

This data source provides the Rds Backups of the current Alibaba Cloud user.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.149.0+.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

data "alicloud_rds_backups" "example" {
  db_instance_id = "example_value"

output "first_rds_backup_id" {
  value =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • backup_mode - (Optional, ForceNew) BackupMode. Valid values: Automated and Manual.
  • db_instance_id - (Required, ForceNew) The db instance id.
  • end_time - (Optional, ForceNew) The end time.
  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Backup IDs.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).
  • start_time - (Optional, ForceNew) The start time.
  • backup_status - (Optional, ForceNew) Backup task status. Valid values: Automated and Manual.

Argument Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • backups - A list of Rds Backups. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • backup_download_url - The backup download url.
    • backup_end_time - BackupEndTime.
    • backup_id - BackupId.
    • backup_initiator - The initiator of the backup task. Value:
      • System: automatically initiated by the System
      • User: manually initiated by the User.
    • backup_intranet_download_url - The backup intranet download url.
    • backup_method - BackupMethod.
    • backup_mode - BackupMode.
    • backup_size - BackupSize.
    • backup_start_time - BackupStartTime.
    • backup_type - BackupType.
    • consistent_time - The consistency point of the backup set. The return value is a timestamp. NOTE: only MySQL 5.6 returns this parameter, and other versions return 0.
    • copy_only_backup - The backup mode is divided into the normal backup mode (full and incremental recovery is supported) and the replication-only mode (full recovery is supported only). NOTE: Only SQL Server returns this parameter. Valid values:
      • 0: General Backup Mode
      • 1: Copy only mode
    • db_instance_id - The db instance id.
    • encryption - The encrypted information of the backup set.
    • host_instance_id - HostInstanceID.
    • id - The ID of the Backup.
    • is_avail - Whether the backup set is available, the value is:
      • 0: Not available
      • 1: Available.
    • meta_status - The backup set status of the database table. NOTE: an empty string indicates that the backup set for database table recovery is not enabled. Valid values:
      • OK: normal.
      • LARGE: There are too many tables that cannot be used for database and table recovery.
      • EMPTY: The backup set that failed to be backed up.
    • backup_status - Backup task status. NOTE: This parameter will only be returned when a task is executed. Value:
      • NoStart: Not started
      • Checking: check the backup
      • Preparing: Prepare a backup
      • Waiting: Waiting for backup
      • Uploading: Upload backup
      • Finished: Complete backup
      • Failed: backup Failed
    • storage_class - The storage medium for the backup set. Valid values:
      • 0: Regular storage
      • 1: Archive storage.
    • store_status - StoreStatus.