

This data source provides the Sae Application Scaling Rules of the current Alibaba Cloud user.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.159.0+.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

data "alicloud_sae_application_scaling_rules" "ids" {
  app_id = "example_value"
  ids    = ["example_value-1", "example_value-2"]
output "sae_application_scaling_rule_id_1" {
  value =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Application Scaling Rule IDs.
  • app_id - (Required) The ID of the Application.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).

Argument Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • rules - A list of Sae Application Scaling Rules. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • app_id - The ID of the Application.
    • create_time - The CreateTime of the Application Scaling Rule.
    • id - The ID of the Application Scaling Rule.
    • scaling_rule_enable - Whether to enable the auto scaling policy.
    • scaling_rule_metric - Monitoring indicators for elastic scaling.
      • max_replicas - The maximum number of instances.
      • metrics - The auto scaling list of monitoring indicators.
        • metric_target_average_utilization - The target value of the monitoring indicator.
        • metric_type - The metric type of the Application Scaling Rule.
      • min_replicas - The minimum number of instances.
      • metrics_status - Monitor indicator elasticity status.
        • desired_replicas - The number of target instances.
        • next_scale_time_period - The next cycle of monitoring indicator elasticity.
        • current_replicas - The number of current instances.
        • last_scale_time - The time of the last elastic expansion.
        • max_replicas - The maximum number of instances.
        • min_replicas - The minimum number of instances.
        • current_metrics - The current monitoring indicator elasticity list.
          • type - The metric type. Associated with monitoring indicators.
          • current_value - The current value.
          • name - The name of the trigger condition.
        • next_scale_metrics - Next monitoring indicator elasticity list
          • next_scale_out_average_utilization - The percentage value of the monitoring indicator elasticity that triggers the expansion condition next time.
          • next_scale_in_average_utilization - The percentage value of the monitoring indicator elasticity that triggers the shrinkage condition next time.
          • name - The name of the trigger condition.
      • scale_down_rules - The shrink rule.
        • disabled - Whether shrinkage is prohibited.
        • stabilization_window_seconds - Shrinkage cooling time.
        • step - Elastic shrinkage step. The maximum number of instances per unit time.
      • scale_up_rules - The expansion rules.
        • step - Flexible expansion step. The maximum number of instances per unit time.
        • disabled - Whether shrinkage is prohibited. The values are described as follows:
        • stabilization_window_seconds - Expansion cooling time.
    • scaling_rule_name - The name of the scaling rule.
    • scaling_rule_timer - Timing elastic expansion.
      • begin_date - The short-term start date of the timed elastic scaling strategy.
      • end_date - The short-term end date of the timed elastic scaling strategy.
      • period - The period in which a timed elastic scaling strategy is executed.
      • schedules - Trigger point in time within a single day.
        • at_time - Time point. Format: hours:minutes.
        • target_replicas - The number of target instances.
        • max_replicas - The maximum number of instances.
        • min_replicas - The minimum number of instances.
    • scaling_rule_type - Flexible strategy type.