Private Zone

Private Zone

Private Link

Private Link

Private Offer 管理

Private Offer 是什么?Private Offer 如何使用?一、Private Offer 是什么 Private Offer是一种定制化的服务,为伙伴提供灵活性和私密性的交易转化能力。使客户能够更好地满足其特定的业务需求和预算要求。通过Private Offer,客户可以与...

Private Offer

Private Offer 管理


Provides a Private Zone Record resource.->NOTE:Terraform will auto Create a Private Zone Record while it uses alicloud_pvtz_zone_record to build a Private Zone Record resource.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_...


This data source provides CEN Private Zones available to the user.->NOTE:Available in v1.88.0+.Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_private_zones""this"{ cen_id="cen-o40h17ll9w*"ids=["cn-hangzhou"]status="Active"} output"first_...


public class IAcsClientUtil { private static String accessKeyId=";private static String secret=";private static String product="Dm;private static String regionId_hangzhou="cn-hangzhou";杭州 private static String ...

使用Java SDK管理投递任务

} private static List<Export>listSinkExportJob()throws LogException { ListExportResponse listExportResponse=client.listExport(new ListExportRequest(project));return listExportResponse.getResults();} private static List...


Type of the Private Zone Record.value-Value of the Private Zone Record.ttl-Ttl of the Private Zone Record.priority-Priority of the Private Zone Record.record_id-RecordId of the Private Zone Record.remark-Remark of the ...


key类型必须是String 以下简称Map Enum byte[]正确的写法为:public class Req { private String s="ss;private int i;private double d;private Long l;private long l1;private boolean b;private List<String>stringList;private List...


score:float=0.0#向量相似度 Java@Data@Builder public class Doc {/主键@NonNull private String id;向量数据@NonNull private Vector vector;稀疏向量数据 private TreeMap,Float>sparseVector;文档自定义字段@Builder.Default private ...


Provides a Private Zone resource.->NOTE:Terraform will auto Create a Private Zone while it uses alicloud_pvtz_zone to build a Private Zone resource.->NOTE:Available since v1.13.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud...


This topic describes how to configure PrivateZone access.PrivateZone is a VPC-based resolution and management service for private domain names.After you set a PrivateZone access,the Cloud Connect Network(CCN)and Virtual ...


This data source lists a number of Private Zones resource information owned by an Alibaba Cloud account.Example Usage data"alicloud_pvtz_zones""pvtz_zones_ds"{ keyword="${alicloud_pvtz_zone.basic.zone_name}"} output"first_...


(Optional)List of secondary private IPs to assign to the ENI.Don't use both private_ips and private_ips_count in the same ENI resource block.private_ips_count-(Optional)Number of secondary private IPs to assign to the ENI....


错误的写法:public class Req { private Map,List<Person>>map;容器类型不能多层嵌套。private List<Map<Person>>list;容器类型不能多层嵌套。private List list1;List 或 Map 必须有泛型信息。private Map map1;List 或 Map 必须有泛型...


ShareContent 分享内容接口:public class ShareContent implements Serializable {/*分享内容*/private String content;分享的图片*/private byte[]image;分享跳转的 URL*/private String url;分享标题*/private String title;分享图片 ...


This data source provides the Mongodb Sharding Network Private Addresses of the current Alibaba Cloud user.->NOTE:Available in v1.157.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_mongodb_sharding_network_private_addresses"...


private final String timeseriesTableName;检索条件.*/private MetaQueryCondition condition;是否返回命中的总行数。private boolean getTotalHits=false;一次返回的时间线个数。private int limit=-1;使用此返回值作为下一次操作的起始...


[ca]default_ca=foo[foo]dir=home/ca database=home/ca/index.txt new_certs_dir=home/ca/newcerts certificate=home/ca/private/ca.crt serial=home/ca/serial private_key=home/ca/private/ca.key RANDFILE=home/ca/private/.rand ...


您也可以根据业务需要,保存到配置文件里/强烈建议不要把 AccessKey 和 AccessKeySecret 保存到代码里,会存在密钥泄漏风险 private static String accessId=System.getenv("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID");private static String ...


Provides a ECS Network Interface resource.For information about ECS Network Interface and how to use it,see What is Network Interface.->NOTE:Available since v1.123.1.->NOTE Only one of private_ip_addresses or secondary_...


Provides a MongoDB Sharding Network Private Address resource.For information about MongoDB Sharding Network Private Address and how to use it,see What is Sharding Network Private Address.->NOTE:Available since v1.157.0....


} 调用云小蜜点赞点踩API@Data@Accessors(chain=true)public static class FeedbackContext { private String messageId;private String feedback;} public void doFeedback(FeedbackContext feedbackContext)throws Exception { Client ...


Provides vpcs bound to Alicloud Private Zone resource.->NOTE:Available since v1.13.0+.->NOTE:Terraform will auto bind vpc to a Private Zone while it uses alicloud_pvtz_zone_attachment to build a Private Zone and VPC ...


服务的输入参数不正确错误码*/private static final String LEDA_ERROR_INVALID_JSON_MSG="Json format invalid;JSON格式错误*/private static final String LEDA_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE_MSG="Param type invalid;参数类型错误*/} Java方法...


服务的输入参数不正确错误码*/private static final String LEDA_ERROR_INVALID_JSON_MSG="Json format invalid;JSON格式错误*/private static final String LEDA_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE_MSG="Param type invalid;参数类型错误*/} Java方法...


对应外部授权 API 的定义标准如下:AuthRequest publicclassAuthRequest{ private Map,String>context;} AuthResponse publicclassAuthResponse{ private boolean success;private Map,String>principal;private Map,String>...


private final String timeseriesTableName;时间线元数据。private List<TimeseriesMeta>metas=new ArrayList();} public class TimeseriesMeta {/*时间线元数据标识。private TimeseriesKey timeseriesKey;时间线元数据属性。private ...

ConfigUdpReflect-配置 UDP 反射攻击防护策略

推荐您封禁以下常见的 UDP 反射攻击的源端口:UDP 17:QOTD 反射攻击 UDP 19:CharGEN 反射攻击 UDP 69:TFTP 反射攻击 UDP 111:Portmap 反射攻击 UDP 123:NTP 反射攻击 UDP 137:NetBIOS 反射攻击 UDP 161:SNMPv2 反射攻击 UDP 389:...


ip-The primary private IP address of the ENI.private_ip_address-A list of secondary private IP address that is assigned to the ENI.private_ips-A list of secondary private IP address that is assigned to the ENI.queue_number...


提交Private Offer 您与客户确认了需求、服务内容、项目价格后,可以在需求详情页提交Private Offer。请选择一种方式操作:在需求详情页面的方案区域,单击添加Private Offer。在新增Private Offer页面,添加需求ID,进行绑定。Private ...


public class StatInfoTest { private static Pattern STAT_INFO_TITLE_PATTERN=Pattern.compile("^STAT_INFO_TITLE:\\s*(.+)\\s*");private static Pattern REDLINE_INFO_PATTERN=Pattern.compile("^REDLINE_ITEM_LINE:\\s*(.+)\\s*");...


SQLite3/SQLite 数据库 firefox_logins:Firefox 登录配置 mailgun_private_token:Mailgun Private 令牌 joomla_cfg:Joomla 配置 hashicorp_terraform_token:Hashicorp Terraform Token jetbrains_ides:Jetbrains IDEs 配置 heroku_api...


您也可以根据业务需要,保存到配置文件里/强烈建议不要把 AccessKey 和 AccessKeySecret 保存到代码里,会存在密钥泄漏风险 private static String accessId=System.getenv("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID");private static String ...


针对端口业务,如果您在DDoS高防配置了UDP端口转发规则,推荐您开启UDP反射攻击防护,DDoS高防实例会直接丢弃指定的UDP反射源端口的流量。本文介绍如何设置UDP反射攻击防护。功能介绍 如果您未在 端口接入 页面添加任何端口转发规则,或者...


}/*获取签名*@param param*@param method*@return*@throws Exception*/private String getSignature(String param,HttpMethod method)throws Exception { String toSign=method+"&"+URLEncoder.encode("/","utf8")+"&"+getUtf8Encoder...


Data@NoArgsConstructor@AllArgsConstructor@Builder(setterPrefix="with")public static class RequestContext { private String accountId;private String domainName;private String domainPrefix;private HttpInfo http;private String...


Using this data source can open Private Zone service automatically.If the service has been opened,it will return opened.For information about Priavte Zone and how to use it,see What is Private Zone.->NOTE:Available in v1....


} private static class ConnectInfo { private String accessToken;private String streamSecret;private String channelId;public String getAccessToken(){ return accessToken;} public void setAccessToken(String accessToken){ this...
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