



HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
400NoPermissionYou are not authorized to access the specified API operation.没有当前操作权限。诊断
400DryRunOperationThe specified operation is a dry run operation.当前操作预检成功。诊断
400GenerateResourceIdFailedFailed to generate ResourceId.生成资源ID失败。诊断
400NeedOpenProductThe product is not activated.产品未开通诊断
400SystemBusySystem is busy. Please try again later.系统繁忙,请稍后再试。诊断
400RegionNotFoundThe specified Region is not found.当前产品不支持该地域。诊断
400EndpointServiceLockedThe specified Service is locked.当前终端节点服务已经被锁定。诊断
400EndpointLockedThe specified Endpoint is locked.当前终端节点已经被锁定。诊断
400ConcurrentCallNotSupportedThe operation conflicts with other operations. Please try again later.并发操作冲突诊断
400IdempotenceProcessingThe previous request is being processed.上次请求还在处理中诊断
400IdempotenceSignatureMismatchThere is an idempotence signature mismatch between this and the previous request.幂等签名和最近一次的请求不匹配诊断
400UnsupportedRegionThe feature of %s is not supported in region of %s.特性%s在地域%s不支持诊断
400UnsupportedZoneThe feature of %s is not supported in zone of %s.特性%s在可用区%s不支持诊断
400IncorrectStatus.VpcEndpointThe status of %s [%s] is incorrect.资源%s [%s]的状态无效。诊断
400IncorrectStatus.VpcEndpointConnectionThe status of %s [%s] is incorrect.资源%s [%s]的状态无效。 诊断
400IncorrectStatus.VpcEndpointServiceThe status of %s [%s] is incorrect.资源%s [%s]的状态无效。诊断
400IncorrectStatus.VpcEndpointZoneThe status of %s [%s] is incorrect.资源%s [%s]的状态无效。诊断
404ResourceNotFound.ALBThe specified resource of %s is not found.资源%s不存在。诊断
500InternalErrorThe request processing has failed due to some unknown error.系统内部错误,请重试。诊断