



HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
400DomainNotExistdomain not exist.-诊断
400DomainExistdomain is already exist.-诊断
400WebRulePortDenyWeb rule port is deny.-诊断
400InvalidParameter.JSONErrorIncorrect JSON format.-诊断
400ExceedFuncSpecExceeds the func spec of the instalice.-诊断
400ExceedNoStardardPortfunc spec no stardard port limit.-诊断
400InvalidWebRuleinvalid Web rule.-诊断
400ExceedFuncSpecout of specification.-诊断
400NetworkRuleExistnetwork rule port is exist.-诊断
400NetworkRuleConflictnetwork rule conflict.-诊断
400ExceedWebRuleLimitreach site limit in spec.-诊断
400ExceedNetworkRuleLimitreach port limit in spec.-诊断
400InvalidDomaininvalid domain.-诊断
400UnBlackholeLimitblockhole water level limit.-诊断
400InvalidIpinvalid ip or ipnet, please check-诊断
400DomainOwnerErrordomain belong to other user.-诊断
400InvalidParamsno authority to do request.-诊断
400SchedulerNameConflictScheduler name Conflict.-诊断
400InvalidParamsillegal param.-诊断
400CcRuleExistcc rule exist.-诊断
400DomainExistdomain exist in other account.-诊断
400CDNDomainExistcdn domain is exist.-诊断
400IpBlackholingip blackhole event not end.-诊断
400InvalidSwitchrecord is the last in default line, invalid to switch to inactive.-诊断
400ParamsConflictrecord type,value_type,line or region_id conflict.-诊断
400InvalidParamsinvalid params in request.-诊断
400CertNotUploadCert not upload,plz upload cert first.-诊断
500UnkownErrorunknown error.-诊断
400SelbCallFailedselb central remote call failed.-诊断
400ddos_layer73417domain https extend config without https proxy.-诊断
400ddos_layer73418domain http2https config invalid, https proxy port 443 not exis.-诊断
400ddos_layer73422domain https proxy delete but https_ext config exist.-诊断
400ddos_layer73423domain http2https config without http proxy.-诊断
400DashboardParamErrorRequired parameters cannot be empty.-诊断
400TooManyRstoo many rs in domain.-诊断
400InvalidJsonParamdecoding json failed.-诊断
400ddos_layer763101No CNAME exists.-诊断
400ddos_coop3004The specified action is invalid-诊断
400ddos_coop3304The specified origin server IP is invalid-诊断
400ddos_coop3006An error occurred while querying the database-诊断
400ddos_coop3301Cannot find the specified instance-诊断
400ddos_layer763103Failed to create the rule-诊断
400NoDomainExistdomain not exist-诊断
400ddos_layer73424domain http2https config config with websocket proxy-诊断
400SetL7DefenseErrorremote call L7 defense failed-诊断
400QueryDbFailedquery db failed-诊断
400CustomHeaderNotValidcustom header format error or length is too long-诊断
400DomainRemarkValidremark is empty or length too long-诊断
400ReservedValueNotEmptyvalue of reserved header should be empty-诊断
400NoReservedValueEmptyvalue of no reserved header should not be empty-诊断
400DomainAbnormalStatusdomain in abnormal status, may be punished-诊断
400NetworkRuleExistNetwork rule port is exist.-诊断
400InstanceNotExistInstance not exist.-诊断
400anycast_controller3302reache port limit in spec.-诊断
400anycast_controller3306forwarding rules already exist.-诊断
400anycast_controller3006record query failure.-诊断
400ExceedPortNumberudp reflect source ports number reached limit.-诊断
400EngineParamErrorThe same CC rules exist.-诊断
400InvalidCacheRuleFormatThe cache rule format error.-诊断
400InvalidCacheRuleNuminvalid cache rule num.-诊断
400InvalidCacheRuleModeinvalid cache rule mode.-诊断
400DuplicateCacheRuleNameduplicate cache rule name.-诊断
400DuplicateCnameduplicate cname.-诊断
400ddos_global3440Defense instance num is out of limit.-诊断
400ddos_global3441Error when create defense instance.-诊断
400ddos_global3442Defense instance not belong to you.-诊断
400ddos_global3443Error when delete defense instance.-诊断
400ddos_global3444Error when search defense instance.-诊断
400ddos_global3445The defense instance is not exist.-诊断
400ddos_global3446The defense instance global attr error.-诊断
400ddos_global3447Call l7 proxy error.-诊断
400ddos_global3448Query instance lb error.-诊断
400ddos_coop3320Primary rs can is empty.-诊断
400ddos_coop3321Secondary rs is empty.-诊断
400ddos_coop3322The current valid source address is empty.-诊断
400ddos_coop3323The active/standby mode is incorrect.-诊断
400ddos_coop3324The valid source address group can only be active or standby.-诊断
400ddos_coop3325Note Format is incorrect or the limit is exceeded.-诊断
400QpsReachLimitops qps reach the limit, can not enable elastic qps-诊断
400OverseasQpsReachLimitops qps reach the limit, can not enable elastic qps-诊断
400NoSupportOperationIpv6 no support open elastic qps-诊断
400ErrDdosSpecLimitError ddos spec limit.规格超限诊断
400InternalParamErrorout of range.参数不合法诊断
400ParamErrorout of range.参数不合法诊断