

This data source provides the Direct Mail Domains of the current Alibaba Cloud user.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.134.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

variable "name" {
  default = ""

provider "alicloud" {
  region = "cn-hangzhou"

resource "alicloud_direct_mail_domain" "default" {
  domain_name =

data "alicloud_direct_mail_domains" "ids" {
  ids = []

output "direct_mail_domains_id_0" {
  value =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, List) A list of Domain IDs.
  • name_regex - (Optional, ForceNew) A regex string to filter results by Domain name.
  • key_word - (Optional, ForceNew) The domain name. It must be 1 to 50 characters in length and can contain digits, letters, periods (.), and hyphens (-).
  • status - (Optional, ForceNew) The status of the domain name. Valid values:
    • 0: Indicates that the domain name is verified and available.
    • 1: Indicates that the domain name fails to be verified and is unavailable.
    • 2: Indicates that the domain name is available, but not filed or configured with a CNAME record.
    • 3: Indicates that the domain name is available but not filed.
    • 4: Indicates that the domain name is available but not configured with a CNAME record.
  • enable_details - (Optional, Bool) Whether to query the detailed list of resource attributes. Default value: false.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • names - A list of Domain names.
  • domains - A list of Domains. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • id - The ID of the Domain.
    • domain_id - The ID of the domain name.
    • domain_name - The domain name.
    • domain_record - (Available since v1.227.1) The value of the Domain record.
    • domain_type - The type of the domain. Note: domain_type takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • cname_auth_status - Indicates whether your ownership of the domain is verified.
    • cname_confirm_status - Indicates whether the CNAME record is successfully verified. Note: cname_confirm_status takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • cname_record - The value of the CNAME record. Note: cname_record takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • icp_status - The status of ICP filing.
    • mx_auth_status - Indicates whether the MX record is successfully verified.
    • mx_record - The MX verification record provided by the Direct Mail console. Note: mx_record takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • spf_auth_status - Indicates whether the SPF record is successfully verified.
    • spf_record - The SPF verification record provided by the Direct Mail console. Note: spf_record takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • default_domain - The default domain name. Note: default_domain takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • host_record - (Available since v1.227.1) The value of the host record. Note: host_record takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • dns_mx - The MX record value resolved through public DNS. Note: dns_mx takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • dns_txt - The TXT record value resolved through public DNS. Note: dns_txt takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • dns_spf - The SPF record value resolved through public DNS. Note: dns_spf takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • dns_dmarc - (Available since v1.227.1) The DMARC record value resolved through public DNS. Note: dns_dmarc takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • dkim_auth_status - (Available since v1.227.1) The DKIM validation flag. Note: dkim_auth_status takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • dkim_rr - (Available since v1.227.1) The DKIM Host Record. Note: dkim_rr takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • dkim_public_key - (Available since v1.227.1) The DKIM public key. Note: dkim_public_key takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • dmarc_auth_status - (Available since v1.227.1) The DMARC validation flag. Note: dmarc_auth_status takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • dmarc_record - (Available since v1.227.1) The DMARC record. Note: dmarc_record takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • dmarc_host_record - (Available since v1.227.1) The DMARC Host Record. Note: dmarc_host_record takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • tl_domain_name - The primary domain name. Note: tl_domain_name takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • tracef_record - The CNAME verification record provided by the Direct Mail console. Note: tracef_record takes effect only if enable_details is set to true.
    • status - The status of the domain name.
    • create_time - The time when the DNS record was created.