps - A list of CEN instances. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • id - The ID of the route map. It formats as <cen_id>:<route_map_id>. Before 1.161.0, it is route_map_id.
    • cen_id - The ID of the CEN instance.
    • description - The description of the route map.
    • status - The status of the route map.
    • cen_region_id - The ID of the region to which the CEN instance belongs.
    • as_path_match_mode - A match statement. It indicates the mode in which the as-path attribute is matched.
    • cidr_match_mode - A match statement. It indicates the mode in which the prefix attribute is matched.
    • community_match_mode - A match statement. It indicates the mode in which the community attribute is matched.
    • community_operate_mode - An action statement. It indicates the mode in which the community attribute is operated.
    • destination_child_instance_types - A match statement that indicates the list of IDs of the destination instances.
    • destination_cidr_blocks - A match statement that indicates the prefix list.
    • destination_instance_ids - A match statement that indicates the list of IDs of the destination instances.
    • destination_instance_ids_reverse_match - Indicates whether to enable the reverse match method of the DestinationInstanceIds match condition.
    • destination_route_table_ids - A match statement that indicates the list of IDs of the destination route tables.
    • map_result - The action that is performed to a route if the route meets all the match conditions.
    • match_asns - A match statement that indicates the As path list.
    • match_community_set - A match statement that indicates the community set.
    • next_priority - The priority of the next route map that is associated with the current route map.
    • operate_community_set - An action statement that operates the community attribute.
    • preference - An action statement that modifies the preference of the route.
    • prepend_as_path - Indicates AS Path prepending when a regional gateway receives or publishes a route.
    • priority - The priority of the route map.
    • route_map_id - The ID of the route map.
    • route_types - A match statement that indicates the list of route types.
    • source_child_instance_types - A match statement that indicates the list of IDs of the source instances.
    • source_instance_ids - A match statement that indicates the list of IDs of the source instances.
    • source_instance_ids_reverse_match - Indicates whether to enable the reverse match method of the SourceInstanceIds match condition.
    • source_region_ids - A match statement that indicates the list of IDs of the source regions.
    • source_route_table_ids - A match statement that indicates the list of IDs of the source route tables.
    • transmit_direction - The direction in which the route map is applied.

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