


开发者可以通过以下代码实例化 RPC 的请求客户端并进行请求

var RPCClient = require('@alicloud/pop-core').RPCClient;

var client = new RPCClient({
  accessKeyId: '<accessKeyId>',
  accessKeySecret: '<accessKeySecret>',
  endpoint: '<endpoint>',
  apiVersion: '<apiVersion>'

// => returns Promise
client.request(action, params);
// co/yield, async/await

// options
client.request(action, params, {
  timeout: 3000, // default 3000 ms
  formatAction: true, // default true, format the action to Action
  formatParams: true, // default true, format the parameter name to first letter upper case
  method: 'GET', // set the http method, default is GET
  headers: {}, // set the http request headers

开发者可以通过以下代码实例化 ROA 的请求客户端并进行请求

var ROAClient = require('@alicloud/pop-core').ROAClient;

var client = new ROAClient({
  accessKeyId: '<accessKeyId>',
  accessKeySecret: '<secretAccessKey>',
  endpoint: '<endpoint>',
  apiVersion: '<apiVersion>'

// => returns Promise
// request(HTTPMethod, uriPath, queries, body, headers, options);
// options => {timeout}
client.request('GET', '/regions');
// co/yield, async/await
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