"Type": "ALIYUN::RDS::PrepayDBInstance",
"Properties": {
"DBMappings": List,
"CouponCode": String,
"MasterUsername": String,
"PeriodType": String,
"DBInstanceNetType": String,
"MasterUserType": String,
"AutoRenew": Boolean,
"PreferredBackupTime": String,
"PrivateIpAddress": String,
"Engine": String,
"MultiAZ": Boolean,
"VpcId": String,
"ConnectionMode": String,
"ResourceGroupId": String,
"VSwitchId": String,
"BackupRetentionPeriod": Number,
"Quantity": Number,
"CommodityCode": String,
"ZoneId": String,
"AutoPay": Boolean,
"Port": Integer,
"ConnectionStringPrefix": String,
"ConnectionStringType": String,
"EngineVersion": String,
"DBInstanceClass": String,
"PreferredBackupPeriod": List,
"DBInstanceStorage": Integer,
"DBInstanceDescription": String,
"Tags": Map,
"Period": Number,
"MasterUserPassword": String,
"AllocatePublicConnection": Boolean,
"SlaveZoneIds": List,
"TargetDedicatedHostIdForMaster": String,
"RoleARN": String,
"DBInstanceStorageType": String,
"Category": String,
"DBParamGroupId": String,
"EncryptionKey": String,
"DBIsIgnoreCase": Integer,
"SecurityGroupId": String,
"TargetDedicatedHostIdForLog": String,
"DBTimeZone": String,
"DedicatedHostGroupId": String,
"TargetDedicatedHostIdForSlave": String,
"MaintainTime": String,
"SQLCollectorStatus": String,
"SSLSetting": String,
"ArchiveBackupRetentionPeriod": Integer,
"LogBackupRetentionPeriod": Integer,
"EnableBackupLog": Boolean,
"LogBackupLocalRetentionNumber": Integer,
"ArchiveBackupKeepPolicy": String,
"LocalLogRetentionHours": Integer,
"HighSpaceUsageProtection": String,
"CompressType": Integer,
"LogBackupFrequency": String,
"BackupPolicyMode": String,
"ArchiveBackupKeepCount": Integer,
"LocalLogRetentionSpace": Integer,
"ReleasedKeepPolicy": String,
"BackUpCategory": String,
"ServerlessConfig": Map,
"InstanceNetworkType": String,
"StorageAutoScale": String,
"StorageUpperBound": Number,
"StorageThreshold": Number,
"IoAccelerationEnabled": String,
"ColdDataEnabled": Boolean,
"BurstingEnabled": Boolean,
"DeletionProtection": Boolean
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
ResourceGroupId | String | 否 | 是 | 资源组ID。 | 无 |
DBMappings | List | 否 | 否 | 实例下创建的数据库。 | 更多信息,请参见DBMappings属性。 |
CouponCode | String | 否 | 否 | 优惠码。 | 无 |
MasterUsername | String | 否 | 是 | 数据库实例的数据库账号名称。 | 名称需要全局唯一。 长度为2~16个字符,以英文字母开头,以英文字母或数字结尾。可包含英文字母、数字和下划线(_)。 |
PeriodType | String | 是 | 否 | 周期类型。 | 取值:
DBInstanceNetType | String | 否 | 否 | 数据库实例的网络类型。 | 取值:
MasterUserType | String | 否 | 否 | 数据库账号的权限类型。 | 取值:
Port | Integer | 否 | 是 | 实例端口。 | 无 |
ConnectionStringPrefix | String | 否 | 是 | 连接地址的前缀。 | 长度为8~64个字符,可包含英文字母、数字和短划线(-)。 |
ConnectionStringType | String | 否 | 是 | 连接地址的类型。 | 取值:
PreferredBackupTime | String | 否 | 是 | 备份时间。 | 格式:HH:mmZ-HH:mmZ。 取值:00:00Z-01:00Z、01:00Z-02:00Z、02:00Z-03:00Z、03:00Z-04:00至23:00Z-24:00Z。 |
PrivateIpAddress | String | 否 | 否 | 指定交换机下的私网IP地址。 | 如果不指定该参数,则系统自动分配私网IP地址。 |
Engine | String | 是 | 否 | 数据类型。 | 取值:
MultiAZ | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 数据库实例是否支持多可用区。 | 取值:
VpcId | String | 否 | 否 | 专有网络ID。 | 无 |
ConnectionMode | String | 否 | 否 | 数据库的连接模式。 | 取值:
如果未指定该参数,则默认由RDS系统分配。 |
AutoRenew | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 实例是否自动续费。 | 取值:
VSwitchId | String | 否 | 否 | 交换机ID。 | 无 |
BackupRetentionPeriod | Number | 否 | 是 | 备份保留天数。 | 无 |
Quantity | Number | 否 | 否 | 创建的实例数量。 | 取值范围:1~99。 默认值:1。 |
CommodityCode | String | 是 | 否 | 商品码。 | 取值:
ZoneId | String | 否 | 否 | 可用区ID。 | 无 |
EngineVersion | String | 是 | 否 | 数据库版本号。 | 取值:
DBInstanceClass | String | 是 | 是 | 实例规格。 | 例如:rds.mys2.large、rds.mss1.large、。 |
PreferredBackupPeriod | List | 否 | 是 | 备份周期。 | 取值:
DBInstanceStorage | Integer | 是 | 是 | 数据库存储空间。 | 取值:
单位:GB。 说明 每5 GB进行递增。 |
DBInstanceDescription | String | 否 | 是 | 实例的描述或备注信息。 | 长度为2~256个字符。以汉字或英文字母开头,不能以 |
Tags | Map | 否 | 是 | 标签。 | 无 |
Period | Number | 是 | 否 | 购买时长。 | 取值:
MasterUserPassword | String | 否 | 是 | 数据库实例的数据库账号密码。 | 长度为8~32个字符。由大写英文字母、小写英文字母、数字和特殊字符中的任意三种组成。支持特殊字符 |
AllocatePublicConnection | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否申请实例的外网连接地址。 | 取值:
AutoPay | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否自动付款。 | 取值:
SlaveZoneIds | List | 否 | 否 | 高可用版或三节点企业版的备可用区。 | 最多指定两个备可用区,例如: 为每个主可用区或者备可用区指定一个交换机,例如:ZoneId = 如果自动选择备可用区,取值为 |
TargetDedicatedHostIdForMaster | String | 否 | 否 | 在专属集群内创建实例时,指定主实例的主机ID。 | 无 |
RoleARN | String | 否 | 否 | 角色ARN。该角色允许RDS访问KMS。 | 无 |
DBInstanceStorageType | String | 否 | 是 | 实例存储类型。 | 取值:
Category | String | 否 | 是 | 实例系列。 | 取值:
DBParamGroupId | String | 否 | 否 | 参数模板ID。 | 无 |
EncryptionKey | String | 否 | 否 | 同地域内的云盘加密的密钥ID。 | 您可以在密钥管理服务控制台查看密钥ID,也可以创建新的密钥。 |
DBIsIgnoreCase | Integer | 否 | 否 | 表名是否区分大小写。 | 取值:
SecurityGroupId | String | 否 | 是 | 关联的安全组ID。 | 最多支持关联3个安全组,多个安全组用半角逗号(,)隔开。清空安全组请指定空字符串。 |
TargetDedicatedHostIdForLog | String | 否 | 否 | 在专属集群内创建实例时,指定日志实例的主机ID。 | 无 |
DBTimeZone | String | 否 | 否 | UTC时区。 | 取值范围:-12:59 ~ +13:00。 如果不指定该参数,默认时区为地域默认时区。 本地SSD盘实例可以命名时区。 |
DedicatedHostGroupId | String | 否 | 否 | 在专属集群内创建实例时,指定专属集群ID。 | 无 |
TargetDedicatedHostIdForSlave | String | 否 | 否 | 在专属集群内创建实例时,指定备实例的主机ID。 | 无 |
MaintainTime | String | 否 | 否 | 实例的可维护时间段。 | 格式:HH:mmZ-HH:mmZ。 |
SQLCollectorStatus | String | 否 | 是 | 是否开启SQL洞察(SQL审计)。 | 取值:
SSLSetting | String | 否 | 否 | 实例的安全套接层(SSL)链接设置。 | 取值:
ArchiveBackupRetentionPeriod | Integer | 否 | 是 | 归档备份的保留天数。 | 无 |
LogBackupRetentionPeriod | Integer | 否 | 是 | 日志备份保留天数。 | 无 |
EnableBackupLog | Boolean | 否 | 是 | 是否开启日志备份。 | 取值:
LogBackupLocalRetentionNumber | Integer | 否 | 是 | 本地Binlog保留个数。 | 无 |
ArchiveBackupKeepPolicy | String | 否 | 是 | 归档备份的保留周期。 | 取值:
归档备份的保留周期内能保存的备份个数由ArchiveBackupKeepCount决定,默认为0。 说明 当BackupPolicyMode参数取值为DataBackupPolicy时,该参数生效。 |
LocalLogRetentionHours | Integer | 否 | 是 | 本地日志备份保留小时数。 | 无 |
HighSpaceUsageProtection | String | 否 | 是 | 实例使用空间大于80%,或者剩余空间小于5 GB时,是否强制清理Binlog。 | 取值:
CompressType | Integer | 否 | 是 | 备份压缩方式。 | 取值:
LogBackupFrequency | String | 否 | 是 | 日志备份频率。 | 适用于SQL Server。 取值:LogInterval,表示每30分钟备份一次。 说明 默认与数据备份周期PreferredBackupPeriod一致。 |
BackupPolicyMode | String | 否 | 是 | 备份类型。 | 取值:
ArchiveBackupKeepCount | Integer | 否 | 是 | 归档备份的保留个数。 | 无 |
LocalLogRetentionSpace | Integer | 否 | 是 | 本地日志最大空间使用率。 | 无 |
ReleasedKeepPolicy | String | 否 | 是 | 已删除实例的归档备份保留策略。 | 取值:
BackUpCategory | String | 否 | 是 | 备份实例系列。 | 取值:
ServerlessConfig | Map | 否 | 否 | RDS Serverless实例的相关设置。 | 更多信息,请参见ServerlessConfig属性。 |
InstanceNetworkType | String | 否 | 否 | 实例的网络类型。 | 取值:
说明 MySQL云盘实例只支持专有网络,此参数必须配置为VPC。 PostgreSQL和MariaDB实例只支持专有网络,此参数必须配置为VPC。 SQL Server单机版和Web版实例支持经典网络和专有网络。其余实例只支持专有网络,此参数必须配置为VPC。 |
StorageAutoScale | String | 否 | 否 | 存储空间自动扩容开关。 | 仅MySQL和PostgreSQL支持,取值:
说明 您也可以在实例创建完成之后,调用ModifyDasInstanceConfig进行调整。更多信息,请参见设置存储空间自动扩容。 |
StorageUpperBound | Number | 否 | 否 | 存储空间自动扩容的总存储空间上限值。 | 自动扩容不会导致实例总存储空间超过该值。单位:GB。 说明 取值需大于等于0。 StorageAutoScale为Enable时必填。 |
StorageThreshold | Number | 否 | 否 | 存储空间自动扩容触发阈值(百分比)。 | 取值:
说明 StorageAutoScale为Enable时该参数必填。 |
IoAccelerationEnabled | String | 否 | 否 | 是否开启 IO 加速。 | 取值含义如下:
ColdDataEnabled | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 预留参数。 | 无 |
BurstingEnabled | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否已开启 IO 突发。 | 取值:
DeletionProtection | Boolean | 否 | 是 | 是否已开启释放保护功能。 | 取值:
"ServerlessConfig": {
"SwitchForce": Boolean,
"MaxCapacity": Number,
"MinCapacity": Number,
"AutoPause": Boolean
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
SwitchForce | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否开启Serverless实例的强制弹性扩容和缩容。 | 取值:
MaxCapacity | Number | 是 | 否 | 实例RCU(RDS Capacity Unit)自动扩容和缩容范围的最大值。 | 取值:0.5~8。 说明 该参数的值必须大于等于MinCapacity参数。 |
MinCapacity | Number | 是 | 否 | 实例RCU自动扩容和缩减范围的最小值。 | 取值:0.5~8。 说明 该参数的值必须小于等于MaxCapacity参数。 |
AutoPause | Boolean | 否 | 否 | 是否开启Serverless实例的智能暂停和启动。 | 取值:
说明 如果10分钟无任何连接将进入暂停状态,当连接进入时会自动唤醒。 |
"DBMappings": [
"DBDescription": String,
"CharacterSetName": String,
"DBName": String
属性名称 | 类型 | 必须 | 允许更新 | 描述 | 约束 |
DBDescription | String | 否 | 否 | 数据库描述。 | 长度为2~256个字符。以汉字或英文字母开头,不能以 |
CharacterSetName | String | 是 | 否 | 字符集。 | 取值:
DBName | String | 是 | 否 | 数据库名称。 | 名称需要全局唯一。 长度不超过64个字符。以小写英文字母开头,可包含小写英文字母、数字和下划线(_)。 |
ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
- 'True'
- 'true'
- 'False'
- 'false'
Description: If true, allocate public connection automate.
Type: Boolean
Description: "The number of archived backups that can be retained. Default value:\
\ 1. Valid values: \nThe value of this parameter ranges from 1 to 31 when the\
\ ArchiveBackupKeepPolicy \n parameter is set to ByMonth. \nThe value of this\
\ parameter ranges from 1 to 7 when the ArchiveBackupKeepPolicy \n parameter\
\ is set to ByWeek. \nNote You do not need to specify this parameter when the\
\ ArchiveBackupKeepPolicy \nparameter is set to KeepAll."
MaxValue: 31
MinValue: 1
Type: Number
- ByMonth
- ByWeek
- KeepAll
Description: "The period for which to retain archived backups. The number of archived\
\ backups that can \n be retained within the specified period is determined\
\ by the ArchiveBackupKeepCount parameter. \n Default value: 0. Valid values:\
\ \nByMonth \n ByWeek \n KeepAll"
Type: String
Description: "The number of days for which to retain archived backups. \n The\
\ default value 0 specifies not to enable the backup archiving function. Valid\
\ values: 30 to 1095."
MaxValue: 1095
MinValue: 30
Type: Number
- 'True'
- 'true'
- 'False'
- 'false'
Default: true
Description: Automatic Payment. Default is true.
Type: Boolean
- 'True'
- 'true'
- 'False'
- 'false'
Default: false
Description: Auto renew the prepay instance. If the period type is by year, it
will renew by year, else it will renew by month.
Type: Boolean
- Flash
- Standard
Description: "Specifies whether to enable the second-level backup function. This\
\ function allows a backup \nto be completed within seconds. Valid values: \n\
Flash: specifies to enable the second-level backup function. \n Standard: specifies\
\ to disable the second-level backup function."
Type: String
- DataBackupPolicy
- LogBackupPolicy
Description: "Backup type, \nDataBackupPolicy: data backup \nLogBackupPolicy:\
\ log backup"
Type: String
Default: 7
Description: 'The retention period of the data backup. Value range: 7 to 730.
The default value is the original value. Note When the BackupPolicyMode parameter
is set to LogBackupPolicy, this parameter is required.'
Type: Number
- Basic
- HighAvailability
- AlwaysOn
- Finance
Description: 'The edition of the instance. Valid values:
Basic: specifies to use the Basic Edition.
HighAvailability: specifies to use the High-availability Edition.
AlwaysOn: specifies to use the Cluster Edition.
Finance: specifies to use the Enterprise Edition.'
Type: String
- rds
- bards
- rords
Default: rds
Description: The CommodityCode of the order.
Type: String
Description: "The format used to compress backups. Valid values: \n 1: The zlib\
\ tool is used to compress backups into .tar.gz files. \n 4: The QuickLZ tool\
\ is used to compress backups into .xb.gz files. \nThis compression format is\
\ supported only when the instance runs MySQL 5.6 or 5.7. \nIt can be used to\
\ restore individual databases and tables. \n 8: The QuickLZ tool is used to\
\ compress backups into .xb.gz files. \n This compression format is supported\
\ only when the instance runs MySQL 8.0. \nIt cannot be used to restore individual\
\ databases or tables."
Type: Number
Description: 'Connection Mode for database instance,support ''Standard'' and ''Safe''
mode. Default is RDS system assigns. '
Type: String
AllowedPattern: '[a-zA-Z0-9-]{8,64}'
Description: "The prefix of the endpoint. \nOnly the prefix of the CurrentConnectionString\
\ parameter value can be modified.\nThe prefix must be 8 to 64 characters in\
\ length and can contain letters, digits, and hyphens (-). "
Type: String
- Inner
- Public
Default: Inner
Description: 'The endpoint type of the instance, allow values: Inner, Public'
Type: String
Description: The coupon code of the order.
Type: String
Description: Database instance type. Refer the RDS database instance type reference,
such as 'rds.mys2.large', 'rds.mss1.large', '' etc
Type: String
Description: Description of created database instance.
Type: String
- Internet
- Intranet
Default: Intranet
Description: Database instance net type, default is Intranet.Internet for public
access, Intranet for private access.
Type: String
Description: Database instance storage size. mysql is [5,1000]. sql server 2008r2
is [10,1000], sql server 2012/2012_web/2016-web is [20,1000]. PostgreSQL and
PPAS is [5,2000]. Increased every 5 GB, Unit in GB
Type: Number
Description: 'The storage type of the instance. Valid values:
local_ssd: specifies to use local SSDs. This is the recommended storage type.
cloud_ssd: specifies to use standard SSDs.
cloud_essd: specifies to use enhanced SSDs.'
Type: String
Description: 'Specifies whether table names are case-sensitive. Valid values:
1: Table names are not case-sensitive. This is the default value.
0: Table names are case-sensitive.'
Type: Number
Description: Database mappings to attach to db instance.
Type: Json
Description: The ID of the parameter template used by the instance.
Type: String
Description: 'The UTC time zone of the instance. Valid values: -12:00 to +12:00.
The time zone must be an integer value such as +08:00. Values such as +08:30
are not allowed.'
Type: String
Description: The ID of the host group to which the instance belongs if you create
an instance in a host group.
Type: String
- 'True'
- 'true'
- 'False'
- 'false'
Description: "Specifies whether to enable the log backup function. Valid values:\
\ \nTrue: specifies to enable the log backup function. \nFalse: specifies to\
\ disable the log backup function. \nNote You must specify this parameter when\
\ the BackupPolicyMode parameter is set to LogBackupPolicy."
Type: Boolean
Description: The ID of the encryption key that is used to encrypt data on SSDs
in the region. You can view the encryption key ID in the Key Management Service
(KMS) console. You can also create an encryption key.
Type: String
- SQLServer
- PostgreSQL
- MariaDB
Description: Database instance engine type. Support MySQL/SQLServer/PostgreSQL/PPAS/MariaDB
Type: String
Description: 'Database instance version of the relative engine type.Support MySQL:
SQLServer: 2008r2/2012/2012_ent_ha/2012_std_ha/2012_web/2016_ent_ha/2016_std_ha/2016_web/2017_std_ha/2017_ent;
PostgreSQL: 9.4/10.0/11.0/12.0;
PPAS: 9.3/10.0;
MariaDB: 10.3.'
Type: String
- Enable
- Disable
Description: "Specifies whether to forcibly delete log backup files when the space\
\ usage of the \n instance exceeds 80% or the remaining space is less than 5\
\ GB. Valid values: \n Enable and Disable. You can retain the default value.\
\ Note You must specify \n this parameter when the BackupPolicyMode parameter\
\ is set to LogBackupPolicy."
Type: String
Description: "The number of hours for which to retain log backup files on the\
\ instance. \nValid values: 0 to 168. The value 0 specifies not to retain log\
\ backup files on the instance. \nYou can retain the default value. Note You\
\ must specify this parameter when the BackupPolicyMode \nparameter is set to\
\ LogBackupPolicy."
MaxValue: 168
MinValue: 0
Type: Number
Description: "The maximum percentage of space that is allowed to store log backup\
\ files on the instance. \n If the space usage for log backup files exceeds\
\ this percentage, the system deletes earlier \n log backup files until the\
\ space usage falls below this percentage. Valid values:0 to 50. \n You can\
\ retain the default value. Note You must specify this parameter when the \n\
\ BackupPolicyMode parameter is set to LogBackupPolicy."
MaxValue: 50
MinValue: 0
Type: Number
Description: "The frequency at which to back up logs. Valid values: \nThe value\
\ LogInterval specifies to back up logs every 30 minutes. \n The default value\
\ of this parameter is the same as the data backup frequency. \nNote The value\
\ LogInterval is supported only when the instance runs SQL Server."
Type: String
Description: "The number of log backup files that can be retained on the instance.\
\ \nDefault value: 60. Valid values: 6 to 100."
MaxValue: 100
MinValue: 6
Type: Number
Description: "The number of days for which to retain log backup files. Valid values:\
\ 7 to 730. The log backup \n retention period cannot be longer than the data\
\ backup retention period.Note If you enable the log \n backup function, you\
\ can specify the log backup retention period. This applies only when the \n\
\ instance runs MySQL, PostgreSQL, or PPAS."
MaxValue: 730
MinValue: 7
Type: Number
Description: The period during which the maintenance performs. The format is HH:mmZ-HH:mmZ.
Type: String
Description: 'The master password for the database instance. '
MaxLength: 32
MinLength: 8
Type: String
- Normal
- Super
- Sysadmin
Default: Normal
Description: "Privilege type of account.\n Normal: Common privilege. \n Super:\
\ High privilege. \nSysadmin: Super privileges (SA) (only supported by SQL Server)\n\
The default value is Normal."
Type: String
Description: 'The master user name for the database instance. '
Type: String
- 'True'
- 'true'
- 'False'
- 'false'
Default: false
Description: 'Specifies if the database instance is a multiple Availability Zone
deployment. '
Type: Boolean
Default: 1
Description: Prepaid time period. While choose by pay by month, it could be from
1 to 9. While choose pay by year, it could be from 1 to 3.
MaxValue: 9
MinValue: 1
Type: Number
- Month
- Year
Default: Month
Description: Charge period for created instances.
Type: String
Description: The port of the database service.
MaxValue: 65535
MinValue: 1
Type: Number
Description: The backup period. Separate multiple values with commas (,). The
default value is the original value. Valid values:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Friday Saturday Sunday Note When the BackupPolicyMode parameter is set to DataBackupPolicy,
this parameter is required.
Type: CommaDelimitedList
Description: 'The time when the backup task is performed. Format: yyyy-MM-ddZ-HH:mm:ssZ.Note
When the BackupPolicyMode parameter is set to DataBackupPolicy, this parameter
is required.'
Type: String
Description: The private ip for created instance.
Type: String
Default: 1
Description: The number of instance to be created, default is 1, max number is
MaxValue: 99
MinValue: 1
Type: Number
- Lastest
- All
Description: "The policy used to retain archived backups if the instance is released.\
\ Default value: None. \n Valid values: \nLastest: Only the last archived backup\
\ is retained. \n All: All of the archived backups are retained."
Type: String
Description: Resource group id.
Type: String
Description: The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) provided to the service account
of the instance by your Alibaba Cloud account to connect to KMS. You can copy
the ARN from the RAM console.
Type: String
- Enable
- Disabled
Description: "Specifies whether to enable or disable the SQL Explorer (SQL audit)\
\ feature. \nValid values:Enable | Disabled."
Type: String
- Disabled
- EnabledForPublicConnection
- EnabledForInnerConnection
Default: Disabled
Description: 'Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) link setting of the instance. Valid values:
Disabled: Disable SSL
EnabledForPublicConnection: Public connection address will be protected by the
SSL certificate. It requires AllocatePublicConnection is true.
EnabledForInnerConnection: Private connection address will be protected by the
SSL certificate.
Default value is Disabled.'
Type: String
Description: "The ID of the ECS security groups. \nEach RDS instance can be associated\
\ with up to three ECS security groups. \nYou must separate them with commas\
\ (,). \nTo delete an ECS Security group, leave this parameter empty. \n"
Type: String
Description: List of slave zone ids can specify slave zone ids when creating the
high-availability or enterprise edition instance. Meanwhile, VSwitchId needs
to pass in the corresponding vswitch id to the slave zone by order. For example,
ZoneId = "zone-a" and SlaveZoneIds = ["zone-c", "zone-b"], then the VSwitchId
must be "vsw-zone-a,vsw-zone-c,vsw-zone-b". Of course, you can also choose automatic
allocation, for example, ZoneId = "zone-a" and SlaveZoneIds = ["Auto", "Auto"],
then the VSwitchId must be "vsw-zone-a,Auto,Auto". The list contains up to 2
slave zone ids, separated by commas.
MaxLength: 2
Type: Json
Description: 'The tags of an instance.
You should input the information of the tag with the format of the Key-Value,
such as {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2", ... "key5":"value5"}.
At most 5 tags can be specified.
It can be up to 64 characters in length.
Cannot begin with aliyun.
Cannot begin with http:// or https://.
Cannot be a null string.
It can be up to 128 characters in length.
Cannot begin with aliyun.
Cannot begin with http:// or https://.
Can be a null string.'
Type: Json
Description: The ID of the host to which the instance belongs if you create a
log instance in a host group.
Type: String
Description: The ID of the host to which the instance belongs if you create a
primary instance in a host group.
Type: String
Description: The ID of the host to which the instance belongs if you create a
secondary instance in a host group.
Type: String
Description: The vSwitch id of created instance. For VPC network, the property
is required.
Type: String
Description: The VPC id of created database instance. For VPC network, the property
is required.
Type: String
Description: selected zone to create database instance. You cannot set the ZoneId
parameter if the MultiAZ parameter is set to true.
Type: String
Ref: AllocatePublicConnection
Ref: ArchiveBackupKeepCount
Ref: ArchiveBackupKeepPolicy
Ref: ArchiveBackupRetentionPeriod
Ref: AutoPay
Ref: AutoRenew
Ref: BackUpCategory
Ref: BackupPolicyMode
Ref: BackupRetentionPeriod
Ref: Category
Ref: CommodityCode
Ref: CompressType
Ref: ConnectionMode
Ref: ConnectionStringPrefix
Ref: ConnectionStringType
Ref: CouponCode
Ref: DBInstanceClass
Ref: DBInstanceDescription
Ref: DBInstanceNetType
Ref: DBInstanceStorage
Ref: DBInstanceStorageType
Ref: DBIsIgnoreCase
Ref: DBMappings
Ref: DBParamGroupId
Ref: DBTimeZone
Ref: DedicatedHostGroupId
Ref: EnableBackupLog
Ref: EncryptionKey
Ref: Engine
Ref: EngineVersion
Ref: HighSpaceUsageProtection
Ref: LocalLogRetentionHours
Ref: LocalLogRetentionSpace
Ref: LogBackupFrequency
Ref: LogBackupLocalRetentionNumber
Ref: LogBackupRetentionPeriod
Ref: MaintainTime
Ref: MasterUserPassword
Ref: MasterUserType
Ref: MasterUsername
Ref: MultiAZ
Ref: Period
Ref: PeriodType
Ref: Port
Ref: PreferredBackupPeriod
Ref: PreferredBackupTime
Ref: PrivateIpAddress
Ref: Quantity
Ref: ReleasedKeepPolicy
Ref: ResourceGroupId
Ref: RoleARN
Ref: SQLCollectorStatus
Ref: SSLSetting
Ref: SecurityGroupId
Ref: SlaveZoneIds
Ref: Tags
Ref: TargetDedicatedHostIdForLog
Ref: TargetDedicatedHostIdForMaster
Ref: TargetDedicatedHostIdForSlave
Ref: VSwitchId
Ref: VpcId
Ref: ZoneId
Type: ALIYUN::RDS::PrepayDBInstance
Description: The instance id of created database instance.
- PrepayDBInstance
- DBInstanceId
Description: DB instance connection url by Intranet.
- PrepayDBInstance
- InnerConnectionString
Description: IP Address for created DB instance of Intranet.
- PrepayDBInstance
- InnerIPAddress
Description: Intranet port of created DB instance.
- PrepayDBInstance
- InnerPort
Description: The order id list of created instance.
- PrepayDBInstance
- OrderId
Description: DB instance connection url by Internet.
- PrepayDBInstance
- PublicConnectionString
Description: IP Address for created DB instance of Internet.
- PrepayDBInstance
- PublicIPAddress
Description: Internet port of created DB instance.
- PrepayDBInstance
- PublicPort
"ROSTemplateFormatVersion": "2015-09-01",
"Parameters": {
"PeriodType": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Charge period for created instances.",
"AllowedValues": [
"Default": "Month"
"ResourceGroupId": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Resource group id."
"ArchiveBackupRetentionPeriod": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "The number of days for which to retain archived backups. \n The default value 0 specifies not to enable the backup archiving function. Valid values: 30 to 1095.",
"MinValue": 30,
"MaxValue": 1095
"DBTimeZone": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The UTC time zone of the instance. Valid values: -12:00 to +12:00. The time zone must be an integer value such as +08:00. Values such as +08:30 are not allowed."
"Port": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "The port of the database service.",
"MinValue": 1,
"MaxValue": 65535
"ArchiveBackupKeepCount": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "The number of archived backups that can be retained. Default value: 1. Valid values: \nThe value of this parameter ranges from 1 to 31 when the ArchiveBackupKeepPolicy \n parameter is set to ByMonth. \nThe value of this parameter ranges from 1 to 7 when the ArchiveBackupKeepPolicy \n parameter is set to ByWeek. \nNote You do not need to specify this parameter when the ArchiveBackupKeepPolicy \nparameter is set to KeepAll.",
"MinValue": 1,
"MaxValue": 31
"LogBackupRetentionPeriod": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "The number of days for which to retain log backup files. Valid values: 7 to 730. The log backup \n retention period cannot be longer than the data backup retention period.Note If you enable the log \n backup function, you can specify the log backup retention period. This applies only when the \n instance runs MySQL, PostgreSQL, or PPAS.",
"MinValue": 7,
"MaxValue": 730
"DBInstanceStorage": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "Database instance storage size. mysql is [5,1000]. sql server 2008r2 is [10,1000], sql server 2012/2012_web/2016-web is [20,1000]. PostgreSQL and PPAS is [5,2000]. Increased every 5 GB, Unit in GB"
"DBMappings": {
"Type": "Json",
"Description": "Database mappings to attach to db instance."
"ConnectionStringPrefix": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The prefix of the endpoint. \nOnly the prefix of the CurrentConnectionString parameter value can be modified.\nThe prefix must be 8 to 64 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, and hyphens (-). ",
"AllowedPattern": "[a-zA-Z0-9-]{8,64}"
"MultiAZ": {
"Type": "Boolean",
"Description": "Specifies if the database instance is a multiple Availability Zone deployment. ",
"AllowedValues": [
"Default": false
"Engine": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Database instance engine type. Support MySQL/SQLServer/PostgreSQL/PPAS/MariaDB now.",
"AllowedValues": [
"Tags": {
"Type": "Json",
"Description": "The tags of an instance.\nYou should input the information of the tag with the format of the Key-Value, such as {\"key1\":\"value1\",\"key2\":\"value2\", ... \"key5\":\"value5\"}.\nAt most 5 tags can be specified.\nKey\nIt can be up to 64 characters in length.\nCannot begin with aliyun.\nCannot begin with http:// or https://.\nCannot be a null string.\nValue\nIt can be up to 128 characters in length.\nCannot begin with aliyun.\nCannot begin with http:// or https://.\nCan be a null string."
"DBInstanceDescription": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Description of created database instance."
"TargetDedicatedHostIdForMaster": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The ID of the host to which the instance belongs if you create a primary instance in a host group."
"EngineVersion": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Database instance version of the relative engine type.Support MySQL: 5.5/5.6/5.7/8.0;\nSQLServer: 2008r2/2012/2012_ent_ha/2012_std_ha/2012_web/2016_ent_ha/2016_std_ha/2016_web/2017_std_ha/2017_ent;\nPostgreSQL: 9.4/10.0/11.0/12.0;\nPPAS: 9.3/10.0;\nMariaDB: 10.3."
"DBInstanceClass": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Database instance type. Refer the RDS database instance type reference, such as 'rds.mys2.large', 'rds.mss1.large', '' etc"
"ArchiveBackupKeepPolicy": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The period for which to retain archived backups. The number of archived backups that can \n be retained within the specified period is determined by the ArchiveBackupKeepCount parameter. \n Default value: 0. Valid values: \nByMonth \n ByWeek \n KeepAll",
"AllowedValues": [
"VSwitchId": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The vSwitch id of created instance. For VPC network, the property is required."
"BackupPolicyMode": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Backup type, \nDataBackupPolicy: data backup \nLogBackupPolicy: log backup",
"AllowedValues": [
"Period": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "Prepaid time period. While choose by pay by month, it could be from 1 to 9. While choose pay by year, it could be from 1 to 3.",
"MinValue": 1,
"MaxValue": 9,
"Default": 1
"LocalLogRetentionHours": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "The number of hours for which to retain log backup files on the instance. \nValid values: 0 to 168. The value 0 specifies not to retain log backup files on the instance. \nYou can retain the default value. Note You must specify this parameter when the BackupPolicyMode \nparameter is set to LogBackupPolicy.",
"MinValue": 0,
"MaxValue": 168
"HighSpaceUsageProtection": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Specifies whether to forcibly delete log backup files when the space usage of the \n instance exceeds 80% or the remaining space is less than 5 GB. Valid values: \n Enable and Disable. You can retain the default value. Note You must specify \n this parameter when the BackupPolicyMode parameter is set to LogBackupPolicy.",
"AllowedValues": [
"RoleARN": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) provided to the service account of the instance by your Alibaba Cloud account to connect to KMS. You can copy the ARN from the RAM console."
"MasterUserPassword": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The master password for the database instance. ",
"MinLength": 8,
"MaxLength": 32
"VpcId": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The VPC id of created database instance. For VPC network, the property is required."
"SSLSetting": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) link setting of the instance. Valid values:\nDisabled: Disable SSL\nEnabledForPublicConnection: Public connection address will be protected by the SSL certificate. It requires AllocatePublicConnection is true.\nEnabledForInnerConnection: Private connection address will be protected by the SSL certificate.\nDefault value is Disabled.",
"AllowedValues": [
"Default": "Disabled"
"MasterUsername": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The master user name for the database instance. "
"ConnectionMode": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Connection Mode for database instance,support 'Standard' and 'Safe' mode. Default is RDS system assigns. "
"LocalLogRetentionSpace": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "The maximum percentage of space that is allowed to store log backup files on the instance. \n If the space usage for log backup files exceeds this percentage, the system deletes earlier \n log backup files until the space usage falls below this percentage. Valid values:0 to 50. \n You can retain the default value. Note You must specify this parameter when the \n BackupPolicyMode parameter is set to LogBackupPolicy.",
"MinValue": 0,
"MaxValue": 50
"Category": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The edition of the instance. Valid values:\nBasic: specifies to use the Basic Edition.\nHighAvailability: specifies to use the High-availability Edition.\nAlwaysOn: specifies to use the Cluster Edition.\nFinance: specifies to use the Enterprise Edition.",
"AllowedValues": [
"PrivateIpAddress": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The private ip for created instance."
"TargetDedicatedHostIdForSlave": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The ID of the host to which the instance belongs if you create a secondary instance in a host group."
"DBInstanceNetType": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Database instance net type, default is Intranet.Internet for public access, Intranet for private access.",
"AllowedValues": [
"Default": "Intranet"
"ReleasedKeepPolicy": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The policy used to retain archived backups if the instance is released. Default value: None. \n Valid values: \nLastest: Only the last archived backup is retained. \n All: All of the archived backups are retained.",
"AllowedValues": [
"DedicatedHostGroupId": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The ID of the host group to which the instance belongs if you create an instance in a host group."
"AutoRenew": {
"Type": "Boolean",
"Description": "Auto renew the prepay instance. If the period type is by year, it will renew by year, else it will renew by month.",
"AllowedValues": [
"Default": false
"EncryptionKey": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The ID of the encryption key that is used to encrypt data on SSDs in the region. You can view the encryption key ID in the Key Management Service (KMS) console. You can also create an encryption key."
"PreferredBackupPeriod": {
"Type": "CommaDelimitedList",
"Description": "The backup period. Separate multiple values with commas (,). The default value is the original value. Valid values:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Note When the BackupPolicyMode parameter is set to DataBackupPolicy, this parameter is required."
"LogBackupLocalRetentionNumber": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "The number of log backup files that can be retained on the instance. \nDefault value: 60. Valid values: 6 to 100.",
"MinValue": 6,
"MaxValue": 100
"SlaveZoneIds": {
"Type": "Json",
"Description": "List of slave zone ids can specify slave zone ids when creating the high-availability or enterprise edition instance. Meanwhile, VSwitchId needs to pass in the corresponding vswitch id to the slave zone by order. For example, ZoneId = \"zone-a\" and SlaveZoneIds = [\"zone-c\", \"zone-b\"], then the VSwitchId must be \"vsw-zone-a,vsw-zone-c,vsw-zone-b\". Of course, you can also choose automatic allocation, for example, ZoneId = \"zone-a\" and SlaveZoneIds = [\"Auto\", \"Auto\"], then the VSwitchId must be \"vsw-zone-a,Auto,Auto\". The list contains up to 2 slave zone ids, separated by commas.",
"MaxLength": 2
"DBIsIgnoreCase": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "Specifies whether table names are case-sensitive. Valid values:\n1: Table names are not case-sensitive. This is the default value.\n0: Table names are case-sensitive."
"CommodityCode": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The CommodityCode of the order.",
"AllowedValues": [
"Default": "rds"
"MaintainTime": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The period during which the maintenance performs. The format is HH:mmZ-HH:mmZ."
"DBParamGroupId": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The ID of the parameter template used by the instance."
"ZoneId": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "selected zone to create database instance. You cannot set the ZoneId parameter if the MultiAZ parameter is set to true."
"TargetDedicatedHostIdForLog": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The ID of the host to which the instance belongs if you create a log instance in a host group."
"AllocatePublicConnection": {
"Type": "Boolean",
"Description": "If true, allocate public connection automate.",
"AllowedValues": [
"PreferredBackupTime": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The time when the backup task is performed. Format: yyyy-MM-ddZ-HH:mm:ssZ.Note When the BackupPolicyMode parameter is set to DataBackupPolicy, this parameter is required."
"SecurityGroupId": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The ID of the ECS security groups. \nEach RDS instance can be associated with up to three ECS security groups. \nYou must separate them with commas (,). \nTo delete an ECS Security group, leave this parameter empty. \n"
"Quantity": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "The number of instance to be created, default is 1, max number is 99",
"MinValue": 1,
"MaxValue": 99,
"Default": 1
"AutoPay": {
"Type": "Boolean",
"Description": "Automatic Payment. Default is false.",
"AllowedValues": [
"Default": true
"DBInstanceStorageType": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The storage type of the instance. Valid values:\nlocal_ssd: specifies to use local SSDs. This is the recommended storage type.\ncloud_ssd: specifies to use standard SSDs.\ncloud_essd: specifies to use enhanced SSDs."
"BackUpCategory": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Specifies whether to enable the second-level backup function. This function allows a backup \nto be completed within seconds. Valid values: \nFlash: specifies to enable the second-level backup function. \n Standard: specifies to disable the second-level backup function.",
"AllowedValues": [
"CompressType": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "The format used to compress backups. Valid values: \n 1: The zlib tool is used to compress backups into .tar.gz files. \n 4: The QuickLZ tool is used to compress backups into .xb.gz files. \nThis compression format is supported only when the instance runs MySQL 5.6 or 5.7. \nIt can be used to restore individual databases and tables. \n 8: The QuickLZ tool is used to compress backups into .xb.gz files. \n This compression format is supported only when the instance runs MySQL 8.0. \nIt cannot be used to restore individual databases or tables."
"LogBackupFrequency": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The frequency at which to back up logs. Valid values: \nThe value LogInterval specifies to back up logs every 30 minutes. \n The default value of this parameter is the same as the data backup frequency. \nNote The value LogInterval is supported only when the instance runs SQL Server."
"ConnectionStringType": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The endpoint type of the instance, allow values: Inner, Public",
"AllowedValues": [
"Default": "Inner"
"CouponCode": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "The coupon code of the order."
"MasterUserType": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Privilege type of account.\n Normal: Common privilege. \n Super: High privilege. \nSysadmin: Super privileges (SA) (only supported by SQL Server)\nThe default value is Normal.",
"AllowedValues": [
"Default": "Normal"
"EnableBackupLog": {
"Type": "Boolean",
"Description": "Specifies whether to enable the log backup function. Valid values: \nTrue: specifies to enable the log backup function. \nFalse: specifies to disable the log backup function. \nNote You must specify this parameter when the BackupPolicyMode parameter is set to LogBackupPolicy.",
"AllowedValues": [
"SQLCollectorStatus": {
"Type": "String",
"Description": "Specifies whether to enable or disable the SQL Explorer (SQL audit) feature. \nValid values:Enable | Disabled.",
"AllowedValues": [
"BackupRetentionPeriod": {
"Type": "Number",
"Description": "The retention period of the data backup. Value range: 7 to 730. The default value is the original value. Note When the BackupPolicyMode parameter is set to LogBackupPolicy, this parameter is required.",
"Default": 7
"Resources": {
"PrepayDBInstance": {
"Type": "ALIYUN::RDS::PrepayDBInstance",
"Properties": {
"PeriodType": {
"Ref": "PeriodType"
"ResourceGroupId": {
"Ref": "ResourceGroupId"
"ArchiveBackupRetentionPeriod": {
"Ref": "ArchiveBackupRetentionPeriod"
"DBTimeZone": {
"Ref": "DBTimeZone"
"Port": {
"Ref": "Port"
"ArchiveBackupKeepCount": {
"Ref": "ArchiveBackupKeepCount"
"LogBackupRetentionPeriod": {
"Ref": "LogBackupRetentionPeriod"
"DBInstanceStorage": {
"Ref": "DBInstanceStorage"
"DBMappings": {
"Ref": "DBMappings"
"ConnectionStringPrefix": {
"Ref": "ConnectionStringPrefix"
"MultiAZ": {
"Ref": "MultiAZ"
"Engine": {
"Ref": "Engine"
"Tags": {
"Ref": "Tags"
"DBInstanceDescription": {
"Ref": "DBInstanceDescription"
"TargetDedicatedHostIdForMaster": {
"Ref": "TargetDedicatedHostIdForMaster"
"EngineVersion": {
"Ref": "EngineVersion"
"DBInstanceClass": {
"Ref": "DBInstanceClass"
"ArchiveBackupKeepPolicy": {
"Ref": "ArchiveBackupKeepPolicy"
"VSwitchId": {
"Ref": "VSwitchId"
"BackupPolicyMode": {
"Ref": "BackupPolicyMode"
"Period": {
"Ref": "Period"
"LocalLogRetentionHours": {
"Ref": "LocalLogRetentionHours"
"HighSpaceUsageProtection": {
"Ref": "HighSpaceUsageProtection"
"RoleARN": {
"Ref": "RoleARN"
"MasterUserPassword": {
"Ref": "MasterUserPassword"
"VpcId": {
"Ref": "VpcId"
"SSLSetting": {
"Ref": "SSLSetting"
"MasterUsername": {
"Ref": "MasterUsername"
"ConnectionMode": {
"Ref": "ConnectionMode"
"LocalLogRetentionSpace": {
"Ref": "LocalLogRetentionSpace"
"Category": {
"Ref": "Category"
"PrivateIpAddress": {
"Ref": "PrivateIpAddress"
"TargetDedicatedHostIdForSlave": {
"Ref": "TargetDedicatedHostIdForSlave"
"DBInstanceNetType": {
"Ref": "DBInstanceNetType"
"ReleasedKeepPolicy": {
"Ref": "ReleasedKeepPolicy"
"DedicatedHostGroupId": {
"Ref": "DedicatedHostGroupId"
"AutoRenew": {
"Ref": "AutoRenew"
"EncryptionKey": {
"Ref": "EncryptionKey"
"PreferredBackupPeriod": {
"Ref": "PreferredBackupPeriod"
"LogBackupLocalRetentionNumber": {
"Ref": "LogBackupLocalRetentionNumber"
"SlaveZoneIds": {
"Ref": "SlaveZoneIds"
"DBIsIgnoreCase": {
"Ref": "DBIsIgnoreCase"
"CommodityCode": {
"Ref": "CommodityCode"
"MaintainTime": {
"Ref": "MaintainTime"
"DBParamGroupId": {
"Ref": "DBParamGroupId"
"ZoneId": {
"Ref": "ZoneId"
"TargetDedicatedHostIdForLog": {
"Ref": "TargetDedicatedHostIdForLog"
"AllocatePublicConnection": {
"Ref": "AllocatePublicConnection"
"PreferredBackupTime": {
"Ref": "PreferredBackupTime"
"SecurityGroupId": {
"Ref": "SecurityGroupId"
"Quantity": {
"Ref": "Quantity"
"AutoPay": {
"Ref": "AutoPay"
"DBInstanceStorageType": {
"Ref": "DBInstanceStorageType"
"BackUpCategory": {
"Ref": "BackUpCategory"
"CompressType": {
"Ref": "CompressType"
"LogBackupFrequency": {
"Ref": "LogBackupFrequency"
"ConnectionStringType": {
"Ref": "ConnectionStringType"
"CouponCode": {
"Ref": "CouponCode"
"MasterUserType": {
"Ref": "MasterUserType"
"EnableBackupLog": {
"Ref": "EnableBackupLog"
"SQLCollectorStatus": {
"Ref": "SQLCollectorStatus"
"BackupRetentionPeriod": {
"Ref": "BackupRetentionPeriod"
"Outputs": {
"InnerConnectionString": {
"Description": "DB instance connection url by Intranet.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"DBInstanceId": {
"Description": "The instance id of created database instance.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"InnerIPAddress": {
"Description": "IP Address for created DB instance of Intranet.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"PublicConnectionString": {
"Description": "DB instance connection url by Internet.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"PublicIPAddress": {
"Description": "IP Address for created DB instance of Internet.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"OrderId": {
"Description": "The order id list of created instance.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"PublicPort": {
"Description": "Internet port of created DB instance.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"InnerPort": {
"Description": "Intranet port of created DB instance.",
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [