

This data source provides Cloud Firewall Vpc Firewall Cen available to the user.What is Vpc Firewall Cen

-> NOTE: Available since v1.194.0.

Example Usage

data "alicloud_cloud_firewall_vpc_firewall_cens" "default" {
  ids               = ["${}"]
  cen_id            = "cen-cjok7uyb5w2b27573v"
  member_uid        = "1415189284827022"
  status            = "closed"
  vpc_firewall_name = "tf-test"

output "alicloud_cloud_firewall_vpc_firewall_cen_example_id" {
  value =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cen_id - (ForceNew,Optional) The ID of the CEN instance.
  • lang - (ForceNew,Optional) The language type of the requested and received messages. Value:-zh (default): Chinese.-en: English.
  • member_uid - (ForceNew,Optional) The UID of the member account (other Alibaba Cloud account) of the current Alibaba cloud account.
  • network_instance_id - (ForceNew,Optional) The ID of the VPC instance that created the VPC firewall.
  • status - (ForceNew,Optional) Firewall switch status
    • opened: Enabled.
    • closed: closed.
    • notconfigured: indicates that the VPC boundary firewall is not configured.
    • configured: indicates that the VPC boundary firewall is configured but not enabled.
  • vpc_firewall_id - (ForceNew,Optional) VPC firewall ID
  • vpc_firewall_name - (ForceNew,Optional) The name of the VPC firewall instance.
  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Vpc Firewall Cen IDs.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • ids - A list of Vpc Firewall Cen IDs.
  • cens - A list of Vpc Firewall Cen Entries. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • id - The ID of the CEN instance.
    • cen_id - The ID of the CEN instance.
    • connect_type - Intercommunication type, value: expressconnect: Express Channel cen: Cloud Enterprise Network
    • local_vpc - The details of the VPC.
      • defend_cidr_list - The list of network segments protected by the VPC firewall.
      • manual_v_switch_id - The ID of the vSwitch specified when the routing mode is manual mode.
      • network_instance_id - The ID of the VPC instance that created the VPC firewall.
      • network_instance_name - The name of the network instance.
      • network_instance_type - The type of the network instance. Value: **VPC * *.
      • owner_id - The UID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the VPC belongs.
      • region_no - The region ID of the VPC.
      • route_mode - Routing mode,. Value:-auto: indicates automatic mode.-manual: indicates manual mode.
      • support_manual_mode - Whether routing mode supports manual mode. Value:-1: Supported.-0: Not supported.
      • transit_router_type - The version of the cloud enterprise network forwarding router (CEN-TR). Value:-Basic: Basic Edition.-Enterprise: Enterprise Edition.
      • vpc_cidr_table_list - The VPC network segment list.
        • route_entry_list - The list of route entries in the VPC.
          • destination_cidr - The target network segment of the VPC.
          • next_hop_instance_id - The ID of the next hop instance in the VPC.
        • route_table_id - The ID of the route table of the VPC.
      • vpc_id - The ID of the VPC instance.
      • vpc_name - The instance name of the VPC.
    • member_uid - The UID of the member account (other Alibaba Cloud account) of the current Alibaba cloud account.
    • status - Firewall switch status
    • vpc_firewall_id - VPC firewall ID
    • vpc_firewall_name - The name of the VPC firewall instance.