

This data source provides a list of KMS keys in an Alibaba Cloud account according to the specified filters.

Example Usage

# Declare the data source
data "alicloud_kms_keys" "kms_keys_ds" {
  description_regex = "Hello KMS"
  output_file       = "kms_keys.json"

output "first_key_id" {
  value = "${}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • ids - (Optional) A list of KMS key IDs.
  • description_regex - (Optional) A regex string to filter the results by the KMS key description.
  • status - (Optional) Filter the results by status of the KMS keys. Valid values: Enabled, Disabled, PendingDeletion.
  • filters - (Optional) The CMK filter. The filter consists of one or more key-value pairs. You can specify a maximum of 10 key-value pairs. More details see API ListKeys.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • ids - A list of KMS key IDs.
  • keys - A list of KMS keys. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • id - ID of the key.
    • arn - The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the key.
    • description - Description of the key.
    • status - Status of the key. Possible values: Enabled, Disabled and PendingDeletion.
    • creation_date - Creation date of key.
    • delete_date - Deletion date of key.
    • creator - The owner of the key.
    • automatic_rotation -(Available in 1.123.1+) Specifies whether to enable automatic key rotation.
    • key_id -(Available in 1.123.1+) ID of the key.
    • key_spec -(Available in 1.123.1+) The type of the CMK.
    • key_usage -(Available in 1.123.1+) The usage of CMK.
    • last_rotation_date -(Available in 1.123.1+) The date and time the last rotation was performed.
    • material_expire_time -(Available in 1.123.1+) The time and date the key material for the CMK expires.
    • next_rotation_date -(Available in 1.123.1+) The time the next rotation is scheduled for execution.
    • origin -(Available in 1.123.1+) The source of the key material for the CMK.
    • protection_level -(Available in 1.123.1+) The protection level of the CMK.
    • rotation_interval -(Available in 1.123.1+) The period of automatic key rotation.
    • primary_key_version -(Available in 1.123.1+) The ID of the current primary key version of the symmetric CMK.