

This data source provides a list of OOS Executions in an Alibaba Cloud account according to the specified filters.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.93.0+.

Example Usage

# Declare the data source

data "alicloud_oos_executions" "example" {
  ids = ["execution_id"]
  template_name = "name"
  status = "Success"

output "first_execution_id" {
  value = "${}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • ids - (Optional) A list of OOS Execution ids.
  • category - (Optional) The category of template. Valid: AlarmTrigger, EventTrigger, Other and TimerTrigger.
  • end_date - (Optional) The time when the execution was ended.
  • end_date_after - (Optional) Execution whose end time is less than or equal to the specified time.
  • executed_by - (Optional) The user who execute the template.
  • include_child_execution - (Optional) Whether to include sub-execution.
  • mode - (Optional) The mode of OOS Execution. Valid: Automatic, Debug.
  • tags - (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
  • parent_execution_id - (Optional) The id of parent OOS Execution.
  • ram_role - (Optional) The role that executes the current template.
  • sort_field - (Optional) The sort field.
  • sort_order - (Optional) The sort order.
  • start_date_after - (Optional) The execution whose start time is greater than or equal to the specified time.
  • start_date_before - (Optional) The execution with start time less than or equal to the specified time.
  • status - (Optional) The Status of OOS Execution. Valid: Cancelled, Failed, Queued, Running, Started, Success, Waiting.
  • template_name - (Optional) The name of execution template.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • ids - A list of OOS Execution ids.
  • executions - A list of OOS Executions. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • id - ID of the OOS Executions.
    • counters - The counters of OOS Execution.
    • create_date - The time when the execution was created.
    • execution_id - ID of the OOS Executions.
    • is_parent - Whether to include subtasks.
    • outputs - The outputs of OOS Executions.
    • parameters - The parameters required by the template
    • start_date - The time when the template was started.
    • status_message - The message of status.
    • status_reason - The reason of status.
    • template_id - The id of execution template.
    • template_version - The version of execution template.
    • update_date - The time when the template was updated.