400 | NoPermission | You are not authorized to access the specified API operation. | 没有当前操作权限。 | 诊断 |
400 | DryRunOperation | The specified operation is a dry run operation. | 当前操作预检成功。 | 诊断 |
400 | GenerateResourceIdFailed | Failed to generate ResourceId. | 生成资源ID失败。 | 诊断 |
400 | NeedOpenProduct | The product is not activated. | 产品未开通 | 诊断 |
400 | SystemBusy | System is busy. Please try again later. | 系统繁忙,请稍后再试。 | 诊断 |
400 | RegionNotFound | The specified Region is not found. | 当前产品不支持该地域。 | 诊断 |
400 | EndpointServiceLocked | The specified Service is locked. | 当前终端节点服务已经被锁定。 | 诊断 |
400 | EndpointLocked | The specified Endpoint is locked. | 当前终端节点已经被锁定。 | 诊断 |
400 | ConcurrentCallNotSupported | The operation conflicts with other operations. Please try again later. | 并发操作冲突 | 诊断 |
400 | IdempotenceProcessing | The previous request is being processed. | 上次请求还在处理中 | 诊断 |
400 | IdempotenceSignatureMismatch | There is an idempotence signature mismatch between this and the previous request. | 幂等签名和最近一次的请求不匹配 | 诊断 |
400 | UnsupportedRegion | The feature of %s is not supported in region of %s. | 特性%s在地域%s不支持 | 诊断 |
400 | UnsupportedZone | The feature of %s is not supported in zone of %s. | 特性%s在可用区%s不支持 | 诊断 |
400 | IncorrectStatus.VpcEndpoint | The status of %s [%s] is incorrect. | 资源%s [%s]的状态无效。 | 诊断 |
400 | IncorrectStatus.VpcEndpointConnection | The status of %s [%s] is incorrect. | 资源%s [%s]的状态无效。
| 诊断 |
400 | IncorrectStatus.VpcEndpointService | The status of %s [%s] is incorrect. | 资源%s [%s]的状态无效。 | 诊断 |
400 | IncorrectStatus.VpcEndpointZone | The status of %s [%s] is incorrect. | 资源%s [%s]的状态无效。 | 诊断 |
404 | ResourceNotFound.ALB | The specified resource of %s is not found. | 资源%s不存在。 | 诊断 |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | 系统内部错误,请重试。 | 诊断 |