403 | AccessDenied | The resources doesn't belong to you. | - | 诊断 |
400 | ActionNotSupported | The requested API operation '%s' is incorrect. Please check. | - | 诊断 |
400 | APIVersionNotSupported | The requested API version '%s' is not supported yet. Please check. | - | 诊断 |
409 | ConcurrentUpdateError | Update conflict, please retry. | 所请求资源存在并发写操作。请等待一段时间后再次操作。 | 诊断 |
400 | EntityTooLarge | The payload size exceeds maximum allowed size (%s bytes). | 请求消息体过大。 | 诊断 |
400 | ExecutionAlreadyCompleted | Execution '%s' for flow '%s' has already completed. | - | 诊断 |
400 | ExecutionAlreadyExists | Execution %s for flow %s already exists. | 对应流程下已存在同名执行。 | 诊断 |
404 | ExecutionNotExists | Execution %s for flow %s does not exist. | 所请求资源不存在,请确保流程已创建并存在待查询的执行。 | 诊断 |
409 | FlowAlreadyExists | Flow %s already exists. | 已存在同名流程。 | 诊断 |
404 | FlowNotExists | Flow %s does not exist. | 所请求资源不存在,请确保流程已创建。 | 诊断 |
500 | InternalServerError | An internal error has occurred. Please retry. | 服务器内部错误。请稍后重试。 | 诊断 |
403 | InvalidAccessKeyID | The AccessKey ID %s is invalid. | AccessKey ID无效。 | 诊断 |
400 | InvalidArgument | Parameter error. | 请求参数错误。具体内容请参考实际错误信息。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingRequiredHeader | The HTTP header '%s' must be specified. | 请求所需参数缺失。具体内容请参考实际错误信息。 | 诊断 |
400 | MissingRequiredParams | The HTTP query '%s' must be specified. | 请求所需参数缺失。具体内容请参考实际错误信息。 | 诊断 |
412 | PreconditionFailed | The resource to be modified has been changed. | 资源查看或更新检查失败,该资源可能已被更改。请稍后重试。 | 诊断 |
403 | RequestTimeTooSkewed | The difference between the request time %s and the current time %s is too large. | 您的请求时间不正确,该请求已被识别为无效。请参考通用参数一节。 | 诊断 |
429 | ResourceThrottled | The request is throttled. Please try again later. | 因某些原因系统流量已达瓶颈。请稍后重试。 | 诊断 |
403 | SignatureNotMatch | The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your access key and signing method. | 您发起请求的签名与我们计算不一致,请检查您的签名算法及AccessKey Secret。 | 诊断 |
415 | UnsupportedMediaType | The content type must be "application/json". | 请求消息体类型错误。 | 诊断 |