

This data source provides Dcdn Waf Rule available to the user.What is Waf Rule

-> NOTE: Available since v1.201.0.

Example Usage

data "alicloud_dcdn_waf_rules" "default" {
  ids = ["${}"]

output "alicloud_dcdn_waf_rule_example_id" {
  value =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • query_args - (Optional, ForceNew) The query conditions. The value is a string in the JSON format.
  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Waf Rule IDs.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • waf_rules - A list of Waf Rule Entries. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • defense_scene - The type of protection policy. The following scenarios are supported:-waf_group:Web basic protection-custom_acl: Custom protection policy-whitelist: whitelist
    • gmt_modified - Revised the time. The date format is based on ISO8601 notation and uses UTC +0 time in the format of yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ.
    • policy_id - The protection policy ID.
    • rule_name - The name of the protection rule.
    • status - The status of the resource
    • waf_rule_id - The first ID of the resource
    • id - The ID of the Waf Rule.
    • action - Specifies the action of the rule.
    • cn_region_list - The blocked regions in the Chinese mainland, separated by commas (,).
    • regular_types - The type of the regular expression. If the value of the tags field contains waf_group, you can specify this field.
    • remote_addr - Filter by IP address.
    • waf_group_ids - The id of the waf rule group.
    • effect - The effective range of the frequency control blacklist.
    • other_region_list - The effective range of the frequency control blacklist.
    • cc_status - Whether to turn on Frequency Control, on/off
    • scenes - List of protection scenarios
    • regular_rules - The regular expression.
    • conditions - The trigger condition of the rule.
      • key - The match field.
      • op_value - The logical symbol.
      • sub_key - The match subfield.
      • values - The match content. Separate multiple values with commas (,).
    • rate_limit - The rules of rate limiting.
      • target - The statistical field for frequency control.
      • interval - The statistical interval. Valid values: 5 to 1800. Unit: seconds.
      • sub_key - The subfield of the target field.
      • threshold - The trigger threshold of rate limiting. Valid values: 2 to 500000. Unit: requests.
      • ttl - The validity period of the blacklist. Valid values: 60 to 86400. Unit: seconds.
      • status - The information about the HTTP status code.
        • code - The HTTP status code returned.
        • ratio - The percentage of HTTP status codes.
        • count - The number of times that the HTTP status code that was returned.