
This data source provides a list of Route Tables owned by an Alibaba Cloud account.->NOTE:Available in 1.36.0+.Example Usage variable"name"{ default="route-tables-datasource-example-name"} resource"alicloud_vpc""foo"{ cidr...


Provides a VPC Route Table resource.Currently,customized route tables are available in most regions apart from China(Beijing),China(Hangzhou),and China(Shenzhen)regions.For information about VPC Route Table and how to use ...


Provides a route entry resource.A route entry represents a route item of one VPC route table.Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_zones""default"{ available_resource_creation="VSwitch"} data"alicloud_instance_types"...


name="${}"} data"alicloud_route_entries""foo"{ route_table_id="${}"} Argument Reference The following arguments are supported:route_table_id-(Required,ForceNew)The ID of the ...


id="cn-hangzhou" transmit_direction = "RegionIn" status = "Active" } output "first_cen_route_map_id" { value = data.alicloud_cen_route_maps.this.maps.0.route_map_id } Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: cen_id -...


This data source provides CEN Route Entries available to the user.Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_route_entries""entry"{ instance_id="cen-id1"route_table_id="vtb-id1"} output"first_route_entries_route_entry_cidr_block"{ ...


Provides a VPN Route Entry resource.->NOTE:Terraform will build vpn route entry instance while it uses alicloud_vpn_route_entry to build a VPN Route Entry resource.->NOTE:Available since v1.57.0+.For information about VPN ...


This topic provides an overview of the route map function of Cloud Enterprise Networks(CENs).You can use the route map function to filter routes and modify route attributes.By doing so,you can manage the communication ...


ALIYUN:ECS:Route类型用于创建自定义路由条目。语法 {"Type":"ALIYUN:ECS:Route","Properties":{"DestinationCidrBlock":String,"RouteTableId":String,"NextHopId":String,"NextHopType":String,"NextHopList":List } } 属性 属性名称 ...


Provides a CEN route entry resource.Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN)supports publishing and withdrawing route entries of attached networks.You can publish a route entry of an attached VPC or VBR to a CEN instance,then other ...


Provides a VPC Route Table Attachment resource.Routing table associated resource type.For information about VPC Route Table Attachment and how to use it,see What is Route Table Attachment.->NOTE:Available since v1.194.0....


This data source provides CEN Route Service available to the user.->NOTE:Available in v1.102.0+Example Usage Basic Usage data"alicloud_cen_route_services""example"{ cen_id="cen-7qthudw0ll6jmc*"} output"first_cen_route_...


Provides a CEN Route Service resource.The virtual border routers(VBRs)and Cloud Connect Network(CCN)instances attached to Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN)instances can access the cloud services deployed in VPCs through the ...


hop-(Required,ForceNew)The next hop of the policy-based route.publish_vpc-(Required)Whether to issue the destination route to the VPC.route_source-(Required,ForceNew)The source CIDR block of the policy-based route.route_...


The data source lists a number of ...based route.route_dest-The destination CIDR block of the policy-based route.weight-The weight of the policy-based route.Valid values:0 and 100.status-The status of the VPN Pbr Route Entry.


Provides a VPN Gateway Vco Route resource.For information about VPN Gateway Vco Route and how to use it,see What is Vco Route.->NOTE:Available in v1.183.0+.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_cen_instance""default...


cen_region_route_entries""entry"{ instance_id="cen-id1"region_id="cn-beijing" } output "first_region_route_entries_route_entry_cidr_block" { value = "{data.alicloud_cen_region_route_entries.entry.entries.0.cidr_block}"} ...


This data source provides CEN Transit Router Route Tables available to the user.What is Cen Transit Router Route Tables->NOTE:Available in 1.126.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_tables""entry"{ ...


route_table_aggregation_scope-The scope of networks that you want to advertise the aggregate route.route_type-The route type of the aggregate route.transit_route_table_aggregation_name-The name of the aggregate route....


This data source provides CEN Transit Router Route Entries available to the user.What is Cen Transit Router Route Entries->NOTE:Available in 1.126.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_transit_router_route_entries""entry"{ ...


Provides a Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN)Transit Route Table Aggregation resource.For information about Cloud Enterprise Network(CEN)Transit Route Table Aggregation and how to use it,see What is Transit Route Table ...


Provides a CEN transit router route entry resource.What is Cen Transit Router Route Entry->NOTE:Available since v1.126.0.Example Usage Basic Usage provider"alicloud"{ region=...preserved-NODELETING"} resource"random_integer...


Provides a CEN transit router route table resource.What is Cen Transit Router Route Table->NOTE:Available since v1.126.0.Example Usage Basic Usage resource"alicloud_cen_instance""example"{ cen_instance_name="tf_example...


Provides a VPC Gateway Route Table Attachment resource.For information about VPC Gateway Route Table Attachment and how to use it,see What is Gateway Route Table Attachment.->NOTE:Available in v1.194.0+.Example Usage Basic...


Provides a Serverless App Engine(SAE)GreyTagRoute resource.For information about Serverless App Engine(SAE)GreyTagRoute and how to use it,see}.aliyuncs...." "default" { grey_tag_route...


This data source provides CEN Transit Router Route Table Propagations available to the user.What is Cen Transit Router Route Table Propagations->NOTE:Available in 1.126.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_transit_router_...


This data source provides CEN Transit Router Route Table Associations available to the user.What is Cen Transit Router Route Table Associations->NOTE:Available in 1.126.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_transit_router_...


Provides a VPC Gateway Endpoint Route Table Attachment resource.VPC gateway node association route.For information about VPC Gateway Endpoint Route Table Attachment and how to use it,see What is Gateway Endpoint Route ...


Provides a CEN transit router route table association resource.What is Cen Transit Router Route Table Association->NOTE:Available since v1.126.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf_example"} data"alicloud...


Provides a CEN transit router route table propagation resource.What is Cen Transit Router Route Table Propagation->NOTE:Available since v1.126.0.Example Usage Basic Usage variable"name"{ default="tf_example"} data"alicloud...


This data source provides Cen Child Instance Route Entry To Attachment available to the user.What is Child Instance Route Entry To Attachment->NOTE:Available in 1.195.0+Example Usage data"alicloud_cen_child_instance_route_...


Provides a Cen Child Instance Route Entry To Attachment resource.For information about Cen Child Instance Route Entry To Attachment and how to use it,see What is Child Instance Route Entry To Attachment.->NOTE:Available ...

发送消息时返回“MQClientException:No route info of...

问题现象 使用TCP协议SDK发送消息时,云消息队列 RocketMQ 版 服务端返回如下错误:Caused No route info of this topic 可能原因 代码中设置...

卸载云企业网实例中的网络...domain route entry exis

问题描述 在卸载阿里云云企业网实例中的网络实例时,错误码为 InvalidOperation.CustomRegionDomainRouteEntryExist,详细报错如下:Operation is invalid because custom region-domain route entry exist 系统显示类似如下。问题原因 云...


名称 类型 描述 示例值 object 灰度规则:满足灰度规则条件的流量,打向灰度实例。condition string 条件模式:灰度规则项的逻辑运算。取值如下:AND:全部灰度规则项满足则命中。OR:任意一个灰度规则项满足则命中。AND policyItems array ...


无 示例 JSON 格式 {"ROSTemplateFormatVersion":"2015-09-01","Parameters":{"RouteTableName":{"Type":"String","Default":"test123","Description":"The name of the route table."} },"Resources":{"ExtensionDataSource":{"Type":...

自定义 Router

}@Override public List<ProviderInfo>route(SofaRequest request,List<ProviderInfo>providerInfos){ return providerInfos;} } RPC 框架支持通过@Extension 注解来扩展 Router,并且可以覆盖重名的 Router。如需覆盖原有 Router,需将@...


409 InvalidOperation.UnmatchRouteInVpcRegion Operation Failed.Unmatch route in vpc region.vpc地域中的路由不匹配。访问 错误中心 查看更多错误码。变更历史 变更时间 变更内容概要 操作 2022-12-22 OpenAPI 错误码发生变更 看变更集 ...


创建TR防火墙路由规则。调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。调试 授权信息 下表是API对应的授权信息,可以在RAM权限策略语句的 Action 元素中...


获取TR防火墙路由表列表。调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。调试 授权信息 下表是API对应的授权信息,可以在RAM权限策略语句的 Action 元素中...
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