
This data source provides Quotas Template Applications available to the user.What is Template Applications

-> NOTE: Available since v1.214.0.

Example Usage

data "alicloud_resource_manager_accounts" "default" {
  status = "CreateSuccess"

resource "alicloud_quotas_template_applications" "default" {
  quota_action_code = "vpc_whitelist/ha_vip_whitelist"
  product_code      = "vpc"
  quota_category    = "FlowControl"
  aliyun_uids       = ["${data.alicloud_resource_manager_accounts.default.ids.0}"]
  desire_value      = 6
  notice_type       = "0"
  env_language      = "zh"
  reason            = "example"
  dimensions {
    key   = "apiName"
    value = "GetProductQuotaDimension"
  dimensions {
    key   = "apiVersion"
    value = "2020-05-10"
  dimensions {
    key   = "regionId"
    value = "cn-hangzhou"

data "alicloud_quotas_template_applications" "default" {
  ids               = ["${}"]
  product_code      = "vpc"
  quota_action_code = "vpc_whitelist/ha_vip_whitelist"
  quota_category    = "FlowControl"

output "alicloud_quotas_template_applications_example_id" {
  value =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • batch_quota_application_id - (ForceNew, Optional) The ID of the quota application batch.
  • product_code - (ForceNew, Optional) Cloud service name abbreviation.> For more information about cloud services that support quota centers, see [Cloud services that support quota centers](~~ 182368 ~~).
  • quota_action_code - (ForceNew, Optional) The quota ID.
  • quota_category - (ForceNew, Optional) The quota type. Value: CommonQuota, FlowControl and WhiteListLabel.
  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Template Applications IDs.
  • output_file - (Optional, ForceNew) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • ids - A list of Template Applications IDs.
  • applications - A list of Template Applications Entries. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • id - The ID of the quota application batch.
    • aliyun_uids - The list of Alibaba Cloud accounts (primary accounts) of the resource directory members to which the quota is applied.> Only 50 members can apply for quota increase in batch at a time. For more information about the members of the resource directory, see [Query the list of all members in the resource directory](~~ 604207 ~~).
    • apply_time - The UTC time of the quota increase application.
    • audit_status_vos - Quantity of requisitions in different approval statuses.
      • count - Approval document quantity.
      • status - The approval status of the quota promotion application. Value:-Disagree: reject.-Approve: approved.-Process: under review.-Cancel: Closed.
    • batch_quota_application_id - The ID of the quota application batch.
    • desire_value - The value of the quota request.> The quota request is approved by the technical support of each cloud service. If you want to increase the chance of passing, please fill in a reasonable application value and detailed application reasons when applying for quota.
    • dimensions - Quota dimension.
      • key - Quota dimension Key.
      • value - Quota dimension Value.
    • effective_time - The UTC time when the quota takes effect. This parameter applies only to the equity quota (WhiteListLabel).> If the current account does not select the effective time, the default is the submission time.
    • expire_time - The UTC time when the quota expires. This parameter applies only to the equity quota (WhiteListLabel).> If No Expiration Time is selected for the current account, the expiration time is 99 years from the effective time of the current quota.
    • product_code - Cloud service name abbreviation.> For more information about cloud services that support quota centers, see [Cloud services that support quota centers](~~ 182368 ~~).
    • quota_action_code - The quota ID.
    • quota_category - The quota type. Value:-CommonQuota (default): Generic quota.-FlowControl:API rate quota.-WhiteListLabel: Equity quota.
    • reason - Reason for quota application.> The quota request is approved by the technical support of each cloud service. If you want to increase the chance of passing, please fill in a reasonable application value and detailed application reasons when applying for quota.