

Provides a Serverless App Engine (SAE) Application Scaling Rule resource.

For information about Serverless App Engine (SAE) Application Scaling Rule and how to use it, see What is Application Scaling Rule.

-> NOTE: Available since v1.159.0.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

provider "alicloud" {
  region = "cn-hangzhou"
variable "name" {
  default = "tf-example"
data "alicloud_regions" "default" {
  current = true
resource "random_integer" "default" {
  max = 99999
  min = 10000
data "alicloud_zones" "default" {
  available_resource_creation = "VSwitch"

resource "alicloud_vpc" "default" {
  vpc_name   =
  cidr_block = ""

resource "alicloud_vswitch" "default" {
  vswitch_name =
  cidr_block   = ""
  vpc_id       =
  zone_id      =
resource "alicloud_security_group" "default" {
  vpc_id =

resource "alicloud_sae_namespace" "default" {
  namespace_id              = "${}:example${random_integer.default.result}"
  namespace_name            =
  namespace_description     =
  enable_micro_registration = false

resource "alicloud_sae_application" "default" {
  app_description   =
  app_name          = "${}-${random_integer.default.result}"
  namespace_id      =
  image_url         = "registry-vpc.${}"
  package_type      = "Image"
  security_group_id =
  vpc_id            =
  vswitch_id        =
  timezone          = "Asia/Beijing"
  replicas          = "5"
  cpu               = "500"
  memory            = "2048"

resource "alicloud_sae_application_scaling_rule" "default" {
  app_id                   =
  scaling_rule_name        =
  scaling_rule_enable      = true
  scaling_rule_type        = "mix"
  min_ready_instances      = "3"
  min_ready_instance_ratio = "-1"
  scaling_rule_timer {
    period = "* * *"
    schedules {
      at_time      = "08:00"
      max_replicas = 10
      min_replicas = 3
    schedules {
      at_time      = "20:00"
      max_replicas = 50
      min_replicas = 3
  scaling_rule_metric {
    max_replicas = 50
    min_replicas = 3
    metrics {
      metric_type                       = "CPU"
      metric_target_average_utilization = 20
    metrics {
      metric_type                       = "MEMORY"
      metric_target_average_utilization = 30
    metrics {
      metric_type                       = "tcpActiveConn"
      metric_target_average_utilization = 20
    scale_up_rules {
      step                         = 10
      disabled                     = false
      stabilization_window_seconds = 0
    scale_down_rules {
      step                         = 10
      disabled                     = false
      stabilization_window_seconds = 10

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • app_id - (Required, ForceNew) Application ID.
  • min_ready_instance_ratio - (Optional) The min ready instance ratio.
  • min_ready_instances - (Optional) The min ready instances.
  • scaling_rule_enable - (Optional) True whether the auto scaling policy is enabled. The value description is as follows: true: enabled state. false: disabled status. Valid values: false, true.
  • scaling_rule_name - (Required, ForceNew) The name of a custom elastic scaling policy. In the application, the policy name cannot be repeated. It must start with a lowercase letter, and can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes (-), and no more than 32 characters. After the scaling policy is successfully created, the policy name cannot be modified.
  • scaling_rule_type - (Required, ForceNew) Flexible strategy type. Valid values: mix, timing and metric.
  • scaling_rule_timer - (Optional) Configuration of Timing Resilient Policies. See scaling_rule_timer below.
  • scaling_rule_metric - (Optional) Monitor the configuration of the indicator elasticity strategy. See scaling_rule_metric below.


The scaling_rule_timer supports the following:

  • begin_date - (Optional) The Start date. When the begin_date and end_date values are empty. it indicates long-term execution and is the default value.
  • end_date - (Optional) The End Date. When the begin_date and end_date values are empty. it indicates long-term execution and is the default value.
  • period - (Optional) The period in which a timed elastic scaling strategy is executed.
  • schedules - (Optional) Resilient Scaling Strategy Trigger Timing. See schedules below.


The schedules supports the following:

  • at_time - (Optional) Trigger point in time. When supporting format: minutes, for example: 08:00.
  • target_replicas - (Optional) This parameter can specify the number of instances to be applied or the minimum number of surviving instances per deployment. value range [1,50]. -> NOTE: The attribute is valid when the attribute scaling_rule_type is timing.
  • max_replicas - (Optional) Maximum number of instances applied. -> NOTE: The attribute is valid when the attribute scaling_rule_type is mix.
  • min_replicas - (Optional) Minimum number of instances applied. -> NOTE: The attribute is valid when the attribute scaling_rule_type is mix.


The scaling_rule_metric supports the following:

  • max_replicas - (Optional) Maximum number of instances applied.
  • min_replicas - (Optional) Minimum number of instances applied.
  • metrics - (Optional) Indicator rule configuration. See metrics below.
  • scale_up_rules - (Optional) Apply expansion rules. See scale_up_rules below.
  • scale_down_rules - (Optional) Apply shrink rules. See scale_down_rules below.


The scale_up_rules supports the following:

  • step - (Optional) Elastic expansion or contraction step size. the maximum number of instances to be scaled in per unit time.
  • stabilization_window_seconds - (Optional) Cooling time for expansion or contraction. Valid values: 0 to 3600. Unit: seconds. The default is 0 seconds.
  • disabled - (Optional) Whether shrinkage is prohibited.


The scale_down_rules supports the following:

  • step - (Optional) Elastic expansion or contraction step size. the maximum number of instances to be scaled in per unit time.
  • stabilization_window_seconds - (Optional) Cooling time for expansion or contraction. Valid values: 0 to 3600. Unit: seconds. The default is 0 seconds.
  • disabled - (Optional) Whether shrinkage is prohibited.


The metrics supports the following:

  • metric_target_average_utilization - (Optional) According to different metric_type, set the target value of the corresponding monitoring index.
  • metric_type - (Optional) Monitoring indicator trigger condition. Valid values: CPU, MEMORY, tcpActiveConn, QPS, RT, SLB_QPS, SLB_RT, INTRANET_SLB_QPS and INTRANET_SLB_RT. The values are described as follows:
    • CPU: CPU usage.
    • MEMORY: MEMORY usage.
    • tcpActiveConn: The average number of TCP active connections for a single instance in 30 seconds.
    • QPS: The average QPS of a single instance within 1 minute of JAVA application.
    • RT: The average response time of all service interfaces within 1 minute of JAVA application.
    • SLB_QPS: The average public network SLB QPS of a single instance within 15 seconds.
    • SLB_RT: The average response time of public network SLB within 15 seconds.
    • INTRANET_SLB_QPS: The average private network SLB QPS of a single instance within 15 seconds.
    • INTRANET_SLB_RT: The average response time of private network SLB within 15 seconds. NOTE: From version 1.206.0, metric_type can be set to QPS, RT, INTRANET_SLB_QPS, INTRANET_SLB_RT.
  • slb_id - (Optional, Available in 1.206.0+) SLB ID.
  • slb_project - (Optional, Available in 1.206.0+) The project of the Log Service.
  • slb_log_store - (Optional, Available in 1.206.0+) The log store of the Log Service.
  • vport - (Optional, Available in 1.206.0+) SLB listening port.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The resource ID of Application Scaling Rule. The value formats as <app_id>:<scaling_rule_name>.


Serverless App Engine (SAE) Application Scaling Rule can be imported using the id, e.g.

$ terraform import alicloud_sae_application_scaling_rule.example <app_id>:<scaling_rule_name>