通过 Pod 接入的项目编译时出现 APOpenSSL' does not ...

错误描述 通过 Pod 方式接入的 mPaaS iOS 工程项目,在编译时遭遇错误:ld:'/Users/xxx/Documents/xxx_project/Pods/APOpenSSL/APOpenSSL.framework/APOpenSSL' does not contain bitcode.You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled(Xcode ...

出错提示“Anolis OS does not provide i686 packages...

问题描述 在操作系统迁移时,出错提示“Anolis OS does not provide i686 packages,please remove them before migration”。问题原因 Anolis或Alibaba Linux及其衍生版本不再提供i686的软件包,如果待迁移的操作系统存在i686的软件包,...

DMS登录RDS数据库时报“The ...does not exist”的错误

The user specified as a definer('user'@'a.b.c.d')does not exist 问题原因 登录所使用的账号不存在,该问题仅发生在RDS数据库代理模式(原高安全模式)下。解决方案 阿里云提醒您:如果您对实例或数据有修改、变更等风险操作,务必注意...

FUNCTION db_name.asText does not exist

问题描述 MySQL8.0 使用asText函数报错,ERROR 1305(42000):FUNCTION db_name.asText does not exist 解决方案 asText()在MySQL8.0已经弃用,使用 ST_AsText()函数替代,如 select ST_asText(字段名)from 表名;适用范围:MySQL 8.0

视频直播创建直播录制索引文件...does not exist”错误

阿里云视频直播调用CreateLiveStreamRecordIndexFiles接口创建直播录制索引文件时,提示“Speicified stream does not exist”错误的原因是直播流不存在,请您确认直播流是否正确。详情请参见 创建直播录制索引文件。适用于 视频直播

The OSS Access Key Id you provided does not exist...

问题描述 Dataphin连接OSS数据源报错:"The OSS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records。问题原因 数据源中AK配置错误导致的。解决方案 更正AK后,就可以正常连接了。适用于 Dataphin 公共云

云数据库Redis申请...does not support operations”错误

问题描述 阿里云云数据库Redis申请公网连接地址时,提示“Current engine version does not support operations”错误,无法申请Redis公网连接地址。问题原因 实例的小版本过低,不支持开启公网连接地址。解决方案 请尝试升级Redis实例小...

Quick BI数据集保存报错:...WEEK does not exist

问题描述 将日期字段的周类型"开始于周一"修改为"开始于周五",保存数据集报错:"null:INTERNAL:com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: FUNCTION wy_mysql_for_dp_dev.QBI_WEEK does not exist。问题原因 该数据集...

在调用云呼叫中心的...does not exist in instance XXX”

问题描述 RAM用户在调用阿里云云呼叫中心的API服务接口时提示“User XXX does not exist in instance XXX”。问题原因 该RAM用户在云呼叫实例中不存在。解决方案 请将提示中对应的RAM账号导入到对应提示的云呼叫的实例中,具体操作如下:...

OSS服务端签名后直...does not exist in our records.”...

问题描述 通过 服务端签名后直传...Code>InvalidAccessKeyId</Code><Message>The OSS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.</Message><RequestId>60AE1FFE8CFD483135961F65</RequestId><HostId>BucketName.oss-...

使用通道服务消费数据时报错...does not exist

现象 使用通道服务消费数据时出现如下错误:[ErrorCode]:OTSTunnelServerUnavailable,[Message]:OTSTrimmedDataAccess Requested stream data is already trimmed or does not exist.原因 长时间未拉取数据,Stream日志过期。说明 Stream...

报错信息“operator does not exist:text/bigint”

问题描述 本文主要介绍如何解决Qucik BI使用数据集新建字段报错“operator does not exist:text/bigint”。问题原因 从该报错中可以看到新创建的数据集使用的是除法,用text类型的数据除以bigint类型的数据,数据类型不一致。解决方案 可以...

收到The Access Key ID does not exist的

函数Context参数中提供了访问云资源的临时密钥,包含AccessKey ID、AccessKey Secret及Security Token,如果遗漏了Security Token,会收到 The Access Key ID does not exist 的报错。以下是在Python函数中访问OSS代码的示例。import json ...

LC_UA_ACCOUNT"does not exist”

问题描述 Quick BI的数据集切换报错表名不存在:“relation"public.S_LC_UA_ACCOUNT"does not exist”。问题原因 因为切换之前选择的ADB数据库的表名是大写,切换之后在holo数据源中,也是按照大写表名匹配。解决方案 在切换的表时使用小写...

报错“ODPS-0123111:format string does not match ...

问题描述 用户在制作报表是,需要将日期类似的字符串数据转换成想要的日期格式数据,但是报错“ODPS-0123111:format string does not match datetime string”。问题原因 1.to_date函数的格式和表数据格式不一样,例如to_date的格式为yyyy-...

12514,TNS:listener does not currently know of ...

问题描述 Dataphin连接Oracle数据源报错 'ORA-12514,TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor'。问题原因 该问题出现的原因极有可能是修改了IP导致的。解决方案 需要配合数据库管理员排查下,...

Dataphin集成同步...does not match the signature you

问题描述 Dataphin集成同步任务从OSS到MaxCompute报错“The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided.Check your key and signing method”。问题原因 用户是专有云环境,专有云环境OSS需要配置cname...

收到The Access Key ID does not exist的

函数Context参数中提供了访问云资源的临时密钥,包含AccessKey ID、AccessKey Secret及Security Token,如果遗漏了Security Token,会收到 The Access Key ID does not exist 的报错。以下是在Python函数中访问OSS代码的示例。import json ...

代码运行报错“File does not exist:hdfs:/domain_...

问题描述 Dataphin项目绑定的计算引擎为CDH6,代码运行报错“Execution Error,return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.mr.MapRedTask.File does not exist:hdfs:/domain_name:PORT/user/yarn/mapreduce/mr-framework/3.0.0-cdh...

页面提示:“NoSuchKey.The specified key does not ...

问题症状 开发者在完成基本接入后打开 H5 应用失败,容器页面显示错误信息“NoSuchKey.The specified key does not exist…”,如下图:错误样例:<Error><Code>NoSuchKey</Code><Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>...

使用STS临时访问...does not exist in our records”错

问题描述 通过STS服务给其他用户颁发一个临时访问凭证,在使用临时访问凭证在规定时间内访问OSS资源时,提示“The OSS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records”错误。问题原因 使用STS临时访问凭证访问OSS时发生该报错...


SignatureDoesNotMatch:The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided.Check your key and signing method 问题原因 使用OSS的API接口或SDK时,客户端需要携带签名信息与OSS服务端进行校验,若客户端...


问题描述 Dataphin将OSS文件通过管道任务同步到MaxCompute,运行报错“Unable to execute HTTP request: The specified key does not exist”。完整的报错信息如下:2023-02-02 16:28:29.468[0-0-0-reader]INFO oss-[Server]Unable to ...

Quick BI数据集日期周字段设置周类型‘开始于周五’后...

问题描述 Quick BI数据集日期周字段设置周类型‘开始于周五’后,数据集刷新预览报错“FUNCTION sparkxbom.QBI_WEEK does not exist”是什么原因?问题原因 使用了自定义周,但是没有在数据源里注册该函数。解决方案 下载注册函数脚本。在...


Code>SignatureDoesNotMatch</Code><Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided.Check your key and signing method.</Message><RequestId>61838892DB1A73BEC31497B1</RequestId>...


a backup job exists.403 InvalidBackupId.NotFound The BackupId provided does not exist in our records.404 OperationDenied.NotFoundBackup The operation is not permitted due to no backup.403 OperationDenied.BackupStatus The ...


a backup job exists.403 InvalidBackupId.NotFound The BackupId provided does not exist in our records.404 OperationDenied.NotFoundBackup The operation is not permitted due to no backup.403 OperationDenied.BackupStatus The ...


a backup job exists.403 InvalidBackupId.NotFound The BackupId provided does not exist in our records.404 OperationDenied.NotFoundBackup The operation is not permitted due to no backup.403 OperationDenied.BackupStatus The ...


a temp instance exists.403 Forbidden.Authentication The operation is forbidden by Aliyun Realname Authentication System.403 IncorrectDBInstanceConnType Current DB instance conn type does not support this operation.404 ...


诊断 404 InvalidAccessGroup.NotFound The specified AccessGroup does not exist.您指定的权限组不存在或已删除。诊断 400 InvalidAccessGroup.NotsupportedIPv6 The access group does not support IPv6.该权限组不支持IPv6。诊断 404 ...


诊断 404 InvalidAccessGroup.NotFound The specified AccessGroup does not exist.您指定的权限组不存在或已删除。诊断 400 InvalidAccessGroup.NotsupportedIPv6 The access group does not support IPv6.该权限组不支持IPv6。诊断 404 ...


诊断 409 AliasAlreadyExists alias%s of service%s already exists 同名的别名已经存在 诊断 404 AliasNotFound alias%s of service%s does not exist 所请求的别名不存在 诊断 404 AsyncConfigNotExists AsyncConfig for%s:%s does not ...


诊断 404 Forbidden.DBNodeClass The DB cluster provided does not support MPP due to node class.-诊断 404 Forbidden.DBNodeNumber The DB cluster provided does not support MPP due to the readonly node number.-诊断 403 ...


查询的message不存在 400 InvalidParameter The specified thread has been deleted or does not exist.Thred不存在 400 InvalidParameter The specified assistant file has been deleted or does not exist.指定的AssistantFile不存在 ...


404 InvalidDbName.NotFound The Drds DbName provided does not exist in our records.数据库不存在。404 InvalidParameter.Mismatch The specified parameter does not match.参数错误。400 InvalidDbname.MalFormed The specified db ...


NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration The specified bucket does not have a website configuration 问题原因:目标Bucket未配置静态网站托管。解决方案:请为目标Bucket配置静态托管。详情请参见 静态网站托管概述。NoSuchBucketObjectTagging The...


提供的实例信息不存在 诊断 404 InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFound 提供的实例信息不存在 诊断 404 InvalidRegionId.NotFound The RegionId provided does not exist in our records.-诊断 404 InvalidZoneId.NotFound The ZoneId provided ...


诊断 400 SYSTEM.SALE_VALIDATE_NO_SPECIFIC_CODE_FAILED Order count greater than then quota-诊断 400 InvalidRenewalDuration.NotFound The specified duration does not exist.-诊断 400 InvalidRenewalDuration.Format The specified...


诊断 400 SYSTEM.SALE_VALIDATE_NO_SPECIFIC_CODE_FAILED Order count greater than then quota-诊断 400 InvalidRenewalDuration.NotFound The specified duration does not exist.-诊断 400 InvalidRenewalDuration.Format The specified...


404 InvalidAppId.NotFound The specified AppId does not exist.指定的AppId不存在。400 InvalidApplication.NotFound The current application does not exist.找不到当前应用。400 InvalidChangeOrder.NotFound The current change ...
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