

This data source provides the Vod Domains of the current Alibaba Cloud user.

-> NOTE: Available in v1.136.0+.

Example Usage

Basic Usage

resource "alicloud_vod_domain" "default" {
  domain_name = "your_domain_name"
  scope       = "domestic"
  sources {
    source_type    = "domain"
    source_content = "your_source_content"
    source_port    = "80"
  tags = {
    key1 = "value1"
    key2 = "value2"

data "alicloud_vod_domains" "default" {
  ids = []
  tags = {
    key1 = "value1"
    key2 = "value2"
output "vod_domain" {
  value =

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name_regex - (Optional, ForceNew) A regex string to filter results by Domain name.
  • ids - (Optional, ForceNew, Computed) A list of Domain IDs. Its element value is same as Domain Name.
  • domain_search_type - (Optional, ForceNew) The search method. Valid values:
    • fuzzy_match: fuzzy match. This is the default value.
    • pre_match: prefix match.
    • suf_match: suffix match.
    • full_match: exact match
  • status - (Optional, ForceNew) The status of the domain name. The value of this parameter is used as a condition to filter domain names.
  • tags - (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the resource.
    • Key: It can be up to 64 characters in length. It cannot be a null string.
    • Value: It can be up to 128 characters in length. It can be a null string.
  • output_file - (Optional) File name where to save data source results (after running terraform plan).
    • onine: indicates that the domain name is enabled.
    • offline: indicates that the domain name is disabled.
    • configuring: indicates that the domain name is being configured.
    • configure_failed: indicates that the domain name failed to be configured.
    • checking: indicates that the domain name is under review.
    • check_failed: indicates that the domain name failed the review.

Argument Reference

The following attributes are exported in addition to the arguments listed above:

  • names - A list of Domain names.
  • domains - A list of Vod Domains. Each element contains the following attributes:
    • gmt_created - The time when the domain name for CDN was added. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.
    • gmt_modified - The last time when the domain name for CDN was modified. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.
    • cname - The CNAME that is assigned to the domain name for CDN. You must add a CNAME record in the system of your Domain Name System (DNS) service provider to map the domain name for CDN to the CNAME.
    • description - The description of the domain name for CDN.
    • ssl_protocol - Indicates whether the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is enabled. Valid values: on,off.
    • domain_name - The domain name for CDN.
    • sources - The information about the address of the origin server. For more information about the Sources parameter, See the following Block sources.
    • status - The status of the resource.
    • id - The ID of the Domain. Its value is same as Queue Name.
    • sand_box - Indicates whether the domain name for CDN is in a sandbox environment.