HSF启动时提示Can't assign requested address

java.net.BindException: Can't assign requested address 问题原因 服务端端口与实际启动的端口不一致,导致获取当前IP地址和端口失败。解决方案 登录 EDAS控制台。在左侧导航栏,单击 应用管理>应用列表,在顶部菜单栏选择地域,并在页面...

Dataphin集成任务报错“ORA-01013:user requested ...

问题描述 用户使用离线管道同步任务时,任务报错“ORA-01013:user requested cancel of current operation.”。问题原因 Oracle数据库表被锁,导致任务不能正常执行。解决方案 使用有解锁权限的用户,解锁即可。查看被锁住的session,SQL...

使用通道服务消费...Requested stream data is already ...

现象 使用通道服务消费数据时出现如下错误:[ErrorCode]:OTSTunnelServerUnavailable,[Message]:OTSTrimmedDataAccess Requested stream data is already trimmed or does not exist.原因 长时间未拉取数据,Stream日志过期。说明 Stream...

listener does not ...requested in connect desc

问题描述 Dataphin连接Oracle数据源报错 'ORA-12514,TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor'。问题原因 该问题出现的原因极有可能是修改了IP导致的。解决方案 需要配合数据库管理员排查下,...

Cannot assign requested address报错

本文介绍当客户端通过短连接访问Redis实例时,报错 Cannot assign requested address 的解决方案。问题原因 该报错通常出现在客户端使用PHP-FPM与PhpRedis组合的架构中,这种架构在高并发场景时,处于TIME-WAIT状态下的TCP连接数较多,客户...


问题描述 Dataphin管道任务将数据同步到Oracle数据库选择表之后报错“获取元数据失败SQLTimeoutException:ORA-01013:user requested cancel of current operation”。问题原因 根据报错“ORA-01013:user requested cancel of current ...

Quick BI符号地图符号类型选择图片,输入链接时不生效...

问题原因 打开控制台发现,存在错误提示“has been blocked by CORS policy:No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.”。这是存在跨域问题。解决方案 使用阿里云OSS下载文件时,如果是采用AJAX方式...

StartSparkSQLEngine-启动Spark SQL引擎

404 Spark.App.ContentNotFound The requested content%s of the Spark application is not found.找不到指定Spark作业的提交内容。404 Spark.App.NotFound The Spark application%s is not found.未能找到输入的 Spark App。404 Spark....


}-(void)broadcastPaused {/User has requested to pause the broadcast.Samples will stop being delivered.}-(void)broadcastResumed {/User has requested to resume the broadcast.Samples delivery will resume.}-(void)...


404 Spark.App.ContentNotFound The requested content%s of the Spark application is not found.找不到指定Spark作业的提交内容。404 Spark.App.NotFound The Spark application%s is not found.未能找到输入的 Spark App。404 Spark....


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


Send OTP_REQUESTED intent to WhatsApp Intent intentToWhatsApp=new Intent();intentToWhatsApp.setPackage(packageName);intentToWhatsApp.setAction("com.whatsapp.otp.OTP_REQUESTED");WA will use this to verify the identity of ...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 OutOfStock The requested resource is sold out in the specified zone,try other types of resources or other regions and zones.请求的资源库存不足,请尝试其他类型资源,或者其他可用区,或者其他区域。400 QuotaExceeded ...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


404 Spark.App.ContentNotFound The requested content%s of the Spark application is not found.找不到指定Spark作业的提交内容。404 Spark.Log.PodLogNotFound Can't find logs of the pod by podName[%s]in the namespace[%s].无法通过...


charset=utf-8 Content-Length:35 Connection:close Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*Access-Control-Allow-Methods:POST,GET,OPTIONS Access-Control-Allow-Headers:X-Requested-With,X-Sequence,_aop_secret,_aop_signature Access-Control...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


错误码 HTTP status code 错误码 错误信息 描述 操作 403 AccessDenied The resources doesn't belong to you.-诊断 400 ActionNotSupported The requested API operation '%s' is incorrect.Please check.-诊断 400 API...


RUNNING","StateChangeReason":{"Code":"OutOfStock","Message":"The requested resource is sold out in the specified zone,try other types of resources or other regions and zones."},"PaymentType":"PayAsYouGo",...

PreloadSparkAppMetrics-预加载Spark App指标数据

404 Spark.App.ContentNotFound The requested content%s of the Spark application is not found.找不到指定Spark作业的提交内容。404 Spark.ObjectNotFound The object is not found.More information:%s 操作对象不存在。关联信息:%s。...


404 Spark.App.ContentNotFound The requested content%s of the Spark application is not found.找不到指定Spark作业的提交内容。404 Spark.Log.PodLogNotFound Can't find logs of the pod by podName[%s]in the namespace[%s].无法通过...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 OutOfStock The requested resource is sold out in the specified zone,try other types of resources or other regions and zones.请求的资源库存不足,请尝试其他类型资源,或者其他可用区,或者其他区域。400 QuotaExceeded ...


400 InvalidAction The action%s requested is invalid.不合法的Action。400 InvalidParameter The specified parameter%s is not valid.参数错误。400 InvalidParameterValue The input parameter%s is invalid or out of range.参数值...


400 Spark.Config.InvalidHostAliasConfig The requested host alias parameter%s is invalid.Example: localhost local 域名映射配置错误。400 Spark.Config.InvalidLogOssPath The OSS address for log storage is illegal:%s ...
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