
Provides a Express Connect Physical Connection resource.

For information about Express Connect Physical Connection and how to use it, see What is Physical Connection.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.132.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

provider "alicloud" {
  region = "cn-hangzhou"
  alias  = "hz"

provider "alicloud" {
  region = "ap-southeast-1"
  alias  = "sgp"

resource "alicloud_express_connect_physical_connection" "domestic" {
  access_point_id          = "ap-cn-hangzhou-yh-B"
  line_operator            = "CT"
  peer_location            = "example_value"
  physical_connection_name = "example_value"
  type                     = "VPC"
  description              = "my domestic connection"
  port_type                = "1000Base-LX"
  bandwidth                = 100
  provider                 = alicloud.hz

resource "alicloud_express_connect_physical_connection" "international" {
  access_point_id          = "ap-sg-singpore-A"
  line_operator            = "Other"
  peer_location            = "example_value"
  physical_connection_name = "example_value"
  type                     = "VPC"
  description              = "my domestic connection"
  port_type                = "1000Base-LX"
  bandwidth                = 100
  provider                 = alicloud.sgp

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • access_point_id - (Required, ForceNew) The access point ID of the Express Connect circuit.
  • line_operator - (Required) The connectivity provider of the Express Connect circuit. Valid values:
    • CT: China Telecom.
    • CU: China Unicom.
    • CM: China Mobile.
    • CO: Other connectivity providers in the Chinese mainland.
    • Equinix: Equinix.
    • Other: Other connectivity providers outside the Chinese mainland.
  • type - (Optional, ForceNew) The type of Express Connect circuit. Default value: VPC. Valid values: VPC.
  • port_type - (Optional, ForceNew) The port type of the Express Connect circuit. Valid values:
    • 100Base-T: 100 Mbit/s copper Ethernet port.
    • 1000Base-T: 1000 Mbit/s copper Ethernet port.
    • 1000Base-LX: 1000 Mbit/s single-mode optical port (10 km).
    • 10GBase-T: 10000 Mbit/s copper Ethernet port.
    • 10GBase-LR: 10000 Mbit/s single-mode optical port (10 km).
    • 40GBase-LR: 40000 Mbit/s single-mode optical port.
    • 100GBase-LR: 100000 Mbit/s single-mode optical port. -> NOTE: From version 1.185.0, port_type can be set to 40GBase-LR, 100GBase-LR. From version 1.230.1, port_type cannot be modified.
  • bandwidth - (Optional) The maximum bandwidth of the hosted connection.
  • circuit_code - (Optional) The circuit code of the Express Connect circuit.
  • peer_location - (Optional) The geographical location of the data center.
  • redundant_physical_connection_id - (Optional, ForceNew) The ID of the redundant Express Connect circuit. NOTE: From version 1.230.1, redundant_physical_connection_id cannot be modified.
  • physical_connection_name - (Optional) The name of the Express Connect circuit.
  • description - (Optional) The description of the Express Connect circuit.
  • status - (Optional) The status of the Express Connect circuit. Valid values: Confirmed, Enabled, Canceled, Terminated. NOTE: From version 1.230.1, status can be set to Confirmed. If you want to set status to Enabled, period must be set.
  • period - (Optional, Int, Available since v1.230.1) The subscription duration. Valid values:
    • If pricing_cycle is set to Month. Valid values: 1 to 9.
    • If pricing_cycle is set to Year. Valid values: 1 to 5.
  • pricing_cycle - (Optional, Available since v1.230.1) The billing cycle of the subscription. Default value: Month. Valid values: Month, Year. -> NOTE: period and pricing_cycle are valid only when status is set to Enabled.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID in terraform of Physical Connection.
  • order_id - The ID of the order that is placed. Note: order_id takes effect only if status is set to Enabled.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • create - (Defaults to 2 mins) Used when create the Physical Connection.


Express Connect Physical Connection can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_express_connect_physical_connection.example <id>