错误名称 | 状态码 | 报错信息 | 处理建议 |
ResourceExhausted | 429 | Application concurrent request count exceeded. |
InternalServerError | 500 | An internal error has occurred. Please retry. | 请联系SAE支持。 |
AccessDenied | 403 | The default domain name cannot be accessed unless you manually configure the IP ACL on the console. Your current IP address is not in the IP ACL list. Please add it manually and then access it again, or access it through a custom domain name. | 请将当前客户端的出口IP添加到公网访问IP白名单中,详见添加公网访问IP白名单。 |
SignatureNotMatch | 403 | The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your access key and signing method. | 签名校验不通过。请检查您的签名计算逻辑以及ak或者sk是否准确。 |
MissingRequiredHeader | 403 | Required HTTP header Date was not specified. | 对于设置了签名认证的应用,请求未携带签名信息,或者在计算签名时没有为请求添加Date头。 |
ResourceThrottled | 400 | Reserve resource exceeded limit. | 已达到应用或地域级别的实例数量上限,请联系SAE支持。 |
DomainNameNotFound | 404 | Domain name 'xxx.com' does not exist. |
ClientClosedRequest | 499 | The request was canceled by the client before it was completed. | 客户端在应用没有返回时就主动关闭了请求,建议您增大客户端超时时间或者增大应用的规格。 |