
Distributed Relational Database Service (DRDS) is a lightweight (stateless), flexible, stable, and efficient middleware product independently developed by Alibaba Group to resolve scalability issues with single-host relational databases. With its compatibility with MySQL protocols and syntaxes, DRDS enables database/table sharding, smooth scaling, configuration upgrade/downgrade, transparent read/write splitting, and distributed transactions, providing O&M capabilities for distributed databases throughout their entire lifecycle.

For information about DRDS and how to use it, see What is DRDS.

-> NOTE: At present, DRDS instance only can be supported in the regions: cn-shenzhen, cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-hongkong, cn-qingdao, ap-southeast-1.

-> NOTE: Currently, this resource only support Domestic Site Account.

Example Usage

provider "alicloud" {
  region = "cn-beijing"
data "alicloud_zones" "default" {
  available_resource_creation = "VSwitch"

variable "instance_series" {
  default = "drds.sn1.4c8g"

data "alicloud_vpcs" "default" {
  name_regex = "default-NODELETING"
data "alicloud_vswitches" "default" {
  vpc_id = data.alicloud_vpcs.default.ids.0

resource "alicloud_drds_instance" "default" {
  description          = "drds instance"
  instance_charge_type = "PostPaid"
  zone_id              = data.alicloud_vswitches.default.vswitches.0.zone_id
  vswitch_id           =
  instance_series      = var.instance_series
  specification        = "drds.sn1.4c8g.8C16G"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • description - (Required) Description of the DRDS instance, This description can have a string of 2 to 256 characters.
  • zone_id - (Required from v1.91.0, ForceNew) The Zone to launch the DRDS instance.
  • instance_charge_type - (Optional, ForceNew) Valid values are PrePaid, PostPaid, Default to PostPaid.
  • vswitch_id - (Required from v1.91.0, ForceNew) The VSwitch ID to launch in.
  • instance_series - (Required, ForceNew) The parameter of the instance series. NOTE: drds.sn1.4c8g,drds.sn1.8c16g,drds.sn1.16c32g,drds.sn1.32c64g are no longer supported. Valid values:
    • drds.sn2.4c16g Starter Edition.
    • drds.sn2.8c32g Standard Edition.
    • drds.sn2.16c64g Enterprise Edition.
  • specification - (Required, ForceNew) User-defined DRDS instance specification. Value range:
    • drds.sn1.4c8g for DRDS instance Starter version;
      • value range : drds.sn1.4c8g.8c16g, drds.sn1.4c8g.16c32g, drds.sn1.4c8g.32c64g, drds.sn1.4c8g.64c128g
    • drds.sn1.8c16g for DRDS instance Standard edition;
      • value range : drds.sn1.8c16g.16c32g, drds.sn1.8c16g.32c64g, drds.sn1.8c16g.64c128g
    • drds.sn1.16c32g for DRDS instance Enterprise Edition;
      • value range : drds.sn1.16c32g.32c64g, drds.sn1.16c32g.64c128g
    • drds.sn1.32c64g for DRDS instance Extreme Edition;
      • value range : drds.sn1.32c64g.128c256g
  • vpc_id - (Optional, ForceNew, Available in v1.185.0+) The id of the VPC.
  • mysql_version - (Optional, ForceNew, Available in v1.201.0+) The MySQL version supported by the instance, with the following range of values. 5: Fully compatible with MySQL 5.x (default) 8: Fully compatible with MySQL 8.0. This parameter takes effect when the primary instance is created, and the read-only instance has the same MySQL version as the primary instance by default.


-> NOTE: Available in 1.49.0+.

The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 10 mins) Used when creating the drds instance (until it reaches running status).
  • delete - (Defaults to 10 mins) Used when terminating the drds instance.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The DRDS instance ID.
  • connection_string - (Available in 1.196.0+) The connection string of the DRDS instance.
  • port - (Available in 1.196.0+) The connection port of the DRDS instance.


Distributed Relational Database Service (DRDS) can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_drds_instance.example drds-abc123456