This data source provides Threat Detection Asset available to the user.What is Asset
-> NOTE: Available since v1.195.0.
Example Usage
data "alicloud_threat_detection_assets" "default" {}
output "alicloud_threat_detection_asset_example_id" {
value =
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (ForceNew, Optional) Set the conditions for searching assets. This parameter is in JSON format. Note the case when you enter the parameter. NOTE: You can search for assets by using conditions such as the instance ID, instance name, VPC ID, region, and public IP address of the asset.importance
- (ForceNew, Optional) Set asset importance. Value:- 2: Significant assets
- 1: General assets
- 0: Test asset
- (ForceNew, Optional) Set the logical relationship between multiple search conditions. The default value is OR. Valid values:- OR: indicates that the relationship between multiple search conditions is OR.
- AND: indicates that the relationship between multiple search conditions is AND.
- (ForceNew, Optional) The type of asset to query. Value:- ecs: server.
- cloud_product: Cloud product.
- (Optional, ForceNew) Specifies whether to internationalize the name of the default group. Default value: falseids
- (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Asset IDs.output_file
- (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after runningterraform plan
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:
- A list of Asset IDs.assets
- A list of Asset Entries. Each element contains the following attributes:create_time
- The creation time of the resourceuuid
- The UUID of the
- The ID of the instance.