您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
- 操作:是指具体的权限点。
- 访问级别:是指每个操作的访问级别,取值为写入(Write)、读取(Read)或列出(List)。
- 资源类型:是指操作中支持授权的资源类型。具体说明如下:
- 对于必选的资源类型,用背景高亮的方式表示。
- 对于不支持资源级授权的操作,用
- 条件关键字:是指云产品自身定义的条件关键字。
- 关联操作:是指成功执行操作所需要的其他权限。操作者必须同时具备关联操作的权限,操作才能成功。
操作 | 访问级别 | 资源类型 | 条件关键字 | 关联操作 |
yundun-hsm:ListInstances | get | *全部资源 * |
| 无 |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
RegionId | string | 是 | 地域 ID。 | cn-hangzhou |
CurrentPage | integer | 是 | 当前页数。 | 1 |
PageSize | integer | 是 | 每页查询数目。取值:1~1000。 | 20 |
TenantIsolationType | string | 否 | 密码机硬件隔离类型,枚举值"vsm"虚拟密码机,"hostedHsm"托管硬件密码机 |
"Total": 80,
"PageSize": 20,
"CurrentPage": 1,
"RequestId": "4C467B38-3910-447D-87BC-AC049166F216",
"Instances": [
"InstanceId": "hsm-cn-vj30bil8****",
"Status": "ACTIVE"
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | InvalidTenantIsolationType.Error | Invalid parameter tenantIsolationType. It must be: null, hostedHsm, or vsm. | - |
400 | InvalidApiParam.Error | api param is invalid | - |
400 | HsmInstanceNotExist.Error | hsm instance not exist | - |
400 | HSMIntanceNotActived.Error | hsm intance is not actived | - |
400 | WhiteListMaxCount.Error | whilte list is more than max count | - |
400 | ClusterIdIsNotExists.Error | cluster ID non-exists | - |
400 | InstanceListIsEmpty.Error | instance list is empty | - |
400 | InstanceIdIsEmpty.Error | instance id is empty | - |
400 | InstanceIsNotExistsInCluster.Error | cluster has no such instance | - |
400 | InstanceIsExistsInCluster.Error | instance already in the cluster | - |
400 | RegionNoEmpty.Error | region no. is empty | - |
400 | ClusterNameEmpty.Error | empty cluster name not allowed | - |
400 | ClusterNameIsExists.Error | the cluster name is already taken | - |
400 | IpNotValid.Error | ip not valid | - |
400 | ClusterIsEmpty.Error | cluster is empty | - |
400 | NoMasterFoundInCluster.Error | cluster has no master instance | - |
400 | HsmInstanceIdNotFound.Error | no such instance | - |
400 | NoInstanceFoundInCluster.Error | cluster is empty | - |
400 | Whitelist.Invalid | Whitelist blocks not in CIDR format. | - |
400 | Whitelist.TooLong | Whitelist too long, exceeds 10 CIDR blocks. | - |
400 | SwitchMaster.InstanceInvalid | Instance not in the cluster. | - |
400 | LeaveCluster.MasterLast | Master instance can not leave a cluster until all other instances are left. | - |
400 | Certificate.ChainInvalid | Certificate chain invalid. Please make sure issuer certificate is the trust anchor and cluster certificate is signed by issuer certificate. | - |
400 | Certificate.FormatInvalid | Certificate format invalid. Cluster/Issuer certificate must be in PEM format. | - |
400 | ConfigClusterSubnet.DuplicateZone | VSwitches should not contain duplicate zones. | - |
400 | InvalidClusterName | Invalid parameter clusterName. | - |
400 | InvalidPageSize | Invalid parameter pageSize. | - |
400 | InvalidCurrentPage | Invalid parameter currentPage. | - |
400 | InvalidRegionId | Invalid parameter regionId. | - |
400 | InvalidZoneId | Invalid parameter zoneId. | - |
400 | InvalidVSwitch | Invalid parameter vSwitch. | - |
400 | InvalidVpc | Invalid parameter vpcId. | - |
400 | InvalidVsmType | Invalid parameter vsmType. | - |
400 | InvalidIp | Invalid parameter IP. | - |
400 | InvalidAliuid | Invalid parameter aliuid. | - |
400 | InvalidClusterId | Invalid parameter clusterId. | - |
400 | InvalidInstanceId | Invalid parameter instanceId. | - |
400 | InvalidBackupId | Invalid parameter backupId. | - |
400 | InvalidImageId | Invalid parameter imageId. | - |
400 | HSMIntanceActived.Error | actived hsm instance can not release | - |
400 | ConfigIp.IpAlreadyInUse | Ip is in use, can not config IP address. | - |
400 | ConfigIp.VpcIpNotMatched | Vpc Ip must be in vpc network segment. | - |
400 | ConfigIp.IpOverFlow | Vpc ip last place can not be in [253-255]. | - |
400 | CanRefund.InstanceIdEmpty | InstanceId is empty. | - |
400 | CanRefund.InstanceNotFound | Instance Not Exist. | - |
400 | CanRefund.InstanceAlreadyReleased | Instance already released. | - |
400 | CanRefund.AliUidEmpty | AliUid empty. | - |
400 | CanRefund.NoSupportRefundOnline | No support refund online. | - |
403 | NoPermission | Caller has no permission on the resource. | - |
403 | InstanceNotPaused | Please pause the instance before reset. | - |
403 | NoPermission | User has no permission to access this resource. | - |
403 | Trial.Forbidden | Current user is not allowed for trials! | - |
403 | Forbidden.InstanceInCluster | This API is forbidden for instances in cluster. | - |
403 | JoinCluster.InstanceIncorrectState | Instance not in Active/Pending state. | - |
403 | InstanceNotActive | Instance is not active. | - |
403 | ConfigIp.IncorrectState | Instance not in pending or active state, can not config IP address. | - |
403 | SwitchMaster.IncorrectState | Cluster not initialized, please initialize the cluster first. | - |
403 | SyncCluster.IncorrectState | Cluster not initialized, please initialize the cluster first. | - |
403 | LeaveCluster.InstanceInvalid | The instance is not in the cluster. | - |
403 | DeleteCluster.IncorrectState | Cluster not empty, please remove all instances first. | - |
403 | JoinCluster.InstanceVSwitchNotInCluster | Instance's vSwitch is not in cluster config, please change instance's vSwitch first. | - |
403 | JoinCluster.InstanceInitialized | Initialized instance can not join a cluster. | - |
403 | JoinCluster.IncorrectState | Cluster not initialized, please initialize the cluster first. | - |
403 | InitializeCluster.InstanceNotInitialized | Cluster master instance not initialized, please initialize cluster master instance first. | - |
403 | InitializeCluster.IncorrectConfig | Cluster subnet not configured, please config cluster subnet first. | - |
403 | InitializeCluster.IncorrectState | Cluster initialized, do not re-initialize. | - |
403 | Cluster.CN.ActionForbidden | This API is forbidden for non-international site cluster. | - |
403 | Cluster.INTL.ActionForbidden | This API is forbidden for international site cluster. | - |
403 | ConfigClusterCertificate.IncorrectState | Cluster initialized or certificates already configured. | - |
403 | ConfigClusterSubnet.InvalidVpcId | VPC Id invalid. Cluster VPC is the same as cluster master's VPC. | - |
403 | ConfigClusterSubnet.InvalidVSwitchId | VSwitch Id invalid. VSwitches should contain all current cluster vSwitches. | - |
403 | ConfigClusterSubnet.IncorrectState | Cluster not in NEW state, can not config cluster subnet. | - |
403 | ClusterName.Exist | Cluster name already exists, please use another name. | - |
403 | Image.ImageStatusInValid | Image status is invalid. | - |
403 | CopyImage.ImageAlreadyCopied | Image already copied, secondary copy is not supported. | - |
403 | Image.ActionForbiddenINTL | This API is forbidden for international site. | - |
403 | Image.ActionForbiddenCN | This API is forbidden for non-international site. | - |
403 | CopyImage.RegionInvalid | Source region or target region invalid. | - |
403 | Backup.ActionForbiddenINTL | This API is forbidden for international site. | - |
403 | CopyImage.TargetRegionImageAlreadyExists | Target region has the same digest image. | - |
404 | Resource.NotFound | Resource not found. | - |
405 | ClusterAPI.NotSupported | ClusterAPI not supported in this region. | - |
409 | Conflict | Resource is being updated by a previous request. Current request is redundant. | - |
409 | Cluster.Conflict | The cluster is being updated by a previous request. Please try again later. | - |
500 | ConfigWhitelistFailed.Error | config white list error | - |
500 | ActionFailed.Error | internal error, please try again | - |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | 未知错误导致请求处理失败。 |
变更时间 | 变更内容概要 | 操作 |
2024-09-24 | OpenAPI 描述信息更新、OpenAPI 错误码发生变更、OpenAPI 入参发生变更 | 查看变更详情 |