# Related configuration of rootCoord, used to handle data definition language (DDL) and data control language (DCL) requests rootCoord: maxDatabaseNum: 64 # Maximum number of database maxPartitionNum: 4096 # Maximum number of partitions in a collection minSegmentSizeToEnableIndex: 1024 # It's a threshold. When the segment size is less than this value, the segment will not be indexed importTaskExpiration: 900 # (in seconds) Duration after which an import task will expire (be killed). Default 900 seconds (15 minutes). importTaskRetention: 86400 # (in seconds) Milvus will keep the record of import tasks for at least `importTaskRetention` seconds. Default 86400, seconds (24 hours). grpc: serverMaxSendSize: 536870912 serverMaxRecvSize: 268435456 clientMaxSendSize: 268435456 clientMaxRecvSize: 536870912 # Related configuration of proxy, used to validate client requests and reduce the returned results. proxy: timeTickInterval: 200 # ms, the interval that proxy synchronize the time tick healthCheckTimeout: 3000 # ms, the interval that to do component healthy check maxNameLength: 255 # Maximum length of name for a collection or alias # Maximum number of fields in a collection. # As of today (2.2.0 and after) it is strongly DISCOURAGED to set maxFieldNum >= 64. # So adjust at your risk! maxFieldNum: 64 maxTaskNum: 1024 # max task number of proxy task queue grpc: serverMaxSendSize: 268435456 serverMaxRecvSize: 67108864 clientMaxSendSize: 268435456 clientMaxRecvSize: 67108864 # Related configuration of queryCoord, used to manage topology and load balancing for the query nodes, and handoff from growing segments to sealed segments. queryCoord: autoHandoff: true # Enable auto handoff autoBalance: true # Enable auto balance balancer: ScoreBasedBalancer # Balancer to use overloadedMemoryThresholdPercentage: 90 # The threshold percentage that memory overload balanceIntervalSeconds: 60 memoryUsageMaxDifferencePercentage: 30 checkInterval: 1000 channelTaskTimeout: 60000 # 1 minute segmentTaskTimeout: 120000 # 2 minute distPullInterval: 500 heartbeatAvailableInterval: 10000 # 10s, Only QueryNodes which fetched heartbeats within the duration are available loadTimeoutSeconds: 600 checkHandoffInterval: 5000 grpc: serverMaxSendSize: 536870912 serverMaxRecvSize: 268435456 clientMaxSendSize: 268435456 clientMaxRecvSize: 536870912 # Related configuration of queryNode, used to run hybrid search between vector and scalar data. queryNode: dataSync: flowGraph: maxQueueLength: 16 # Maximum length of task queue in flowgraph maxParallelism: 1024 # Maximum number of tasks executed in parallel in the flowgraph stats: publishInterval: 1000 # Interval for querynode to report node information (milliseconds) segcore: cgoPoolSizeRatio: 2.0 # cgo pool size ratio to max read concurrency knowhereThreadPoolNumRatio: 4 # Use more threads to make better use of SSD throughput in disk index. # This parameter is only useful when enable-disk = true. # And this value should be a number greater than 1 and less than 32. chunkRows: 128 # The number of vectors in a chunk. exprEvalBatchSize: 8192 # The batch size for executor get next interimIndex: # build a vector temperate index for growing segment or binlog to accelerate search enableIndex: true nlist: 128 # segment index nlist nprobe: 16 # nprobe to search segment, based on your accuracy requirement, must smaller than nlist memExpansionRate: 1.15 # the ratio of building interim index memory usage to raw data loadMemoryUsageFactor: 1 # The multiply factor of calculating the memory usage while loading segments enableDisk: false # enable querynode load disk index, and search on disk index maxDiskUsagePercentage: 95 grouping: enabled: true maxNQ: 1000 topKMergeRatio: 20 scheduler: receiveChanSize: 10240 unsolvedQueueSize: 10240 # maxReadConcurrentRatio is the concurrency ratio of read task (search task and query task). # Max read concurrency would be the value of runtime.NumCPU * maxReadConcurrentRatio. # It defaults to 2.0, which means max read concurrency would be the value of runtime.NumCPU * 2. # Max read concurrency must greater than or equal to 1, and less than or equal to runtime.NumCPU * 100. # (0, 100] maxReadConcurrentRatio: 1 cpuRatio: 10 # ratio used to estimate read task cpu usage. maxTimestampLag: 86400 # read task schedule policy: fifo(by default), user-task-polling. scheduleReadPolicy: # fifo: A FIFO queue support the schedule. # user-task-polling: # The user's tasks will be polled one by one and scheduled. # Scheduling is fair on task granularity. # The policy is based on the username for authentication. # And an empty username is considered the same user. # When there are no multi-users, the policy decay into FIFO name: fifo maxPendingTask: 10240 # user-task-polling configure: taskQueueExpire: 60 # 1 min by default, expire time of inner user task queue since queue is empty. enableCrossUserGrouping: false # false by default Enable Cross user grouping when using user-task-polling policy. (close it if task of any user can not merge others). maxPendingTaskPerUser: 1024 # 50 by default, max pending task in scheduler per user. grpc: serverMaxSendSize: 536870912 serverMaxRecvSize: 268435456 clientMaxSendSize: 268435456 clientMaxRecvSize: 536870912 indexCoord: bindIndexNodeMode: enable: false withCred: false segment: minSegmentNumRowsToEnableIndex: 1024 # It's a threshold. When the segment num rows is less than this value, the segment will not be indexed indexNode: scheduler: buildParallel: 1 enableDisk: true # enable index node build disk vector index maxDiskUsagePercentage: 95 grpc: serverMaxSendSize: 536870912 serverMaxRecvSize: 268435456 clientMaxSendSize: 268435456 clientMaxRecvSize: 536870912 dataCoord: channel: watchTimeoutInterval: 300 # Timeout on watching channels (in seconds). Datanode tickler update watch progress will reset timeout timer. balanceSilentDuration: 300 # The duration before the channelBalancer on datacoord to run balanceInterval: 360 #The interval for the channelBalancer on datacoord to check balance status segment: maxSize: 1024 # Maximum size of a segment in MB diskSegmentMaxSize: 2048 # Maximum size of a segment in MB for collection which has Disk index sealProportion: 0.12 # The time of the assignment expiration in ms # Warning! this parameter is an expert variable and closely related to data integrity. Without specific # target and solid understanding of the scenarios, it should not be changed. If it's necessary to alter # this parameter, make sure that the newly changed value is larger than the previous value used before restart # otherwise there could be a large possibility of data loss assignmentExpiration: 2000 maxLife: 86400 # The max lifetime of segment in seconds, 24*60*60 # If a segment didn't accept dml records in maxIdleTime and the size of segment is greater than # minSizeFromIdleToSealed, Milvus will automatically seal it. # The max idle time of segment in seconds, 10*60. maxIdleTime: 600 minSizeFromIdleToSealed: 16 # The min size in MB of segment which can be idle from sealed. # The max number of binlog file for one segment, the segment will be sealed if # the number of binlog file reaches to max value. maxBinlogFileNumber: 32 smallProportion: 0.5 # The segment is considered as "small segment" when its # of rows is smaller than # (smallProportion * segment max # of rows). # A compaction will happen on small segments if the segment after compaction will have compactableProportion: 0.85 # over (compactableProportion * segment max # of rows) rows. # MUST BE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO <smallProportion>!!! # During compaction, the size of segment # of rows is able to exceed segment max # of rows by (expansionRate-1) * 100%. expansionRate: 1.25 # Whether to enable levelzero segment enableLevelZero: false enableCompaction: true # Enable data segment compaction compaction: enableAutoCompaction: true rpcTimeout: 10 # compaction rpc request timeout in seconds maxParallelTaskNum: 10 # max parallel compaction task number indexBasedCompaction: true levelzero: forceTrigger: minSize: 8 # The minmum size in MB to force trigger a LevelZero Compaction deltalogMinNum: 10 # the minimum number of deltalog files to force trigger a LevelZero Compaction enableGarbageCollection: true gc: interval: 3600 # gc interval in seconds missingTolerance: 3600 # file meta missing tolerance duration in seconds, 3600 dropTolerance: 10800 # file belongs to dropped entity tolerance duration in seconds. 10800 enableActiveStandby: false grpc: serverMaxSendSize: 536870912 serverMaxRecvSize: 268435456 clientMaxSendSize: 268435456 clientMaxRecvSize: 536870912 dataNode: dataSync: flowGraph: maxQueueLength: 16 # Maximum length of task queue in flowgraph maxParallelism: 1024 # Maximum number of tasks executed in parallel in the flowgraph maxParallelSyncMgrTasks: 256 #The max concurrent sync task number of datanode sync mgr globally skipMode: # when there are only timetick msg in flowgraph for a while (longer than coldTime), # flowGraph will turn on skip mode to skip most timeticks to reduce cost, especially there are a lot of channels enable: true skipNum: 4 coldTime: 60 segment: insertBufSize: 16777216 # Max buffer size to flush for a single segment. deleteBufBytes: 67108864 # Max buffer size to flush del for a single channel syncPeriod: 600 # The period to sync segments if buffer is not empty. # can specify ip for example # ip: grpc: serverMaxSendSize: 536870912 serverMaxRecvSize: 268435456 clientMaxSendSize: 268435456 clientMaxRecvSize: 536870912 memory: forceSyncEnable: true # `true` to force sync if memory usage is too high forceSyncSegmentNum: 1 # number of segments to sync, segments with top largest buffer will be synced. watermarkStandalone: 0.2 # memory watermark for standalone, upon reaching this watermark, segments will be synced. watermarkCluster: 0.5 # memory watermark for cluster, upon reaching this watermark, segments will be synced. timetick: byRPC: true channel: # specify the size of global work pool of all channels # if this parameter <= 0, will set it as the maximum number of CPUs that can be executing # suggest to set it bigger on large collection numbers to avoid blocking workPoolSize: -1 # specify the size of global work pool for channel checkpoint updating # if this parameter <= 0, will set it as 1000 # suggest to set it bigger on large collection numbers to avoid blocking updateChannelCheckpointMaxParallel: 1000 grpc: client: compressionEnabled: false dialTimeout: 200 keepAliveTime: 10000 keepAliveTimeout: 20000 maxMaxAttempts: 10 initialBackOff: 0.2 # seconds maxBackoff: 10 # seconds quotaAndLimits: enabled: true # `true` to enable quota and limits, `false` to disable. limits: maxCollectionNum: 65536 maxCollectionNumPerDB: 65536 # quotaCenterCollectInterval is the time interval that quotaCenter # collects metrics from Proxies, Query cluster and Data cluster. # seconds, (0 ~ 65536) quotaCenterCollectInterval: 3 ddl: enabled: false collectionRate: -1 # qps, default no limit, rate for CreateCollection, DropCollection, LoadCollection, ReleaseCollection partitionRate: -1 # qps, default no limit, rate for CreatePartition, DropPartition, LoadPartition, ReleasePartition indexRate: enabled: false max: -1 # qps, default no limit, rate for CreateIndex, DropIndex flushRate: enabled: false max: -1 # qps, default no limit, rate for flush compactionRate: enabled: false max: -1 # qps, default no limit, rate for manualCompaction dml: # dml limit rates, default no limit. # The maximum rate will not be greater than max. enabled: false insertRate: collection: max: -1 # MB/s, default no limit max: -1 # MB/s, default no limit upsertRate: collection: max: -1 # MB/s, default no limit max: -1 # MB/s, default no limit deleteRate: collection: max: -1 # MB/s, default no limit max: -1 # MB/s, default no limit bulkLoadRate: collection: max: -1 # MB/s, default no limit, not support yet. TODO: limit bulkLoad rate max: -1 # MB/s, default no limit, not support yet. TODO: limit bulkLoad rate dql: # dql limit rates, default no limit. # The maximum rate will not be greater than max. enabled: false searchRate: collection: max: -1 # vps (vectors per second), default no limit max: -1 # vps (vectors per second), default no limit queryRate: collection: max: -1 # qps, default no limit max: -1 # qps, default no limit limitWriting: # forceDeny false means dml requests are allowed (except for some # specific conditions, such as memory of nodes to water marker), true means always reject all dml requests. forceDeny: false ttProtection: enabled: false # maxTimeTickDelay indicates the backpressure for DML Operations. # DML rates would be reduced according to the ratio of time tick delay to maxTimeTickDelay, # if time tick delay is greater than maxTimeTickDelay, all DML requests would be rejected. # seconds maxTimeTickDelay: 300 memProtection: # When memory usage > memoryHighWaterLevel, all dml requests would be rejected; # When memoryLowWaterLevel < memory usage < memoryHighWaterLevel, reduce the dml rate; # When memory usage < memoryLowWaterLevel, no action. enabled: true dataNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel: 0.85 # (0, 1], memoryLowWaterLevel in DataNodes dataNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel: 0.95 # (0, 1], memoryHighWaterLevel in DataNodes queryNodeMemoryLowWaterLevel: 0.85 # (0, 1], memoryLowWaterLevel in QueryNodes queryNodeMemoryHighWaterLevel: 0.95 # (0, 1], memoryHighWaterLevel in QueryNodes growingSegmentsSizeProtection: # No action will be taken if the growing segments size is less than the low watermark. # When the growing segments size exceeds the low watermark, the dml rate will be reduced, # but the rate will not be lower than `minRateRatio * dmlRate`. enabled: false minRateRatio: 0.5 lowWaterLevel: 0.2 highWaterLevel: 0.4 diskProtection: enabled: true # When the total file size of object storage is greater than `diskQuota`, all dml requests would be rejected; diskQuota: -1 # MB, (0, +inf), default no limit diskQuotaPerCollection: -1 # MB, (0, +inf), default no limit limitReading: # forceDeny false means dql requests are allowed (except for some # specific conditions, such as collection has been dropped), true means always reject all dql requests. forceDeny: false queueProtection: enabled: false # nqInQueueThreshold indicated that the system was under backpressure for Search/Query path. # If NQ in any QueryNode's queue is greater than nqInQueueThreshold, search&query rates would gradually cool off # until the NQ in queue no longer exceeds nqInQueueThreshold. We think of the NQ of query request as 1. # int, default no limit nqInQueueThreshold: -1 # queueLatencyThreshold indicated that the system was under backpressure for Search/Query path. # If dql latency of queuing is greater than queueLatencyThreshold, search&query rates would gradually cool off # until the latency of queuing no longer exceeds queueLatencyThreshold. # The latency here refers to the averaged latency over a period of time. # milliseconds, default no limit queueLatencyThreshold: -1 resultProtection: enabled: false # maxReadResultRate indicated that the system was under backpressure for Search/Query path. # If dql result rate is greater than maxReadResultRate, search&query rates would gradually cool off # until the read result rate no longer exceeds maxReadResultRate. # MB/s, default no limit maxReadResultRate: -1 # colOffSpeed is the speed of search&query rates cool off. # (0, 1] coolOffSpeed: 0.9