Provides a PolarDB endpoint address resource to allocate an Internet endpoint address string for PolarDB instance.
-> NOTE: Available since v1.68.0. Each PolarDB instance will allocate a intranet connection string automatically and its prefix is Cluster ID. To avoid unnecessary conflict, please specified a internet connection prefix before applying the resource.
Example Usage
data "alicloud_polardb_node_classes" "default" {
db_type = "MySQL"
db_version = "8.0"
pay_type = "PostPaid"
category = "Normal"
resource "alicloud_vpc" "default" {
vpc_name = "terraform-example"
cidr_block = ""
resource "alicloud_vswitch" "default" {
vpc_id =
cidr_block = ""
zone_id = data.alicloud_polardb_node_classes.default.classes[0].zone_id
vswitch_name = "terraform-example"
resource "alicloud_polardb_cluster" "default" {
db_type = "MySQL"
db_version = "8.0"
db_node_class = data.alicloud_polardb_node_classes.default.classes.0.supported_engines.0.available_resources.0.db_node_class
pay_type = "PostPaid"
vswitch_id =
description = "terraform-example"
data "alicloud_polardb_endpoints" "default" {
db_cluster_id =
resource "alicloud_polardb_endpoint_address" "default" {
db_cluster_id =
db_endpoint_id = data.alicloud_polardb_endpoints.default.endpoints[0].db_endpoint_id
connection_prefix = "polardbexample"
net_type = "Public"
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required, ForceNew) The Id of cluster that can run database.db_endpoint_id
- (Required, ForceNew) The Id of endpoint that can run database.connection_prefix
- (Optional) Prefix of the specified endpoint. The prefix must be 6 to 30 characters in length, and can contain lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens (-), must start with a letter and end with a digit or letter.net_type
- (Optional, ForceNew) Internet connection net type. Valid value:Public
. Default toPublic
. Currently supported onlyPublic
- (Optional, Available since v1.217.0) Port of the specified endpoint. Valid values: 3000 to 5999.
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The current instance connection resource ID. Composed of instance ID and connection string with format<db_cluster_id>:<db_endpoint_id>
- Connection cluster or endpoint string.ip_address
- The ip address of connection string.
PolarDB endpoint address can be imported using the id, e.g.
$ terraform import alicloud_polardb_endpoint_address.example pc-abc123456:pe-abc123456