出错提示“OpenSSH configured to use removed ...

本文主要介绍在使用SMC操作系统迁移时,出错提示“OpenSSH configured to use removed ciphers”的问题描述、问题原因及其解决方案。问题描述 在操作系统迁移时,出错提示“OpenSSH configured to use removed ciphers”。问题原因 OpenSSH...

上传或下载OSS文件时...configured on this bucket”错误

问题描述 在使用阿里云对象存储OSS过程中,上传或下载OSS文件时,提示“OSS Transfer Acceleration is not configured on this bucket”错误。问题原因 发生报错的原因如下:您目前使用的Bucket没有配置传输加速,而使用了Bucket的传输加速...


key_auth_parameters below.basic_auth_parameters-(Optional,Set)The parameters that are configured for basic authentication.See basic_auth_parameters below.oauth_parameters-(Optional,Set)The parameters that are configured ...

如何从SBD fence方案迁移到Fence aliyun方案?

Stack:corosync 2 nodes configured 6 resources configured Online:[hana001 hana002]Full list of resources:rsc_sbd(stonith:external/sbd):Started hana001 rsc_vip(ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2):Started hana001 Clone Set:msl_SAPHana_HDB...


attribute on saphana-02 2 nodes configured 6 resources configured Online:[saphana-01 saphana-02]Full list of resources:rsc_sbd(stonith:external/sbd):Started saphana-02 rsc_vip(ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2):Started saphana-02 ...


The trust relationship is being configured.CONFIGTRUSTFAILED:The trust relationship fails to be configured.Argument Reference The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:names-A list of ...


delete_state-(Required,ForceNew)Specifies whether the Auto Delete attribute is configured.Valid values:true:The Auto Delete attribute is configured.If the last queue that is bound to an exchange is unbound,the exchange is ...


{"Type":"Boolean","Description":"Specifies whether the Auto Delete attribute is configured.Valid values:true:The Auto Delete attribute is configured.If the last queue that is bound to an exchange is unbound,the exchange is...


name-(Optional)The name of the region to select,such as eu-central-1.current-(Optional)Set to true to match only the region configured in the provider.output_file-(Optional)File name where to save data source results(after...

ACK CIS加固使用说明

5.2.3 Ensure permissions on SSH private host key files are configured(Scored)扫描脚本有误,ssh_keys 的GID被硬编码为998,但实际系统不一定是998(可能是996等)。5.3.2 Ensure lockout for failed password attempts is configured...


1 cannot be set separately,which means that the port is not limited.->NOTE:When egresrules.N.Protocol is set to ALL or ICMP,this parameter does not need to be configured,indicating that the port is not restricted.priority-...


Otherwise,it means to scan all resources in the specified resource group.NOTE:A maximum of 20 resource type filter can be configured.Block source_tag The source_tag supports the following:resource_tags-(Required)Source ...


ipaddr:The origin is configured using an IP address.domain:The origin is configured using a domain name.oss:The origin is configured using the Internet domain name of an Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service(OSS)bucket.port...


auto_delete_state-(Optional,ForceNew)Specifies whether the Auto Delete attribute is configured.Valid values:true:The Auto Delete attribute is configured.The queue is automatically deleted after the last subscription from ...


} } } 返回结果示例 {"code":"200","data":[{"configured":true,"flowProductAmount":"15G","flowProductId":"ct_group_15G","flowProductName":"定流能服_电信_聚合型_15GB","flowProductPeriod":"day","flowType":"group","operator":"ct...


(ForceNew,Optional)Firewall switch status opened:Enabled.closed:closed.notconfigured:indicates that the VPC boundary firewall is not configured.configured:indicates that the VPC boundary firewall is configured but not ...


status msg 描述 400 IdError,Error Miss parameter bot_id bot_id未传 400 QuestionError,Error Miss parameter question question未传 400 ServiceError,Service not configured bot info.bot 配置不全 400 TableError,Error Table not ...


(Optional,ForceNew)The state of the ACL.Valid values:Provisioning,Available and Configuring.Provisioning:The ACL is being created.Available:The ACL is available.Configuring:The ACL is being configured.tag-(Optional,...


Description DisplayName:Description:It is recommended that you name the workspace based on the business attribute to identify the purpose of the workspace.If not configured,the default value is the workspace name.Value:Fn:...


Status string 证书状态,取值:EXPIRED:已过期 NOT_CONFIGURED:未配置 NO_PASSWORD:未配置密码 OK:正常 REVOKED:已撤销 OK ExipreTime long 证书过期时间。1764561600000 DevelopmentCertInfo object 访问开发环境/沙箱环境的证书...


0C2EE7A8-74D4-4081-8236-CEBDE3BBCF50 示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"Data":[{"InstanceId":"vpc-6eh7fp9hdqa2wv85t*","Description":"desctest","Status":"Configured"}],"Count":20,"Total":1,"RequestId":"0C2EE7A8-74D4-4081-8236-...


{"Type":"String","Description":"The ID of the workspace where the dataset is located.For details about how to obtain the workspace ID,see[ListWorkspaces](~449124~).If this parameter is not configured,the default workspace ...


indicates that the domain name is enabled.offline:indicates that the domain name is disabled.configuring:indicates that the domain name is being configured.configure_failed:indicates that the domain name failed to be ...


2015-09-01","Parameters":{"TransitRouterAttachmentId":{"Type":"String","Description":"The ID of the network instance connection."},"RouteTableId":{"Type":"String","Description":"The ID of the route table configured on the...


registry_credential is configured.server-(Optional)The address of the image repository.It is required when image_registry_credential is configured.username-(Optional)The username used to log on to the image repository.It ...


This data source provides availability zones for FunctionCompute that can be accessed by an Alibaba Cloud account within the region configured in the provider.->NOTE:Available in v1.74.0+.Example Usage#Declare the data ...


DomainHasAdded The domain has been configured.域名已经添加。SourceIpNotYoursError You are not the owner of this origin fetch address.服务器IP不属于您。HttpsCertFormatError The certificate file is malformed.HTTPS证书格式...


is enabled,indicating that VPC firewall can be configured in this region.-disable:indicates that VPC firewall cannot be configured in this region.status-The status of the resource vpc_firewall_id-The ID of the VPC firewall...


This data source provides availability zones for ADB that can be accessed by an Alibaba Cloud account within the region configured in the provider.->NOTE:Available in v1.73.0+.Example Usage#Declare the data source data...


This data source provides availability zones for PolarDB that can be accessed by an Alibaba Cloud account within the region configured in the provider.->NOTE:Available in v1.74.0+.Example Usage#Declare the data source data...


please remove them before migration”出错提示“OpenSSH configured to allow root login”出错提示“Baota is installed”出错提示“Problems with parsing data in/etc/fstab”出错提示“gnome-session is installed”出错提示“python...


InstanceId":{"Type":"String","Description":"The ID of the instance."},"ModuleName":{"Type":"String","Description":"The name of the module in the instance for which a whitelist is configured.Valid values:Registry and Chart...


This data source provides availability zones for Elasticsearch that can be accessed by an Alibaba Cloud account within the region configured in the provider.->NOTE:Available in v1.73.0+.Example Usage#Declare the data ...


This data source provides availability zones for Gpdb that can be accessed by an Alibaba Cloud account within the region configured in the provider.->NOTE:Available in v1.73.0+.Example Usage#Declare the data source data...


This data source provides availability zones for HBase that can be accessed by an Alibaba Cloud account within the region configured in the provider.->NOTE:Available in v1.73.0+.Example Usage data"alicloud_hbase_zones"...


The status of the DHCP options set.Valid values:Available,InUse or Pending.Available:The DHCP options set is available for use.InUse:The DHCP options set is in use.Pending:The DHCP options set is being configured.associate...


Coredump settings has been configured successfully.示例 正常返回示例 JSON 格式 {"RequestId":"89945DD3-9072-47D0-A318-353284CFC7B","Result":"Coredump settings has been configured successfully."} 错误码 HTTP status code 错误...


indicates that the domain name is being configured.configure_failed-indicates that the domain name failed to be configured.checking-indicates that the domain name is under review.check_failed-indicates that the domain name...


Configured service account doesn't have access.Service account may have been revoked.pods"job-*-taskmanager-2-5"is forbidden:exceeded quota:resourcequota,requested:limits.memory=5Gi,used:limits.memory=39424Mi,limited:...


This data source provides availability zones for mongoDB that can be accessed by an Alibaba Cloud account within the region configured in the provider.->NOTE:Available in v1.73.0+.Example Usage#Declare the data source data...
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