



HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
403AccessDeniedAccessDenied: %s拒绝访问诊断
400AdditionalVersionContainsMajorVersionadditionalVersionWeight %+v should not contain major version %d版本权重中不能包含主版本诊断
409AliasAlreadyExistsalias %s of service %s already exists同名的别名已经存在诊断
404AliasNotFoundalias %s of service %s does not exist所请求的别名不存在诊断
404AsyncConfigNotExistsAsyncConfig for %s:%s does not exist.所请求的异步配置不存在诊断
412AsyncInvocationStoppedThe async invocation for %s:%s:%s has been stopped异步有状态调用已经停止诊断
502BadResponseBadResponse: %s响应中包含非法内容诊断
412CAExitedThe function either cannot be started or exited. %s自定义运行时或镜像函数启动失败诊断
412CAFileNotFoundThe function cannot be started. %s自定义运行时函数启动文件缺失诊断
412CAFilePermissionThe function cannot be started. %s自定义运行时函数启动文件缺少可执行权限诊断
499ClientClosedRequestclient Closed Request客户端中断了请求诊断
409ConcurrentUpdateErrorConcurrentUpdateError: %s并发更新错误诊断
500DestinationDeliveryFailedDestinationDeliveryFailed: %s异步目标投递失败诊断
409DomainNameAlreadyExistsdomain name %s already exists域名已经存在诊断
404DomainNameNotFounddomain name %s does not exist所请求的域名不存在诊断
400DomainNameNotResolveddomain name %s has not been resolved to your FC endpoint, the expected endpoint is %s域名未解析到函数计算的服务地址诊断
400DomainNameResolveErrorfailed to resolve domain name %s, make sure your name server is valid please域名解析错误诊断
404DomainRouteNotFoundno route found in domain %s for path %s and method %s所请求的域名路由不存在诊断
400EntityTooLargepayload size exceeds maximum allowed size (%s bytes)请求的大小超过了限制诊断
409EventSourceAlreadyExistsevent source %s already exists in service %s.%s and function %s同名的事件源已经存在诊断
404EventSourceNotFoundevent source %s does not exist in service %s.%s and function %s所请求的事件源不存在诊断
400FnF.InvalidOutputThe output (%s) is not a valid JSON object异步目标投递错误诊断
409FunctionAlreadyExistsfunction %s already exists in service %s同名的函数已经存在诊断
409FunctionNotEmptyfunction %s has triggers. Please delete all its triggers before deleting the function.要删除的函数下还存在触发器诊断
404FunctionNotFoundfunction %s does not exist in service %s请求的函数不存在诊断
404FunctionNotFoundByVersionfunction %s does not exist in service %s by version %d所请求的函数在指定的服务和版本下不存在诊断
412FunctionNotStartedThe function http server cannot be started. %s自定义运行时或者镜像的函数实例启动失败诊断
404HTTPTriggerNotFoundthere is no http trigger associated with service %s, function %s and qualifier %s调用的函数没有创建HTTP触发器诊断
404InstanceNotFoundinstance %s does not exist所请求的实例不存在诊断
500InternalServerErroran internal error has occurred. Please retry.系统内部错误诊断
403InvalidAccessKeyIDinvalid access key ID %s非法的Access Key ID诊断
400InvalidArgumentInvalid argument: %s非法的参数诊断
400InvalidDestinationResourcesThe destination resource is invalid: %s异步目标配置非法诊断
400InvalidICPLicensedomain name %s has not got ICP license, or the ICP license does not belong to Aliyun域名未在阿里云备案诊断
404LayerNotFoundThe layer is not found. LayerName: %s.所请求的层不存在诊断
404LayerVersionNotFoundThe layer version is not found. LayerName: %s , Version:%d.所请求的层版本不存在诊断
404LayerVersionNotFoundByArnThe layer version is not found. LayerArn: %s.所请求的层版本不存在诊断
400LimitExceededErrorLimitExceededError: %s函数或者触发器数量超过了限制诊断
400MissingRequiredHeaderrequired HTTP header %s was not specified请求缺少必须的HTTP头诊断
404OnDemandConfigNotFoundon-demand config for %s does not exist所请求的按量配置不存在诊断
400OSSInvalidRequestevent source oss returned error: %s创建OSS触发器的参数错误诊断
404PathNotSupported%s against %s is not supportedAPI请求的HTTP方法或者路径错误诊断
412PreconditionFailedthe resource being modified has been changed更新的资源已经发生了变化诊断
409ProvisionConfigExistprovision config exists for service %s, alias %s, functions %s预留配置已经存在诊断
404ProvisionConfigNotFoundprovision config not exist for service %s, alias %s, functions %s所请求的预留配置不存在诊断
412PullImageFailedFailed to pull image. %s自定义镜像的函数拉取镜像失败诊断
403RequestTimeTooSkewedthe difference between the request time %s and the current time %s is too large客户端的时间与服务端时间差异过大诊断
429ResourceExhaustedConcurrent request count exceeded并发调用的请求数超过了账号级别或函数级别限制诊断
503ResourceThrottledResourceThrottled: %s资源流控错误诊断
409ServiceAlreadyExistsservice %s already exists同名的服务已经存在诊断
409ServiceNotEmptyservice %s has active %s要删除的服务下存在函数、版本或别名诊断
404ServiceNotFoundservice %s does not exist请求的服务不存在诊断
503ServiceUnavailablethe service is temporarily unavailable服务暂时不可用诊断
403SignatureNotMatchThe request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your access key and signing method.请求签名错误诊断
412StatefulAsyncInvocationAlreadyCompletedThe invocation (status: %s) has already been completed and cannot be stopped异步有状态调用已经存在诊断
409StatefulAsyncInvocationAlreadyExistsThe stateful invocation %s already exists.异步有状态调用已经存在诊断
404StatefulAsyncInvocationNotFoundThe stateful invocation for %s:%s:%s does not exist.所请求的异步有状态调用不存在诊断
409SubdomainTriggerMappingAlreadyExistssubdomain %s already exists子域名已经存在诊断
404SubdomainTriggerMappingNotFoundsubdomain %s does not exist所请求的子域名不存在诊断
503TargetServerErrorNeedsRetryTargetServerErrorNeedsRetry: %s异步目标投递错误诊断
409TriggerAlreadyExiststrigger %s already exists in service %s and function %s同名的触发器已经存在诊断
404TriggerNotFoundtrigger %s does not exist in service %s and function %s所请求的触发器不存在诊断
415UnsupportedMediaTypecontent type should be application/json or application/octet-stream请求的媒体类型错误诊断
409VersionAlreadyInUsethe version %d is already in use by alias %s. Please delete all the aliases that use this version first.当前版本正在使用,无法删除诊断
404VersionIsDeletedVersionIsDeleted: %s所请求的版本已经被删除诊断
404VersionNotFoundversion %d of service %s does not exist所请求的版本不存在诊断
400VersionPublishErrorcan not publish version for service %s, detail: %s当前服务无法发布版本诊断
409VpcBindingAlreadyExistsVPC binding already existsVPC绑定已经存在诊断
404VpcBindingNotFoundVPC binding not found所请求的VPC绑定不存在诊断