您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
InsertWay | string | 是 | 预热文件上传方式,支持文本框和 OSS 方式上传。 | oss |
Name | string | 是 | 定时预热任务名称。 | example |
OssUrl | string | 否 | 定时预热 OSS 文件,填入 OSS 的文件地址。 注意:OSS 文件中是您需要预热的 URL。 | https://xxxobject.oss-cn-reginon.aliyuncs.com/9d91_xxxxxxxxxxx_158bb6e0f97c477791209bb46bd599f7 |
SiteId | long | 是 | 站点 ID,可通过调用 ListSites 接口获取。 | 190007158391808 |
UrlList | string | 否 | 需要预热的 URL 列表,文本框方式上传预热文件时使用。 | http://testurl.com/a.txt http://testurl.com/b.txt |
"RequestId": "15C66C7B-671A-4297-9187-2C4477247B78",
"AliUid": "15685865xxx14622",
"CreatedAt": "2023-06-05T10:04:20+0800",
"Domains": "testurl.com",
"ErrorInfo": "InvalidDomain",
"FailedFileOss": "https://xxxobject.oss-cn-reginon.aliyuncs.com/9d91_xxxxxxxxxxx_158bb6e0f97c477791209bb46bd599f7",
"FileId": "665d3b48621bccf3fe29e1a7",
"Id": "665d3af3621bccf3fe29e1a4",
"InsertWay": "oss",
"Name": "example",
"SiteId": 190007158391808,
"TaskSubmitted": 1,
"TaskType": "preload",
"UrlCount": 2,
"UrlSubmitted": 1
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | InvalidEndTime.Mismatch | The specified EndTime is earlier than the StartTime. | 您填入的结束时间早于开始时间,请检查后重试。 |
400 | InvalidJob.JobCountOfSiteFull | The maximum number of prefetch tasks for the website has been reached. Delete some unwanted ones and try again. | 站点预热任务已达上限,无法添加更多任务,请先清理多余任务后重试。 |
400 | InvalidParameter.ObjectId | Invalid task ID or execution plan ID. | 您提供的任务或执行计划ID不正确,请检查ID是否有效且输入无误。 |
400 | MissingOssUrl | OssUrl missing. Specify a valid URL of the OSS object that stores URLs to prefetch. | OssUrl字段缺失,请确保已提供有效的OSS预热任务链接。 |
400 | MissingUrlList | Enter the URLs you want to prefetch. | 预热的URL为空,请输入待预热的URL。 |
400 | TooManyRequests | Too many requests.Please try again later. | 请求过于频繁,请稍后重试。 |
403 | InvalidUid.PermissionDenied | You do not have the permissions to perform this operation on this resource. Check whether the specified UID is correct and has the required permissions. | 您无权操作此资源,请确认UID是否正确且具备相应权限。 |
404 | InvalidJob.NotFound | The task does not exist. Check whether the task ID is correct or whether the task has been deleted. | 任务不存在,请检查任务ID是否正确或该任务是否已被删除。 |
404 | LogNotFound | Failed to query the log. Check whether the task ID and execution ID are valid. | 未找到日志,请检查任务ID、执行ID等是否正确和有效。 |
404 | InvalidExecution.NotFound | The execution plan does not exist. Check whether the parameters such as the execution ID, start time, and end time are correct. | 执行计划不存在,请检查执行ID、开始时间或结束时间等参数是否准确无误。 |