Provides a DCDN Waf Domain resource.
For information about DCDN Waf Domain and how to use it, see What is Waf Domain.
-> NOTE: Available since v1.185.0.
Example Usage
Basic Usage
variable "domain_name" {
default = ""
resource "random_integer" "default" {
min = 10000
max = 99999
resource "alicloud_dcdn_domain" "example" {
domain_name = "${var.domain_name}-${random_integer.default.result}"
scope = "overseas"
sources {
content = ""
port = "80"
priority = "20"
type = "ipaddr"
weight = "10"
resource "alicloud_dcdn_waf_domain" "example" {
domain_name = alicloud_dcdn_domain.example.domain_name
client_ip_tag = "X-Forwarded-For"
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Optional) The client ip tag.domain_name
- (Required, ForceNew) The accelerated domain name.
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The resource ID in terraform of Waf Domain. Its value is same asdomain_name
The timeouts
block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:
- (Defaults to 1 mins) Used when creating the Waf Domain.delete
- (Defaults to 1 mins) Used when deleting the Waf Domain.update
- (Defaults to 1 mins) Used when updating the Waf Domain.
DCDN Waf Domain can be imported using the id, e.g.
$ terraform import alicloud_dcdn_waf_domain.example <domain_name>