






  • 已开通容器服务 Kubernetes 版ACK。若需要使用Terraform开通,请参见通过Terraform开通ACK并授权角色

  • 由于阿里云账号(主账号)具有资源的所有权限,一旦发生泄露将面临重大风险。建议您使用RAM用户,并为该RAM用户创建AccessKey,具体操作方式请参见创建RAM用户创建AccessKey

  • 为运行Terraform命令的RAM用户绑定以下最小权限策略,以获取管理本示例所涉及资源的权限。更多信息,请参见RAM用户授权


      "Version": "1",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": "*"
  • 准备Terraform运行环境,您可以选择以下任一方式来使用Terraform。

    • Terraform Explorer中使用Terraform:阿里云提供了Terraform的在线运行环境,您无需安装Terraform,登录后即可在线使用和体验Terraform。适用于零成本、快速、便捷地体验和调试Terraform的场景。

    • Cloud Shell:阿里云Cloud Shell中预装了Terraform的组件,并已配置好身份凭证,您可直接在Cloud Shell中运行Terraform的命令。适用于低成本、快速、便捷地访问和使用Terraform的场景。

    • 在本地安装和配置Terraform:适用于网络连接较差或需要自定义开发环境的场景。


    请确保版本不低于v0.12.28。如需检查现有版本,请运行terraform --version命令。






  1. 创建一个工作目录,并在该工作目录中创建名为main.tf的配置文件,然后将以下代码复制到main.tf中。

    provider "alicloud" {
      region = var.region_id
    variable "region_id" {
      type    = string
      default = "cn-hangzhou"
    variable "zone_ids" {
      type    = list(string)
      default = ["cn-hangzhou-i","cn-hangzhou-j","cn-hangzhou-k"]
    # 定义资源的名称或标签。
    variable "name" {      
      default = "tf-example"
    # 指定现有的vpc_id。如果为空,则表示创建一个新的VPC。
    variable "vpc_id" {    
      description = "Existing vpc id used to create several vswitches and other resources."
      default     = ""
    # 当没有指定vpc_id时,定义了新VPCCIDR地址,即IP地址范围。
    variable "vpc_cidr" {  
      description = "The cidr block used to launch a new vpc when 'vpc_id' is not specified."
      default     = ""
    # 指定现有的vSwitch(虚拟交换机)ID。
    variable "vswitch_ids" { 
      description = "List of existing vswitch id."
      type        = list(string)
      default     = []
    # 当没有指定vswitch_ids时,创建新的vSwitch,需要填写三个且不重叠的CIDR地址块。
    variable "vswitch_cidrs" { 
      description = "List of cidr blocks used to create several new vswitches when 'vswitch_ids' is not specified."
      type        = list(string)
      default     = ["", "", ""]
    # 指定网络组件Terway配置。
    variable "terway_vswitch_ids" {  
      description = "List of existing vswitch ids for terway."
      type        = list(string)
      default     = []
    # 当没有指定terway_vswitch_ids时,用于创建Terway使用的vSwitchCIDR地址块。
    variable "terway_vswitch_cidrs" { 
      description = "List of cidr blocks used to create several new vswitches when 'terway_vswitch_cidrs' is not specified."
      type        = list(string)
      default     = ["", "", ""]
    # 指定ACK集群安装的组件。声明每个组件的名称和对应配置。
    variable "cluster_addons" { 
      type = list(object({
        name   = string
        config = string
      default = [
          "name"   = "terway-eniip",
          "config" = "",
          "name"   = "csi-plugin",
          "config" = "",
          "name"   = "csi-provisioner",
          "config" = "",
          "name"   = "logtail-ds",
          "config" = "{\"IngressDashboardEnabled\":\"true\"}",
          "name"   = "nginx-ingress-controller",
          "config" = "{\"IngressSlbNetworkType\":\"internet\"}",
          "name"   = "arms-prometheus",
          "config" = "",
          "name"   = "ack-node-problem-detector",
          "config" = "{\"sls_project_name\":\"\"}",
    locals {
      all_zone_ids = [for zones in data.alicloud_enhanced_nat_available_zones.enhanced.zones : zones.zone_id]
      common_zone_ids = setintersection(toset(var.zone_ids),toset(local.all_zone_ids))
      # 获取每个可用区支持的实例类型
      instance_types_per_az = { for az, types in data.alicloud_instance_types.default : az => [for t in types.instance_types : t.id] }
      # 获取所有列出的可用区中的实例类型列表
      all_instance_types_in_zones = [for zone in local.common_zone_ids : local.instance_types_per_az[zone]]
      # 将每个列表转换成集合
      sets = [for s in local.all_instance_types_in_zones : toset(s)]
      # 计算所有可用区间共有的实例类型
      common_instance_types = [for element in local.sets[0]: element if length([for set in local.sets: set if contains(set, element)]) == length(local.sets)]
    # 查询用于获取支持增强型网关NAT的区域。
    data "alicloud_enhanced_nat_available_zones" "enhanced" {
    # 当没有提供vpc_id变量时,这个资源将创建一个新的专有网络,其CIDR块由vpc_cidr变量指定。
    resource "alicloud_vpc" "vpc" {  
      count      = var.vpc_id == "" ? 1 : 0
      cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr
    # 当没有提供vswitch_ids变量时,默认会根据填写的vswitch_cidrs创建新的vSwitch。
    resource "alicloud_vswitch" "vswitches" { 
      count      = length(var.vswitch_ids) > 0 ? 0 : length(var.vswitch_cidrs)
      vpc_id     = var.vpc_id == "" ? join("", alicloud_vpc.vpc.*.id) : var.vpc_id
      cidr_block = element(var.vswitch_cidrs, count.index)
      zone_id    = tolist(local.common_zone_ids)[count.index]
    # 当没有提供terway_vswitch_ids变量时,默认会根据填写的vswitch_cidrs创建Terway使用的vSwitch。
    resource "alicloud_vswitch" "terway_vswitches" { 
      count      = length(var.terway_vswitch_ids) > 0 ? 0 : length(var.terway_vswitch_cidrs)
      vpc_id     = var.vpc_id == "" ? join("", alicloud_vpc.vpc.*.id) : var.vpc_id
      cidr_block = element(var.terway_vswitch_cidrs, count.index)
      zone_id    = tolist(local.common_zone_ids)[count.index]
    # 查询当前阿里云用户的资源组。
    data "alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups" "default" { 
      status = "OK"
    # 查询阿里云的ECS实例类型。
    data "alicloud_instance_types" "default" {
      for_each            = toset(local.common_zone_ids )
      availability_zone   = each.key
      cpu_core_count      = 8
      memory_size         = 16
      kubernetes_node_role = "Master"
      system_disk_category = "cloud_essd"
     # 创建ACK专有集群,配置包括控制面虚拟交换机、Pod虚拟交换机、实例类型、磁盘、密码、Service网络地址段等。
    resource "alicloud_cs_kubernetes" "default" { 
      master_vswitch_ids    = length(var.vswitch_ids) > 0 ? split(",", join(",", var.vswitch_ids)) : length(var.vswitch_cidrs) < 1 ? [] : split(",", join(",", alicloud_vswitch.vswitches.*.id)) # 查询支持增强型NAT的可用区列表。
      pod_vswitch_ids       = length(var.terway_vswitch_ids) > 0 ? split(",", join(",", var.terway_vswitch_ids)) : length(var.terway_vswitch_cidrs) < 1 ? [] : split(",", join(",", alicloud_vswitch.terway_vswitches.*.id)) # 使用Terwaypod网络的vswitch地址段。
      master_instance_types = [local.common_instance_types[0],local.common_instance_types[0],local.common_instance_types[0]] # 控制面节点的实例类型。
      master_disk_category  = "cloud_essd"            # 控制面节点系统盘类型。
      password              = "Yourpassword1234"     # SSH登录密码。
      service_cidr          = ""        # Service网络地址段。
      load_balancer_spec    = "slb.s1.small"         # 负载均衡规格。
      install_cloud_monitor = "true"                 # 安装云监控服务。
      resource_group_id     = data.alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups.default.groups.0.id # 集群所属资源组ID,实现不同资源的隔离。
      deletion_protection   = "false"                # 集群删除保护,防止通过控制台或API误删除集群。
      timezone              = "Asia/Shanghai"        # 集群使用的时区。
      os_type               = "Linux"                # 操作系统平台类型。
      platform              = "AliyunLinux3"         # 操作系统发行版。
      cluster_domain        = "cluster.local"        # 集群本地域名。
      proxy_mode            = "ipvs"                 # kube-proxy代理模式。
      custom_san            = "www.terraform.io"     # 自定义证书SAN。
      new_nat_gateway       = "true"                 # 创建一个新的NAT网关。
      dynamic "addons" {
        for_each = var.cluster_addons
        content {
          name   = lookup(addons.value, "name", var.cluster_addons)
          config = lookup(addons.value, "config", var.cluster_addons)
  2. 执行以下命令,初始化Terraform运行环境。

    terraform init


    Terraform has been successfully initialized!
    You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
    any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
    should now work.
    If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
    rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
    commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.
  3. 创建执行计划,并预览变更。

    terraform plan


    Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
    The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
    persisted to local or remote state storage.
    Plan: 8 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
  4. 执行以下命令,创建ACK专有集群

    terraform apply


    Do you want to perform these actions?
      Terraform will perform the actions described above.
      Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
      Enter a value: yes
    alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes.default: Creation complete after 8m26s [id=************]
    Apply complete! Resources: 8 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  5. 验证结果

    执行terraform show命令


    terraform show




当您不再需要上述通过Terraform创建或管理的资源时,请运行以下命令以释放资源。关于terraform destroy的更多信息,请参见Terraform常用命令


执行terraform destroy命令将会销毁上述所有已创建的资源,请谨慎操作。

terraform destroy


Do you really want to destroy all resources?
  Terraform will destroy all your managed infrastructure, as shown above.
  There is no undo. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm.

  Enter a value: yes
Destroy complete! Resources: 7 destroyed.




provider "alicloud" {
  region = var.region_id

variable "region_id" {
  type    = string
  default = "cn-hangzhou"

variable "zone_ids" {
  type    = list(string)
  default = ["cn-hangzhou-i","cn-hangzhou-j","cn-hangzhou-k"]

# 定义资源的名称或标签。
variable "name" {      
  default = "tf-example"

# 指定现有的vpc_id。如果为空,则表示创建一个新的VPC。
variable "vpc_id" {    
  description = "Existing vpc id used to create several vswitches and other resources."
  default     = ""

# 当没有指定vpc_id时,定义了新VPC的CIDR地址,即IP地址范围。
variable "vpc_cidr" {  
  description = "The cidr block used to launch a new vpc when 'vpc_id' is not specified."
  default     = ""

# 指定现有的vSwitch(虚拟交换机)ID。
variable "vswitch_ids" { 
  description = "List of existing vswitch id."
  type        = list(string)
  default     = []

# 当没有指定vswitch_ids时,创建新的vSwitch,需要填写三个且不重叠的CIDR地址块。
variable "vswitch_cidrs" { 
  description = "List of cidr blocks used to create several new vswitches when 'vswitch_ids' is not specified."
  type        = list(string)
  default     = ["", "", ""]

# 指定网络组件Terway配置。
variable "terway_vswitch_ids" {  
  description = "List of existing vswitch ids for terway."
  type        = list(string)
  default     = []

# 当没有指定terway_vswitch_ids时,用于创建Terway使用的vSwitch的CIDR地址块。
variable "terway_vswitch_cidrs" { 
  description = "List of cidr blocks used to create several new vswitches when 'terway_vswitch_cidrs' is not specified."
  type        = list(string)
  default     = ["", "", ""]

# 指定ACK集群安装的组件。声明每个组件的名称和对应配置。
variable "cluster_addons" { 
  type = list(object({
    name   = string
    config = string

  default = [
      "name"   = "terway-eniip",
      "config" = "",
      "name"   = "csi-plugin",
      "config" = "",
      "name"   = "csi-provisioner",
      "config" = "",
      "name"   = "logtail-ds",
      "config" = "{\"IngressDashboardEnabled\":\"true\"}",
      "name"   = "nginx-ingress-controller",
      "config" = "{\"IngressSlbNetworkType\":\"internet\"}",
      "name"   = "arms-prometheus",
      "config" = "",
      "name"   = "ack-node-problem-detector",
      "config" = "{\"sls_project_name\":\"\"}",

locals {
  all_zone_ids = [for zones in data.alicloud_enhanced_nat_available_zones.enhanced.zones : zones.zone_id]
  common_zone_ids = setintersection(toset(var.zone_ids),toset(local.all_zone_ids))
  # 获取每个可用区支持的实例类型
  instance_types_per_az = { for az, types in data.alicloud_instance_types.default : az => [for t in types.instance_types : t.id] }

  # 获取所有列出的可用区中的实例类型列表
  all_instance_types_in_zones = [for zone in local.common_zone_ids : local.instance_types_per_az[zone]]

  # 将每个列表转换成集合
  sets = [for s in local.all_instance_types_in_zones : toset(s)]
  # 计算所有可用区间共有的实例类型
  common_instance_types = [for element in local.sets[0]: element if length([for set in local.sets: set if contains(set, element)]) == length(local.sets)]

# 查询用于获取支持增强型网关NAT的区域。
data "alicloud_enhanced_nat_available_zones" "enhanced" {

# 当没有提供vpc_id变量时,这个资源将创建一个新的专有网络,其CIDR块由vpc_cidr变量指定。
resource "alicloud_vpc" "vpc" {  
  count      = var.vpc_id == "" ? 1 : 0
  cidr_block = var.vpc_cidr

# 当没有提供vswitch_ids变量时,默认会根据填写的vswitch_cidrs创建新的vSwitch。
resource "alicloud_vswitch" "vswitches" { 
  count      = length(var.vswitch_ids) > 0 ? 0 : length(var.vswitch_cidrs)
  vpc_id     = var.vpc_id == "" ? join("", alicloud_vpc.vpc.*.id) : var.vpc_id
  cidr_block = element(var.vswitch_cidrs, count.index)
  zone_id    = tolist(local.common_zone_ids)[count.index]

# 当没有提供terway_vswitch_ids变量时,默认会根据填写的vswitch_cidrs创建Terway使用的vSwitch。
resource "alicloud_vswitch" "terway_vswitches" { 
  count      = length(var.terway_vswitch_ids) > 0 ? 0 : length(var.terway_vswitch_cidrs)
  vpc_id     = var.vpc_id == "" ? join("", alicloud_vpc.vpc.*.id) : var.vpc_id
  cidr_block = element(var.terway_vswitch_cidrs, count.index)
  zone_id    = tolist(local.common_zone_ids)[count.index]

# 查询当前阿里云用户的资源组。
data "alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups" "default" { 
  status = "OK"

# 查询阿里云的ECS实例类型。
data "alicloud_instance_types" "default" {
  for_each            = toset(local.common_zone_ids )
  availability_zone   = each.key
  cpu_core_count      = 8
  memory_size         = 16
  kubernetes_node_role = "Master"
  system_disk_category = "cloud_essd"

 # 创建ACK专有集群,配置包括控制面虚拟交换机、Pod虚拟交换机、实例类型、磁盘、密码、Service网络地址段等。
resource "alicloud_cs_kubernetes" "default" { 
  master_vswitch_ids    = length(var.vswitch_ids) > 0 ? split(",", join(",", var.vswitch_ids)) : length(var.vswitch_cidrs) < 1 ? [] : split(",", join(",", alicloud_vswitch.vswitches.*.id)) # 查询支持增强型NAT的可用区列表。
  pod_vswitch_ids       = length(var.terway_vswitch_ids) > 0 ? split(",", join(",", var.terway_vswitch_ids)) : length(var.terway_vswitch_cidrs) < 1 ? [] : split(",", join(",", alicloud_vswitch.terway_vswitches.*.id)) # 使用Terway时pod网络的vswitch地址段。
  master_instance_types = [local.common_instance_types[0],local.common_instance_types[0],local.common_instance_types[0]] # 控制面节点的实例类型。
  master_disk_category  = "cloud_essd"            # 控制面节点系统盘类型。
  password              = "Yourpassword1234"     # SSH登录密码。
  service_cidr          = ""        # Service网络地址段。
  load_balancer_spec    = "slb.s1.small"         # 负载均衡规格。
  install_cloud_monitor = "true"                 # 安装云监控服务。
  resource_group_id     = data.alicloud_resource_manager_resource_groups.default.groups.0.id # 集群所属资源组ID,实现不同资源的隔离。
  deletion_protection   = "false"                # 集群删除保护,防止通过控制台或API误删除集群。
  timezone              = "Asia/Shanghai"        # 集群使用的时区。
  os_type               = "Linux"                # 操作系统平台类型。
  platform              = "AliyunLinux3"         # 操作系统发行版。
  cluster_domain        = "cluster.local"        # 集群本地域名。
  proxy_mode            = "ipvs"                 # kube-proxy代理模式。
  custom_san            = "www.terraform.io"     # 自定义证书SAN。
  new_nat_gateway       = "true"                 # 创建一个新的NAT网关。
  dynamic "addons" {
    for_each = var.cluster_addons
    content {
      name   = lookup(addons.value, "name", var.cluster_addons)
      config = lookup(addons.value, "config", var.cluster_addons)
