
Provides an api resource.When you create an API,you must enter the basic information about the API,and define the API request information,the API backend service and response information.For information about Api Gateway ...


接口说明 适用引擎 RDS MySQL RDS PostgreSQL RDS SQL Server RDS MariaDB 相关功能文档 警告 该 API 操作涉及费用,请仔细阅读相关功能文档后再进行操作。RDS MySQL 变更配置 RDS PostgreSQL 变更配置 RDS SQL Server 变更配置 RDS ...


接口说明 适用引擎 RDS MySQL RDS PostgreSQL RDS SQL Server RDS MariaDB 相关功能文档 警告 该 API 操作涉及费用,请仔细阅读相关功能文档后再进行操作。RDS MySQL 变更配置 RDS PostgreSQL 变更配置 RDS SQL Server 变更配置 RDS ...


接口说明 适用引擎 RDS MySQL RDS PostgreSQL RDS SQL Server RDS MariaDB 相关功能文档 警告 该 API 操作涉及费用,请仔细阅读相关功能文档后再进行操作。RDS MySQL 变更配置 RDS PostgreSQL 变更配置 RDS SQL Server 变更配置 RDS ...


接口说明 适用引擎 RDS MySQL RDS PostgreSQL RDS SQL Server RDS MariaDB 相关功能文档 警告 该 API 操作涉及费用,请仔细阅读相关功能文档后再进行操作。RDS MySQL 变更配置 RDS PostgreSQL 变更配置 RDS SQL Server 变更配置 RDS ...


接口说明 适用引擎 RDS MySQL RDS PostgreSQL RDS SQL Server RDS MariaDB 相关功能文档 警告 该 API 操作涉及费用,请仔细阅读相关功能文档后再进行操作。RDS MySQL 变更配置 RDS PostgreSQL 变更配置 RDS SQL Server 变更配置 RDS ...


reg_match:regular the target.If the target is HttpResCode,HttpResBody,or httpressetime,you do not need to specify the target.If the target is HttpResHead,you need to specify the key in the ...

GISV On-cloud Migration Service Content

and the"SAP B1 On-cloud Implementation Report"has been submitted,which includes SAP B1 system migration plans.4.2 Service Catalog Service content:GISV On-cloud Migration Service are targeted at customers’business goals ...

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 产品服务协议-V1.3

Party A shall be entitled to the discounts or other concessions(if any)set forth in this Agreement and the Appendices hereto only under the Alibaba Cloud Account,and no other Alibaba Cloud accounts of Party A(i.e.,Party A ...


you can set new_nat_gateway to"true"to create one automatically.->NOTE:Creating kubernetes cluster need to install several packages and it will cost about 15 minutes.Please be patient.->NOTE:From version 1.9.4,the provider...


WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND,either express or implied.#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and#limitations under the License.kind:ClusterRole apiVersion:rbac.authorization.k8s....


proxy_conn_addrs-(Available in 1.105.0+)The Web UI proxy addresses of the cluster.See ui_proxy_conn_addrs below.zk_conn_addrs-(Available in 1.105.0+)The zookeeper addresses of the cluster.See zk_conn_addrs below.slb_conn_...


Malicious tampering of Web pages will affect your normal access to web page content,and may also lead to serious economic losses,brand losses,and even political risks.The webpage tamper-proof service can monitor the ...


supports the creation of a node pool of spot instance.->NOTE:It is recommended to create a cluster with zero worker nodes,and then use a node pool to manage the cluster nodes.->NOTE:From version 1.127.0,support for adding ...


you must operate on the web console.min_ready_instances-(Optional,Int)The Minimum Available Instance.On the Change Had Promised during the Available Number of Instances to Be.min_ready_instance_ratio-(Optional,Int)Minimum ...


4)Local installation customers need to confirm whether the backup file is complete as soon as possible,and do off-site backup.Customers on the cloud should enable the mirroring function in time.↵ 5)Users who ...


400 ExtensiveAndAllBothExist Extensive domain and the domain begins with all.can not exist at the same time.泛域名与all.开头域名不能同时存在。400 CdnTypeNotSupportExtensiveDomain Extensive domain not supported for this cdn...


通过Zipkin为应用埋点并上报链路数据至 可观测链路 OpenTelemetry 版 后,可观测链路 OpenTelemetry 版 即可开始监控应用,您可以查看应用拓扑、调用链路、异常事务、慢事务和SQL分析等一系列监控数据。本文介绍如何进行手动埋点,以及使用...


通过Zipkin为应用埋点并上报链路数据至 可观测链路 OpenTelemetry 版 后,可观测链路 OpenTelemetry 版 即可开始监控应用,您可以查看应用拓扑、调用链路、异常事务、慢事务和SQL分析等一系列监控数据。本文介绍如何进行手动埋点,以及使用...


API 应用程序编程接口 用户开放API,在API网关录入API,以提供接口的方式对外提供服务或者数据。Group API Group API分组 一组API。用户开放API,首先需要创建API分组 每个API分组拥有一个二级域名,两个Stage 用户需要将已经备案且解析至...


中文 释义 API 应用程序编程接口,是一些预先定义的函数,或指软件系统不同组成部分衔接的约定。API 分组 用于将 API 进行逻辑的分组,同个分组下的 API 使用相同的分组标识做隔离。分组标识 是网关全局的唯一标识,用于定位在访问的 API。...


400 IncorrectVncPassword.Malformed The specified parameter VncPassword must be 6 characters,including uppercase characters,lowercase characters and numbers.-403 IncorrectInstanceStatus The current status of the resource ...


ent_ha、2012_std_ha、2012_web、2014_ent_ha、2014_std_ha、2016_ent_ha、2016_std_ha、2016_web、2017_ent、2017_std_ha、2017_web、2019_ent、2019_std_ha、2019_web、2022_ent、2022_std_ha、2022_web PostgreSQL:10.0、11.0、12.0、...


ent_ha、2012_std_ha、2012_web、2014_ent_ha、2014_std_ha、2016_ent_ha、2016_std_ha、2016_web、2017_ent、2017_std_ha、2017_web、2019_ent、2019_std_ha、2019_web、2022_ent、2022_std_ha、2022_web PostgreSQL:10.0、11.0、12.0、...


ent_ha、2012_std_ha、2012_web、2014_ent_ha、2014_std_ha、2016_ent_ha、2016_std_ha、2016_web、2017_ent、2017_std_ha、2017_web、2019_ent、2019_std_ha、2019_web、2022_ent、2022_std_ha、2022_web PostgreSQL:10.0、11.0、12.0、...


ent_ha、2012_std_ha、2012_web、2014_ent_ha、2014_std_ha、2016_ent_ha、2016_std_ha、2016_web、2017_ent、2017_std_ha、2017_web、2019_ent、2019_std_ha、2019_web、2022_ent、2022_std_ha、2022_web PostgreSQL:10.0、11.0、12.0、...


ent_ha、2012_std_ha、2012_web、2014_ent_ha、2014_std_ha、2016_ent_ha、2016_std_ha、2016_web、2017_ent、2017_std_ha、2017_web、2019_ent、2019_std_ha、2019_web、2022_ent、2022_std_ha、2022_web PostgreSQL:10.0、11.0、12.0、...


Using this data source can enable API gateway service automatically.If the service has been enabled,it will return Opened.For information about API Gateway and how to use it,see What is API Gateway.->NOTE:Available in v1....

Salesforce on Alibaba Cloud 数据处理附录



id-The key of the resource supplied above.Timeouts The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:create-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when create the Web Lock Config.delete-(Defaults to 5 mins)Used when ...


a corresponding ConfigId will be generated,and the ConfigId can be referenced by other functions as a ParentId parameter,in this way,the rule conditions can be combined with the functional configuration to form a more ...


DEPRECATED:This resource has been deprecated and using alicloud_wafv3_instance instead.Provides a WAF Instance resource to create instance in the Web Application Firewall.For information about WAF and how to use it,see ...


接口说明 CreateRouteEntry 接口属于异步接口,即系统会返回一个实例 ID,但该路由的添加尚未完成,系统后台的启动任务仍在进行。您可以调用 DescribeRouteEntryList 查询路由的添加状态:当路由处于 Creating 状态时,表示路由添加中。当...


接口说明 CreateRouteEntry 接口属于异步接口,即系统会返回一个实例 ID,但该路由的添加尚未完成,系统后台的启动任务仍在进行。您可以调用 DescribeRouteEntryList 查询路由的添加状态:当路由处于 Creating 状态时,表示路由添加中。当...


Hangzhou is famous for its green tea,particularly the Longjing tea,which is grown in the surrounding hills.Visitors can learn about the tea-making process and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the tea plantations.4.Xixi ...


Hangzhou is famous for its green tea,particularly the Longjing tea,which is grown in the surrounding hills.Visitors can learn about the tea-making process and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the tea plantations.4.Xixi ...


ForceNew)Name of the accelerated domain.This name without suffix can have a string of 1 to 63 characters,must contain only alphanumeric characters or"-",and must not begin or end with"-",and"-"must not in the 3th and 4th ...


ForceNew)Name of the accelerated domain.This name without suffix can have a string of 1 to 63 characters,must contain only alphanumeric characters or"-",and must not begin or end with"-",and"-"must not in the 3th and 4th ...


type is PrePaid.Valid values:[1-9,12,24,36].At present,the provider does not support modify"period"and you can do that via web console.NOTE:The attribute period is only used to create Subscription instance or modify the ...


in month.It is valid when payment_type is Subscription.Valid values:[1-9,12,24,36].At present,the provider does not support modify"period"and you can do that via web console.NOTE:International station only supports ...
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