AIRec 的错误码如下表,您可以根据接口返回的错误码和错误信息来排查问题。
错误码 | HTTP 状态码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
ValidationError | 400 | An error occurred while validating | 校验失败 |
NotExistIndustry | 400 | The industry name does not exist | 没有此行业名称 |
CurrentIndustryNotSupportThisScene | 400 | The current industry does not support the specified scenario | 当前指定的行业信息不支持指定的场景 |
CanNotModifyIndustry | 400 | The industry information of the instance cannot be modified | 实例的行业信息不能修改 |
MustSelectIndustry | 400 | You must specify the industry | 行业信息必须指定 |
NameFormatError | 400 | The instance name is invalid. The instance name must be 0 to 30 characters in length and can contain underscores (_) and hyphens (-). It must start with a letter, number, or Chinese character | 名称不符合规范,长度为0-30个字符,以大小字母,数字或中文开头,可包含“_”或“-” |
UpdateInfoCanNotBeNull | 400 | You must specify the data to be modified | 请指定要修改的信息 |
UpdateInfoContainIllegalProperties | 400 | An attribute is invalid | 要修改的信息包含非法属性 |
ReleasePrepaidInstancePermissionDenied | 400 | Permission denied to remove instance | 禁止删除预付费实例 |
ChargeTypeError | 400 | The instance billing method is invalid | 实例付费类型错误 |
UnsupportedOrderType | 400 | The order type is not supported | 不支持的订单类型 |
EmptyPurchasesInfo | 400 | The order information is empty | 空订单 |
MustModifyQuota | 400 | You must specify the quota | 修改的配额信息不能为空 |
UnsupportedRefundType | 400 | The refund type is not supported | 不支持的退款类型 |
MixNumberExceeded | 400 | The number of asset mix types has exceeded the system limit | 混排配置个数超过系统限制 |
MixDependencyViolation.DataSetTrainingNotSucceed | 400 | Mix types can be created only if the data version passes the validation | 必须有成功的数据版本才能创建混排 |
InvalidMixSetting | 400 | The mix setting is invalid | 无效的混排配置 |
DiversifyNumberExceeded | 400 | The number of asset categories has exceeded the system limit | 打散配置个数超过系统限制 |
DiversifyDependencyViolation.DataSetTrainingNotSucceed | 400 | Asset categories can be created only if the data version passes the validation | 必须有成功的数据版本才能创建打散 |
DataSourceTableNotMatch | 400 | The data source table is not the specified table, what we need is user, item or behavior | 数据源必须包含用户表、物品表、行为表三张表 |
DataSourceTableNameIncorrect | 400 | The specified table name is invalid | 指定的表名不正确 |
InvalidDataSourceType | 400 | The data source type is invalid | 错误的数据源类型 |
DataSourceUnavailable | 400 | An error occurred while validating the data source, error infomation: %data% | 数据源校验失败,错误信息:%data% |
MissingPartition | 400 | The partition field is mandatory for this table | 未指定数据表分区 |
InvalidDataSourceTimestamp | 400 | The time when data starts to be replicated to MaxCompute is invalid. Modify the timestamp of the data source | 错误的ODPS时间戳,请修改数据源的时间戳 |
InvalidDataSourceTableField | 400 | An error occurred while validating the data source table field, error infomation: %data% | 数据源表字段校验失败,错误信息:%data% |
DataSetVersionNumExceeded | 400 | The number of dataset versions has exceeded the system limit | 数据集版本个数超过系统限制 |
OperationNotAllowedInState | 400 | Access denied in this dataset state | 当前数据集状态,不允许此操作 |
DataSetRemoveForbidden | 400 | The dataset cannot be deleted because it is still in use. | 当前数据集在线上提供服务,禁止删除 |
InvalidSchemaId | 400 | The schema ID is invalid | 错误的schema ID |
InvalidIndustry | 400 | The industry name is invalid | 错误的行业名称 |
InvalidQuota.QPS | 400 | The value of QPS has exceeded the system limit | 您指定的QPS配额不在系统允许范围之内 |
InvalidQuota.UserCount | 400 | The specified number of documents of the user table has exceeded the system limit | 您指定的user表文档数的配额不在系统允许范围之内 |
InvalidQuota.ItemCount | 400 | The specified number of documents of the item table has exceeded the system limit | 您指定的item表文档数的配额不在系统允许范围之内 |
InvalidQuota.InstanceId | 400 | You must specify the instance ID | 未指定实例ID |
QuotaQpsValueIllegal | 400 | The value of QPS in quota information is invalid | 配额信息QPS值非法 |
QuotaUserCountValueIllegal | 400 | The value of document quantity of the user table in the quota information is invalid | 配额信息user表文档数的值非法 |
QuotaItemCountValueIllegal | 400 | The value of document quantity of the item table in the quota information is invalid. | 配额信息item表文档数的值非法 |
QuotaItemCountBaseUnit | 400 | The value of document quantity of the item table in the quota information is not an integer multiple of 1000000 | 配额信息item表文档数的值不是1000000的整数倍 |
QuotaUserCountBaseUnit | 400 | The value of document quantity of the user table in the quota information is not an integer multiple of 1000000 | 配额信息user表文档数的值不是1000000的整数倍 |
EmptyDocument | 400 | The submitted document is empty | 您提交的文档为空 |
InvalidTableName | 400 | The specified table name is invalid | 您指定的表名称不正确 |
QuotaExceeded.DocCountQuota | 400 | The number of documents has exceeded your quota, please upgrade the instance’s quota | 当前文档数已经超过您的配额,请扩容后操作 |
DocumentNumberExceeded | 400 | The number of documents has exceeded system limit, please reduce the document number | 当前文档数已经超过系统限制,请减少文档数 |
InvalidJson | 400 | Invalid json format | 错误的JSON格式 |
QuotaExceeded.QPSQuota | 400 | The recommend QPS has exceeded the QPS quota | 您的推荐请求QPS已经超过当前实例QPS配额,请扩容后操作 |
RequestBodyInvalid | 400 | The request body is illegal | 请求正文不合法 |
UserNotLogin | 401 | The user is not logged in | 用户未登录 |
InstanceExpiredOrInArrears | 403 | The instance has expired or has stopped running due to overdue payment. Renew the instance and try again | 实例已过期或欠费停服,请您续费后再进行操作 |
InstanceNotExist | 404 | The instance id provided does not exist in our records | 您指定的实例不存在 |
MixNotFound | 404 | The specified asset mix does not exist | 您指定的混排配置不存在 |
DiversifyNotFound | 404 | The specified asset category does not exist | 您指定的打散配置不存在 |
DataSourceNotFound | 404 | The specified data source does not exist | 您指定的数据源不存在 |
DataSetNotExist | 404 | The specified dataset does not exist | 您指定的数据集不存在 |
RequestBodyTooLarge | 413 | The size of the request body that you submitted has exceeded the system limit | 您本次提交的body信息超过系统限制 |
InternalServerError | 500 | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure | 服务器内部错误 |
CreateInstanceFail | 500 | An error occurred while creating the instance | 创建实例失败 |
RemoveInstanceFail | 500 | An error occurred while deleting the instance | 删除实例失败 |
UpdateInstanceFail | 500 | An error occurred while updating the instance | 修改实例失败 |
UpgradeInstanceFail | 500 | An error occurred while upgrading the instance | 实例扩容失败 |
FetchQuotaError | 500 | An error occurred while retrieving the quota information | 获取配额信息失败 |
RegisterQuotaError | 500 | An error occurred while registering the quota information | 注册配额信息失败 |
GetUserFail | 500 | An error occurred while geting the user info | 获取用户信息失败 |