Quick BI数据集预览报错:"unable to create new ...

问题描述 数据集预览报错:"INTERNAL:Connection closed after GOAWAY.HTTP/2 error code: INTERNAL_ERROR,debug data:unable to create new native thread。问题原因 数据库里面的线程数达到限制或者内存不足了。解决方案 机器扩容或者...

轻量级配置及注册中心启动时报“Unable to start ...

问题描述 在执行 startup.bat 和 startup.sh 脚本启动轻量级配置及注册中心时,发生以下报错:Unable to start embedded Tomcat servlet container Tomcat connector in failed state 问题原因 可能是因为端口被其他程序占用导致的。...

Dataphin中提交Spark任务报错“Unable to instantiate...

问题描述 Dataphin中提交Spark任务报错“Unable to instantiate SparkSession with Hive support because Hive classes are not found.”是什么原因?问题原因 用户使用的计算引擎是hadoop集群,任务执行机器信息配置错误。解决方案 将...

ECS实例宕机并产生“VFS:Unable to mount root fs on ...

如果您的ECS实例在启动过程中循环宕机,且产生了 VFS:Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block 日志信息,则可以参考本文提供的方案解决问题。问题现象 ECS实例在启动过程中出现循环宕机,无法正常进入系统,且产生类似于如下所示的调用...

通过Hibernate使用...Unable to instantiate default ...

问题描述 通过Hibernate使用表格存储的JDBC驱动查询数据时,出现如下错误:Exception in thread"main"org.hibernate.HibernateException:Unable to instantiate default tuplizer[org.hibernate.tuple.entity.PojoEntityTuplizer]at org....

Unable to open file”信息,如何处理?

本文为您介绍Alibaba Cloud Linux 2系统的ECS实例内核日志存在“integrity:Unable to open file”信息的原因及解决方案。问题描述 符合如下条件的Alibaba Cloud Linux 2实例的内核日志(执行 dmesg 命令查看日志)中存在类似如下的提示信息...

运行报错“Unable to execute ...

问题描述 Dataphin将OSS文件通过管道任务同步到MaxCompute,运行报错“Unable to execute HTTP request: The specified key does not exist”。完整的报错信息如下:2023-02-02 16:28:29.468[0-0-0-reader]INFO oss-[Server]Unable to ...

Unable to connect to '192.168.*.*:*' with us

问题描述 Dataphin计算任务执行报错:jumpssh.exception.ConnectionError:Unable to connect to '192.168.*.*:*'with user 'root':Authentication failed 问题原因 用户环境的计算源配置错误,'root'账户的密码错误导致连接失败。...

JAR_ON_MAX_COMPUTE任务报错“Unable to connect to '...

问题描述 本文主要描述了Dataphin中创建的SPARK_JAR_ON_MAX_COMPUTE任务报错“Unable to connect to '' with user 'root':Authentication failed.”的解决方法。正在提交.提交任务成功!2022-09-23 17:24:55 Taskrun ...

使用 CocoaPods 无法集成服务,错误信息:Unable to ...

问题详述 使用 CocoaPods 无法集成服务,且错误信息为:Unable to find a specification for AlicloudFeedback 问题分析 CocoaPods 使用不当。解决方法 清除 CocoaPods 缓存,同时也清除仓库缓存,确保 CocoaPods 为最新版(经测试在1.2.1...

网站程序上传至轻云服务器...Unable to read XXXX bytes

网站程序成功上传至轻云服务器或云虚拟主机后,访问网站时却出现“Fatal error:Unable to read XXXX bytes”错误信息。本文介绍这种情况的原因和解决方案。问题描述 将网站程序成功上传至轻云服务器和云虚拟主机后,通过浏览器访问网站时,...

提示“error:Unable to load host key:etc/ssh/ssh_...

本文主要介绍远程连接Linux系统的ECS实例,提示“error:Unable to load host key:/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key”错误的原因和解决方案。问题现象 使用SSH方式无法连接Linux系统的ECS实例,通过VNC登录实例后,执行 cat var/log/secure 或 cat...


问题描述 Dataphin配置连接Impala数据源连接测试失败报错:“[Cloudera][ImpalaJDBCDriver](500164)Error initialized or created transport for authentication:[Cloudera][ImpalaJDBCDriver](500169)Unable to connect to server:GSS ...






unable to get metrics for resource cpu:unable to fetch metrics from resource metrics API:the server is currently unable to handle the request(get pods.metrics.k8s.io)Events:Type Reason Age From Message-Warning ...

iOS SDK接入报错相关问题排查步骤

常见的内容:CocoaPods报错“Unable to find a specification for AlicloudFeedback”。和阿里百川其他包中的 UTDID发生冲突。用户反馈主界面提示“获取配置失败”。举例 1:CocoaPods 报错“Unable to find a specification for ...


ForceNew)The deployment domain.Valid values:Default.granularity-(Optional,ForceNew)The deployment granularity.Valid values:Host.on_unable_to_redeploy_failed_instance-(Optional)The on unable to redeploy failed instance....


常见错误代码列表如下:ERROR 7001:Table rule execute error ERROR 7002:Unable to find table rule ERROR 7022:Physical database connection pool is full,database name:x ERROR 7022:Get connection from physical database timeout,...


错误码 模块 严重等级 触发条件 处理方法 ODPS-0210001:Unable to open input file CLIENT 1 PL文件不存在。确认PL文件的存在性。ODPS-0210011:Unable to use UTF8 to encoding CLIENT 1 输入文件非UTF-8编码。修改输入文件编码格式。ODPS-...


表单配置方式 原始日志如下:"content":"2023-05-20 10:01:23 Error:Unable to connect to database."Logtail插件处理配置:处理结果:"content":"2023-05-20 10:01:23 Unable to connect to database."JSON配置方式 原始日志:"content":...


示例 写入一:>INSERT hens location=2 value=9 ERR:{"error":"unable to parse 'hens location=2 value=9':bad timestamp"} 在写入一中的行协议使用空格将measurement hen 和tag location=2 分开,而不是用逗号。TSDB For InfluxDB®把...


out_of_memory HV00P fdw_no_schemas HV00J fdw_option_name_not_found HV00K fdw_reply_handle HV00Q fdw_schema_not_found HV00R fdw_table_not_found HV00L fdw_unable_to_create_execution HV00M fdw_unable_to_create_reply HV00N fdw...


unable to get metrics for resource cpu:unable to fetch metrics from resource metrics API:the server is currently unable to handle the request(get pods.metrics.k8s.io)Events:Type Reason Age From Message-Warning ...


reply_handle HV00Q fdw_schema_not_found HV00R fdw_table_not_found HV00L fdw_unable_to_create_execution HV00M fdw_unable_to_create_reply HV00N fdw_unable_to_establish_connection 表 42.Class P0—PL/pgSQL Error Error Code ...


获取凭据值时出现This operation for key-xxxxxx is forbidden by permission system报错 访问或使用密钥时出现Forbidden.KeyNotFound报错 调用KMS接口时出现UnsupportedOperation报错 访问KMS实例时出现unable to find valid ...


reply_handle HV00Q fdw_schema_not_found HV00R fdw_table_not_found HV00L fdw_unable_to_create_execution HV00M fdw_unable_to_create_reply HV00N fdw_unable_to_establish_connection Class P0—PL/pgSQL Error P0000 plpgsql_error ...


unable to get metrics for resource cpu:unable to fetch metrics from resource metrics API:the server is currently unable to handle the request(get pods.metrics.k8s.io)Events:Type Reason Age From Message-Warning ...


Unable to log into database using current credentials for secret%s"%secret_name)raise ValueError("Unable to log into database using current credentials for secret%s"%secret_name)if len(pending_accounts)=0:create_rds_...


Unable to log into database using current credentials for secret%s"%secret_name)raise ValueError("Unable to log into database using current credentials for secret%s"%secret_name)if len(pending_accounts)=0:create_rds_...


400 InvalidRestoreDB Unable to restore,because the database is in cold storage now.Please skip this database.不能恢复当前的数据库,因为数据库是一个冷存库,请跳过这个数据库 400 CurrentDBIsInColdStorage current db is cold db...

将Helm V2升级迁移至Helm V3

rendered manifests contain a new resource that already exists.Unable to continue with update:existing resource conflict:kind:MutatingWebhookConfiguration,namespace:,name:mse-pilot-ack-mse-pilot。问题原因 集群版本升级后,1....


常见网络分析工具 采用telnet查看能否连接服务器端口:telnet<server><port>例如:$telnet 12345 Trying to connect to remote host:Connection refused 抓包分析采用tcpdump抓包保存文件,再...

如何手动生成 Kubernetes Config 文件

curl-k https://<YOUR_API_SERVER_PUBLIC_IP>:6443创建~/.kube/config 文件,并修改文件内容 apiVersion:v1 clusters:cluster:#needed if you get error"Unable to connect to the server:x509:certificate signed by unknown authority...


400 InvalidRestoreDB Unable to restore,because the database is in cold storage now.Please skip this database.不能恢复当前的数据库,因为数据库是一个冷存库,请跳过这个数据库 400 CurrentDBIsInColdStorage current db is cold db...


login failed code:10000 msg:SERVER_ERROR,sun.security.validator.ValidatorException:PKIX path building failed:sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException:unable to find valid certification path to requested ...


如果一直停留在 try[ip]阶段或者提示 Unable to connect to remote host,则说明不能连接到 可观测链路 OpenTelemetry 版 服务,需要检查安全组设置和网络配置。更多信息,请参见 接入和鉴权说明 和 安全组概述。上报开关检查 在控制台中...


[xx@yy-MacBook-Pro~]$telnet hb-xxxxx-001.hbase.rds.aliyuncs.com 2181 Trying telnet: connect to address Operation timed out telnet: Unable to connect to remote host 与云数据库HBase网络不通有哪些...


db){ echo"Error:Unable to open database;} else { echo"Opened database successfully;}$sql=*from pg_roles;EOF;ret=pg_query($db,$sql);if!ret){ echo pg_last_error($db);} else { echo"Records created successfully;}$results=pg_...


如果一直停留在 try[ip]阶段或者提示 Unable to connect to remote host,则说明不能连接到 可观测链路 OpenTelemetry 版 服务,需要检查安全组设置和网络配置。更多信息,请参见 接入和鉴权说明 和 安全组概述。上报开关检查 在控制台中...
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