


在对 BatchCompute API 进行访问时,不同请求可能会返回不同的错误码,如下是所有公共的错误码。

状态码 错误码 错误信息
400 InvalidJsonFormat The request body has an invalid json format.
400 BadDAG It is a cyclic dag.
400 InvalidUrlPattern Specified url pattern contains some illegal words.
400 MethodNotAllowed The request http method is not supported for this resource.
400 Missing {Parameter Name} {Parameter Name} is mandatory for this action.
400 Invalid {Parameter Name} Specified parameter {Parameter Name} is not valid. {Message}.
400 IdempotentTokenMismatch Specified idempotent token mismatch.
403 InvalidVersion.NotFound Specified version is not found.
403 InvalidResource.AlreadyExisting Specified resource already exists.
403 InvalidQueryString {Message}.
403 InvalidHttpBody {Message}.
403 QuotaExhausted The {QuotaName} ({Value}) quota is exhausted.
403 Forbidden User not authorized to operate on the specified resource.
404 InvalidResource.NotFound Specified resource is not found.
409 StateConflict User operation is invalid. The current resource state is {State}.
500 InternalError The request processing has been failed due to some unknown error.