您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
- 操作:是指具体的权限点。
- 访问级别:是指每个操作的访问级别,取值为写入(Write)、读取(Read)或列出(List)。
- 资源类型:是指操作中支持授权的资源类型。具体说明如下:
- 对于必选的资源类型,用前面加 * 表示。
- 对于不支持资源级授权的操作,用
- 条件关键字:是指云产品自身定义的条件关键字。
- 关联操作:是指成功执行操作所需要的其他权限。操作者必须同时具备关联操作的权限,操作才能成功。
操作 | 访问级别 | 资源类型 | 条件关键字 | 关联操作 |
操作 | 访问级别 | 资源类型 | 条件关键字 | 关联操作 |
alikafka:UpgradePostPayOrder | update | *全部资源 * |
| 无 |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
InstanceId | string | 是 | 实例 ID。 | alikafka_post-cn-mp919o4v**** |
DiskSize | integer | 否 | 500 | |
RegionId | string | 是 | 实例的地域 ID。 | cn-hangzhou |
IoMaxSpec | string | 否 | 流量规格(推荐)。
若实例为 Serverless 实例,无需传该参数。
| alikafka.hw.6xlarge |
IoMax | integer | 否 | 流量峰值(不推荐)。
若实例为 Serverless 实例,无需传该参数。
| 60 |
SpecType | string | 否 | 规格类型。 当实例的 PaidType 值为 1(后付费)时取值:
当实例的 PaidType 值为 3(预留规格后付费+Serverless 弹性伸缩后付费)时取值:
更多信息,请参见计费说明。 | professional |
PartitionNum | integer | 否 | 分区数(推荐)。
若实例为 Serverless 实例,无需传该参数。
| 80 |
TopicQuota | integer | 否 | Topic 的数量(不推荐)。
若实例为 Serverless 实例,无需传该参数。
| 80 |
EipModel | boolean | 否 | 是否需要公网。取值如下:
| false |
EipMax | integer | 否 | 公网流量。
| 0 |
ServerlessConfig | object | 否 | Serverless 实例的相关设置。创建 Serverless 实例时必传。 | |
ReservedPublishCapacity | long | 否 | 预留的发送流量规格值,仅支持传入整数,最小为 60。
| 60 |
ReservedSubscribeCapacity | long | 否 | 预留的消费流量规格值,仅支持传入整数,最小为 50。
| 50 |
"Code": 200,
"Message": "operation success.",
"RequestId": "ABA4A7FD-E10F-45C7-9774-A5236015A***",
"Success": true
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | BIZ.LIMIT.PUBNETWORK | EipMax is invalid. | 公网流量参数无效。 |
400 | BIZ.LIMIT.QUOTA.DOWN | Invalid.%s | 降配失败 |
400 | BIZ.LIMIT.QUOTA.DOWN.1 | Invalid.%s | 降配失败 |
400 | BIZ.LIMIT.QUOTA.DOWN.2 | Invalid.%s | 降配失败 |
400 | BIZ_FIELD_CHECK_INVALID | %s. Please check and try again later. | 参数错误。 |
400 | Invalid.Partition.%s | Invalid.%s | 分区数和Topic不等价 |
400 | Deploy.ResourceNotEnough | Insufficient resources, please submit work order. | 资源不足,请提交工单。 |
400 | Instance.ExceedMaxLimit | The number of instances of a single account exceeds the limit. If you need to increase the limit, please submit a work order. | 单账号实例数量超限,如需要提升限额,请提交工单。 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Range | The value of the %s parameter is not within the specified range. | 参数%s 应在 %s 与 %s 之间范围校验不通过。 |
400 | MissingParameter | The %s parameter is required. | 参数%s缺失 |
400 | InvalidParameter.DataAlreadyExist | The data already exists for the %s parameter. | %s参数对应的数据已存在 |
400 | Acl.AddSasl.Error | Failed to add a user. Please refer to the document and try again. If in doubt, submit a work order. | 新增用户失败,请参考文档后重试,如有疑问,请提交工单。 |
400 | Acl.DelSasl.Error | Failed to delete the user. Check the request parameters and try again. | 删除用户失败, 请检查请求参数后重试。 |
400 | Acl.Disable.Error | The Acl function is disabled. Enable it by referring to the documentation and try again. | Acl 功能未开启,请参考文档开启后重试。 |
400 | Acl.DuplicatedAuth.Error | The authorization has already been granted, please do not repeat the authorization. | 已经授权过了,请不要重复授权。 |
400 | ADMIN_GET_BROKER_CONFIG_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 获取Broker配置失败。请联系管理员。 |
400 | ADMIN_UPDATE_BROKER_CONFIG_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 更新Broker配置失败。请联系管理员。 |
400 | ADMIN_UPDATE_SUB_PERM_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 更新订阅权限失败。请联系管理员。 |
400 | ADMIN_UPDATE_TOPIC_PERM_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 更新读写权限失败。请联系管理员。 |
400 | AgentBusinessError | Internal error, please try again, if invalid, please submit the work order. | 内部错误,请重试,若无效请提交工单。 |
400 | AgentError | A system exception occurred. Please submit a ticket. | 内部错误,请提交工单。 |
400 | AsyncTask.DeleteTopic | Topic has not been deleted. Please try again later. | Topic 还未删除完成。请稍后再试。 |
400 | AsyncTask.ExecuteTimeNotSupport | The async task is approaching its execution time and modification is not allowed. | 异步任务接近执行时间,不允许修改 |
400 | AsyncTask.ExecuteTimeNotSupport | The task cannot be modified because it is close to its execution time. Please adjust and try again. | 任务接近执行时间,不允许修改。请调整后重试。 |
400 | AsyncTask.Ignored | The task is ignored. | 任务忽略执行。 |
400 | AsyncTask.NotMeetCondition | The task does not meet the user-defined conditions. | 任务不满足用户自定义条件。 |
400 | AsyncTask.RetryLater | Task Please try again later. | 任务请稍后重试。 |
400 | AsyncTask.TypeAlreadyExist | The task already exists. | 任务已经存在。 |
400 | AsyncTaskSlave.NotCompleted | The task is not completed. Please check and try again. | 任务未完成。请检查后重试。 |
400 | AUTH_CAL_SIGNATURE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 计算签名失败。 |
400 | AUTH_CSRF_CHECK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 该页面已过期。请刷新页面。 |
400 | AUTH_LOGIN_CHECK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 当前用户登录验证失败。请重新登录。 |
400 | AUTH_ONS_CHANNEL_INVALID | %s. Please check and try again later. | ONS Channel非法。请确认后再试。 |
400 | AUTH_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 资源权限验证失败。请确认资源权限信息后再试。 |
400 | AUTH_REQUEST_NOT_ALLOWED | %s. Please check and try again later. | 当前请求不允许访问,请勿再试。 |
400 | AUTH_RESOURCE_EMPOWER_CHECK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 授权资源检验失败。请确认资源所属信息后再试。 |
400 | AUTH_SERVICE_CHECK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 当前用户未开通MQ服务。请先开通MQ服务,谢谢。 |
400 | AUTH_SIGNATURE_CHECK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 资源请求认证失败。请确认AccessKeyId和AccessKeySecret后再试。 |
400 | AUTH_SYSTEM_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 创建系统资源权限验证失败。 |
400 | AUTH_TOPIC_CREATE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您没有创建Topic和Consumer Group的权限,请联系主账号授权。 |
400 | AUTH_USER_CHECK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 用户或者应用信息认证失败。 |
400 | AUTH_USER_IN_BLACK_LIST | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您的请求已被拒绝,请勿再试。 |
400 | BIZ.GET.TOPIC.STATUS.ERROR | AccessKeyId is required to get topic status. | 获取GetTopicStatus 必须使用AccessKeyId |
400 | BIZ.INSTANCE.NOT.FOUND | %s. Please check and try again later. | 访问实例 id 资源不存在 |
400 | BIZ.INSTANCE.STATUS.ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 当前实例状态不支持该操作。 |
400 | BIZ.TagResource.NotSupported | %s. Please check and try again later. | 资源不支持Tag操作。 |
400 | BIZ_ACL_NOT_ENABLED | %s. Please check and try again later. | 未开启ACL功能 |
400 | BIZ_AONE_CHECK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您指定的应用名称在Aone系统中不存在。请确认后再重试。 |
400 | BIZ_BROADCASTING_PULL_UNSUPPORT | %s. Please check and try again later. | PullConsumer或者广播消息订阅不支持消费进度查询。 |
400 | BIZ_BROKER_NOT_FOUND | %s. Please check and try again later. | 服务器节点信息不存在。 |
400 | BIZ_CAN_NOT_ENABLE_ACL | %s. Please check and try again later. | 无法开启ACL,请确认ACL开启条件 |
400 | BIZ_CLUSTER_IS_EMPTY | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您指定的集群信息不存在。请确认或联系管理员。 |
400 | BIZ_CONSUMER_GROUP_ACTIVE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 当前Consumer Group存在活跃Consumer,请消费后再重置。 |
400 | BIZ_CONSUMER_ID_BELONG_TO_OTHER_USER | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您指定的Consumer ID已被占用,请您更换Consumer ID。 |
400 | BIZ_CONSUMER_NEVER_RUNNING | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您指定的消费者 ID 不存在或从未订阅过消息,无法查看消费者的状态。 |
400 | BIZ_CONSUMER_NOT_ONLINE | %s. Please check and try again later. | 当前消费者ID未在线。 |
400 | BIZ_CREATE_ORDER_CONFIG_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 创建顺序消息配置失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_CREATE_PUBLISH_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 创建生产者失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_CREATE_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 创建Consumer ID失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_CREATE_TOPIC_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 创建Topic失败。 |
400 | BIZ_CREATE_TOPIC_NUM_LESS_THAN_BEFORE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 分区数不能小于曾经配置过的分区数 |
400 | BIZ_DELETE_ORDER_CONFIG_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 删除顺序消息配置失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 删除Consumer ID失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_DELETE_TOPIC_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 删除Topic失败。 |
400 | BIZ_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 下载消息失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_FIND_CONSUMER_GROUP_INFO_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 查询Consumer Group失败。 |
400 | BIZ_GET_APPKEY_LIST_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 获取当前ISV下的应用列表失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_GET_CLUSTER_INFO_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 查询集群信息失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_GET_CONSUMER_CONNECTION_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 查询消费者连接失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_GET_CONSUMER_RUNNING_INFO_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 获取Consumer ID运行状态信息失败。请确认订阅组是否在线。 |
400 | BIZ_GET_CONSUME_ACCUMULATE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 查询消息堆积失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_GET_CONSUME_STATUS_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 查询消费者状态失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_GET_TOPIC_ROUTE_INFO_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 获取Topic路由信息失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_GET_TOPIC_STATUS_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 查询Topic状态失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_ALREADY_EXISTS | %s. Please check and try again later. | 实例已存在。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_BASIC_INFO_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 实例信息有误。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_CREATE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 创建实例失败。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_CREATE_ORDER_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 创建购买实例订单失败。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_DELETE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 删除实例失败。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_LOCATION_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 实例regionId有误。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND | %s. Please check and try again later. | 实例不存在。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_ONLY_PROFESSIONAL_SUPPORT | %s. Please check and try again later. | 非专业版不支持此功能。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_OWNER_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 实例不属于该用户。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_PAIDTYPE_NOT_SUPPORT | %s. Please check and try again later. | 实例不支持该类型支付方式。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 实例权限校验失败。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_REFUND_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 实例退款失败。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_RELEASE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 实例释放失败。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_RELEASE_EXIST_CONSUMER_GROUP_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 该实例存在consumer group,无法释放。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_RELEASE_EXIST_TOPIC_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 该实例存在topic,无法释放。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_RELEASE_LESSHOUR_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 实例需要创建满1小时后才能释放。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_STATUS_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 实例状态不正确。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_UPDATE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 更新实例失败。 |
400 | BIZ_INSTANCE_UPGRADE_ORDER_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 创建升级实例订单失败。 |
400 | BIZ_MESSAGE_TRACK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 查询消息轨迹失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_NO_MESSAGE | %s. Please check and try again later. | 消息不存在。 |
400 | BIZ_PRODUCER_ID_BELONG_TO_OTHER_USER | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您指定的ProducerId已被占用,请您更换ProducerId。 |
400 | BIZ_PUBLISHER_EXISTED | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您请求创建的Topic已有生产者,请确认。 |
400 | BIZ_PUBLISH_INFO_NOT_FOUND | %s. Please check and try again later. | 生产者信息不存在。请确认后再重试。 |
400 | BIZ_PUSH_MESSAGE_TO_CONSUMER_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 验证消费失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_QUERY_CONSUME_TIMESPAN_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 查询消费者时间范围失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_QUERY_MESSAGE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 消息查询失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_RESET_OFFSET_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 消费进度重置失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_SASL_USER_NOT_EXIST | %s. Please check and try again later. | 指定用户不存在 |
400 | BIZ_SASL_USER_NUM_EXCEED | %s. Please check and try again later. | SASL用户数超限 |
400 | BIZ_SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 发送消息失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_SLR_CREATE_NO_PERMISSION | %s. Please check and try again later. | 当前用户没有创建SLR权限 |
400 | BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_ALREADY_EXISTS | %s. Please check and try again later. | Consumer Group已经存在,请尝试创建其它名称的Consumer Group。 |
400 | BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | Consumer Group创建失败。 |
400 | BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_DELETE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | Consumer Group删除失败。 |
400 | BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_EXISTED | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您请求创建的消费者信息已存在,请确认。 |
400 | BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND | %s. Please check and try again later. | Consumer Group不存在。 |
400 | BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_PERMISSION_CHECK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | Consumer Group校验失败。 |
400 | BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 获取Consumer Group状态失败。 |
400 | BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_TOO_MUCH | %s. Please check and try again later. | Consumer Group数量超出限制。 |
400 | BIZ_SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | Consumer Group更新失败 |
400 | BIZ_TAG_DUPLICATE_TAG_KEY | %s. Please check and try again later. | Tag Key重复 |
400 | BIZ_TAG_ONLY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_HAS_PERMISSION | %s. Please check and try again later. | 只有服务账号有权限操作系统Tag |
400 | BIZ_TAG_REQUEST_RESOURCE_NUM_EXCEED | %s. Please check and try again later. | 每次请求资源数超限 |
400 | BIZ_TAG_REQUEST_TAG_NUM_EXCEED | %s. Please check and try again later. | 每次请求Tag数超限 |
400 | BIZ_TAG_RESOURCE_NOT_EXIST | %s. Please check and try again later. | Resource不存在 |
400 | BIZ_TAG_RESOURCE_NUM_EXCEED | %s. Please check and try again later. | Tag绑定资源数超限 |
400 | BIZ_TAG_TAGKEY_NOT_VALID | %s. Please check and try again later. | Tag Key格式不正确 |
400 | BIZ_TAG_TAGVALUE_NOT_VALID | %s. Please check and try again later. | Tag Value格式不正确 |
400 | BIZ_TAG_TAG_NUM_EXCEED | %s. Please check and try again later. | 资源绑定Tag数超限 |
400 | BIZ_TIME_SPAN_EMPTY | %s. Please check and try again later. | 该消费者ID订阅的Topic未有消息写入,无需重置。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_ALREADY_EXISTS | %s. Please check and try again later. | Topic已经存在,请尝试创建其它名称的Topic。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_COMPACT_TOPIC_NOT_SUPPORT | %s. Please check and try again later. | 不支持创建compact topic。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_CREATE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | Topic创建失败。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_CREATE_INTERNAL_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | topic不能以“__”开头。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_DELETE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | Topic删除失败。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_EXISTED | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您指定的Topic已存在。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_LOCAL_TOPIC_NOT_SUPPORT | %s. Please check and try again later. | 不支持创建local topic。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_NOT_FOUND | %s. Please check and try again later. | Topic不存在。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_OFFSET_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 查询位点错误。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_PARTITION_ADD_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 新增分区失败。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_PARTITION_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | Partition不存在。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_PARTITION_NUM_EXCEED | %s. Please check and try again later. | 分区数已超过限制。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_STATUS_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | Topic状态获取失败。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_TOO_MUCH | %s. Please check and try again later. | Topic数量超出限制。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_UPDATE_CONFIG_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 更新topic config失败。 |
400 | BIZ_TOPIC_UPDATE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | Topic更新失败。 |
400 | BIZ_UPDATE_ACL_FAILED | %s. Please check and try again later. | 修改ACL失败,请稍后再试 |
400 | BIZ_UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 更新消费者ID失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_UPDATE_TOPIC_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 更新Topic失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | BIZ_UPDATE_TOPIC_PERM_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 更新topic的perm信息失败 |
400 | DataExceedMaxLimit | The maximum number of %s is exceeded. | %s数量超限 |
400 | DB.Update.Failed | Failed to update data, please try again, if invalid, please submit a work order. | 更新数据失败,请重试,若无效请提交工单。 |
400 | Deploy.Callback.Illegal | Message data does not match, please submit work order. | 消息数据不匹配,请提交工单。 |
400 | Deploy.NotRetriableError | Deployment error, please submit work order. | 部署错误,请提交工单。 |
400 | Deploy.RetriableError | A retry error occurred during deployment. If the retry still fails, submit a work order. | 部署发生可重试错误,若重试仍然失败,请提交工单。 |
400 | DeployError | Deployment error, please try again, if invalid, please submit a work order. | 部署错误,请重试,若无效请提交工单。 |
400 | DeployPreCheckError | Deployment pre-check failed. Please submit work order. | 部署预检查失败,请重试,若重试仍然失败,请提交工单。 |
400 | DeployPreCheckError | Deployment pre-check failed: %s. | 部署预检查失败:%s |
400 | DeployType.NotSupport | deployType is not supported. Refer to the document and retry. If in doubt, submit a work order. | 不支持的 deployType,请参考文档后重试,如有疑问,请提交工单。 |
400 | FlowControl | Request was denied due to flow control. | 资源被限流, 请稍后重试 |
400 | GET.CONSUMER.MISSING.ACCESS.KEY.ID | AccessKeyId is required to get consumer group info. | 获取Consumer Group信息必须使用AccessKeyId |
400 | Group.Active | Group is active and cannot perform this operation. | Group正处于活跃中,不能进行该操作。 |
400 | Group.Active | The group is currently active and cannot perform this operation. | Group正处于活跃中,不能进行该操作 |
400 | Instance.CaclulateChange.time | Example Failed to obtain the expected change time. Please try again later. | 实例获取预期变更时间失败,请稍后重试。 |
400 | Instance.Change.NotAllowed | This instance does not allow change operations. | 该实例不允许变更操作。 |
400 | Instance.Change.NotAllowed | This instance does not allow deployment operations. | 该实例不允许变更操作 |
400 | Instance.InsertComponent.fail | Failed to insert the instance component, please try again later. | 插入实例组件失败,请稍后重试。 |
400 | Instance.ResourceNotSufficient | Insufficient resources, unable to operate, please submit a work order. | 资源不足,无法操作,请提交工单。 |
400 | Instance.ResourceNotSufficient | Insufficient resources, unable to proceed with the operation. | 资源不足,无法操作 |
400 | Instance.StatusNotRunning | The instance is not running and cannot operate this function. Please try again later. | 实例不是运行中状态,无法操作该功能,请稍后重试。 |
400 | Instance.StatusNotRunning | The instance status is not running. | 实例状态不在运行中 |
400 | Instance.UpdateComponent.fail | Failed to update the instance component, please try again later. | 更新实例组件失败,请稍后重试。 |
400 | Instance.UpgradeService.version | Upgrade version failed, please try again later. | 升级版本失败,请稍后重试。 |
400 | InstanceStatus.Change.NotAllowed | There was an error in the instance status switch verification. Please try again. If you have any questions, please submit the work order. | 实例状态切换校验出错,请重试,如有疑问,请提交工单。 |
400 | InstanceStatus.NotAllowed | The current status of the instance cannot be changed. This function cannot be performed. Please try again later. | 实例当前状态不允许变更,无法操作该功能,请稍后重试。 |
400 | InstanceStatus.NotReleased | The instance is not in the released state and cannot perform this function. Please try again later. | 实例不是已释放状态,无法操作该功能,请稍后重试。 |
400 | InstanceStatus.NotWaitChange | The instance is not waiting for change status, cannot operate this function, please try again later. | 实例不是等待变更状态,无法操作该功能,请稍后重试。 |
400 | InstanceStatus.NotWaitDeploy | This function cannot be performed because the instance is not in the state to be deployed. Please try again later. | 实例不是待部署状态,无法操作该功能,请稍后重试。 |
400 | InstanceStatus.Released | The instance has been released. | 实例已释放。 |
400 | InstanceStatus.Stopped | Instance stopped serving. | 实例已停服。 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The %s parameter is invalid. | 参数%s校验不通过 |
400 | InvalidParameter.DataNotChange | There is no change in the parameters. Please adjust and try again. | 参数没有任何变化,请调整后重试。 |
400 | InvalidParameter.Format | The %s format is invalid. | 参数%s格式校验不通过 |
400 | InvalidParameter.NotSupport | The %s parameter is not supported. | 参数%s当前不支持 |
400 | InvalidParameter.OtherParam | Parameter %s is incorrect because %s. | 参数 %s 错误因为 %s. |
400 | InvalidParameter.Size | The size of the %s parameter is not within the specified range. | 参数%s长度校验不通过 |
400 | InvalidParameter.VersionNotSupport | Current version does not support the %s parameter. | 当前版本不支持参数%s |
400 | Ldap.CreateAdminError | Administrative accounts cannot be added or modified. | 管理账号不能被新增或者修改。 |
400 | Ldap.DeleteAdminError | The management account cannot be deleted. | 管理账号不能被删除。 |
400 | Manager.configRuleExistError | Manager an existing configuration rule is inserted, adjust and try again. | Manager 插入了存在的配置规则,请调整后重试。 |
400 | Manager.configRuleNotExistError | Manager a configuration rule that does not exist is changed, please adjust it and try again. | Manager 变更了不存在的配置规则,请调整后重试。 |
400 | Manager.NotCommit | Manager operation is not submitted, please adjust and try again. | Manager 操作未提交,请调整后重试。 |
400 | Manager.recoverTaskNotFound | Manager the resumed scheduling task does not exist, please adjust and try again. | Manager 恢复的调度任务不存在,请调整后重试。 |
400 | Manager.recoverTaskNotMatch | The id of the restored scheduling task does not match that of the instance. | Manager 恢复的调度任务与实例 ID 不匹配,请调整后重试。 |
400 | Manager.scheduledTaskStatusError | Manager the status of the asynchronous task fails to be changed, check whether the source status is consistent with the current status, and then try again. | Manager 变更异步任务状态失败,请检查源状态与当前状态是否一致,调整后重试。 |
400 | Manager.scheduledTaskStatusNotSupport | The manager operation task status is unknown. | Manager 操作任务状态未知。 |
400 | NotSupport | The current operation is not supported, please check and try again later. | 不支持当前操作,请检查并稍后再试。 |
400 | NotSupport.DataStatus | Current status %s does not support this operation. | 当前数据状态%s不支持该操作 |
400 | NotSupport.DataStatus | The current %s's data status does not support this operation. | 当前数据状态%s不支持该操作 |
400 | ONS.LOGIN.CHECK.ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您的登录已过期,请重新登录 |
400 | ONS_INIT_ENV_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 环境信息初始化错误。请联系系统管理员。 |
400 | ONS_INTERNAL_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 网络连接失败。请联系系统管理员。 |
400 | ONS_INVOKE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | API调用失败。请联系系统管理员。 |
400 | ONS_LOGIN_CHECK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您的登录已过期。请重新登录。 |
400 | ONS_SERVICE_UNSUPPORTED | %s. Please check and try again later. | 该请求暂不支持。请联系系统管理员。 |
400 | ONS_SYSTEM_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 系统处理错误。请联系系统管理员。 |
400 | ONS_SYSTEM_FLOW_CONTROL | %s. Please check and try again later. | 当前请求数量过多,请稍后再试。 |
400 | Order.Create.Error | Failed to create order. | 创建订单失败。 |
400 | Order.Create.Error | Order creation failed, please submit a work order. | 创建订单失败,请提交工单。 |
400 | Order.Insufficient.balance | The available gold is not enough, please recharge and try again. | 可用金不够, 请充值后重试。 |
400 | Oss.NotFound | Failed to download message, please try again later. | 下载消息失败,请稍后重试。 |
400 | Oss.PublishFailed | Failed to download message, please try again later. | 下载消息失败,请稍后重试。 |
400 | RAM.USER.NOT.FOUND.BY.ACCESSKEY | The specified access key is not found. | AccessKeyId 不存在 |
400 | RAM_CREATE_RESOURCE_OWNER_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 创建资源所属信息失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | RAM_CREATE_RESOURCE_PERMISSION_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 创建资源权限信息失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | RAM_DELETE_RESOURCE_OWNER_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 删除资源所属信息失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | RAM_DELETE_RESOURCE_PERMISSION_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 删除资源权限信息失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | RAM_GET_USER_BY_AK_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 获取用户AccessKey信息失败。请稍后再试。 |
400 | RAM_USER_NOT_FOUND_BY_ACCESSKEY | %s. Please check and try again later. | 用户信息不存在。请确认AccessKey。 |
400 | ScheduledTask.AlreadyHasSameTaskType | has same task waiting for schedule. | 有相同任务正在等待调度,请稍后重试。 |
400 | ScheduledTask.ExecuteTimeGapTooShort | execute time gap too close to an existed task. | 执行时间间隔与已存在的任务过于接近,请调整后重试。 |
400 | ServerlessPlan.InstanceNotMatch | The timing policy execution plan does not match the instance ID. | 定时策略执行计划与实例 ID 不匹配。 |
400 | ServerlessPlan.IntervalInvalid | If a periodic policy execution plan is smaller than the target size, delete it. | 存在小于目的规格的定时策略执行计划,请删除。 |
400 | ServerlessPlan.IntervalInvalid | The schedule policy execution plan range has duplicates or intervals smaller than the execution interval. | 定时策略执行计划区间存在重复或者小于执行间隔 |
400 | ServerlessPlan.IntervalInvalid | The timing policy execution plan interval is repeated or smaller than the execution interval. | 定时策略执行计划区间存在重复或者小于执行间隔。 |
400 | ServerlessPlan.NameExist | The name of the periodic policy execution plan is the same. Please modify the name and try again. | 定时策略执行计划名称重复,请修改后重试。 |
400 | ServerlessPlan.NotSupport.EnabledRuleExist | If a periodic policy is in effect, it does not support the current operation. Set all periodic policies to invalid. | 存在生效中的定时策略,不支持当前操作,请先全部置为不生效。 |
400 | ServerlessPlan.NotSupport.StatusEnabled | A periodic policy can be deleted only after it is disabled. | 定时策略需要先关闭才能删除。 |
400 | ServerlessPlan.TaskStatusNotSupport | A periodic policy task cannot be modified or cancelled when it is being executed or when a single execution is completed. | 定时策略任务在执行中或单次执行完成,不支持修改或取消。 |
400 | ServerlessPlan.TaskStatusNotSupport | The scheduled policy task is currently executing or has been completed, and cannot be modified or canceled. | 定时策略任务在执行中或单次执行完成,不支持修改或取消 |
400 | Sls.Query.Error | Data query failed. Please try again later. | 数据查询失败,请稍后重试。 |
400 | Sts.NotFound | Unable to find the whitelist information, please try again later, if in doubt, please submit the work order. | 查找不到白名单信息,请稍后重试,如有疑问,请提交工单。 |
400 | Topic.DownloadMessageFail | Failed to download message, please try again later. | 下载消息失败,请稍后重试。 |
400 | Topic.Exist | The topic already exists. | Topic已存在 |
400 | Topic.NotFound | The Topic does not exist. Please check and try again. | Topic 不存在,请检查后重试。 |
400 | Topic.QueryMessageFail | Failed to query the message, please try again later. | 查询消息失败,请稍后重试。 |
400 | Topic.SendFail | Topic failed to send a message. Please try again later. | Topic 发送消息失败,请稍后重试。 |
400 | Topic.StatusNotRunning | The Topic status is not in the service and cannot be operated. Please try again later. If in doubt, please submit the work order. | Topic 状态不在服务中,无法进行操作,请稍后重试,如有疑问请提交工单。 |
400 | Topic.StatusNotRunning | The topic status is not running. | Topic状态不在服务中 |
400 | TopicStatus.NotAllowed | The current status of the Topic cannot be changed. | Topic 当前状态不允许变更。 |
400 | VPC_ASSUMEROLE_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 您还未授权。 |
400 | VPC_VSW_ZONE_MAPPING_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | Vswitch或SecurityGroup校验失败 |
400 | WHITE.DELETE.ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 删除时,允许的IP地址只能有一个。 |
400 | WHITE.IP.ALREADY.EXISTS.ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 输入的IP已经存在,请检查。 |
400 | WHITE.IP.ILLEGAL.ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 所允许的IP不合法。 |
400 | WHITE.IPLIST.OVERLONG.ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 所有IP列表长度过长,最大长度200。 |
400 | WHITE.OVER.LENGTH.ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 允许的IP超过长度,最大长度为10。 |
400 | WHITE.PARAM.ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 参数不合法。 |
400 | Order.InstHasUnpaidOrder | There is an unpaid order for the resource you selected, please pay or void it before placing the order. | 您选择的资源存在未支付订单,请支付或作废后再下单! |
400 | Topic.RebalanceOperationForbidden | This operation is not allowed during instance drainage. Please try again after the drainage is completed. | 实例引流期间不允许该操作,请引流完成后重试。 |
403 | NoPermission | No permissions. | 没有权限 |
403 | AUTH_RESOURCE_OWNER_ERROR | %s. Please check and try again later. | 资源所属验证失败。请确认资源所属信息后再试。 |
404 | Instance.NotFound | The instance does not exist. Please verify the entry and try again. | 实例不存在,请核实入参后重试。 |
404 | AsyncTaskGroup.NotFound | The task group does not exist. Please check and try again. | 任务分组不存在。请检查后重试。 |
404 | AsyncTaskHandler.NotFound | The task does not exist. Please check and try again. | 任务不存在。请检查后重试。 |
404 | AsyncTaskType.NotFound | The task type does not exist. Please check and try again. | 任务类型不存在。请检查后重试。 |
404 | Group.NotFound | GroupId does not exist. Please check and try again. | GroupId 不存在,请检查后重试。 |
404 | Group.NotFound | No group found for the %s parameter. | GroupId不存在 |
404 | InstanceAgent.NotFound | Instance does not exist. Please check the entry and try again. | Instance 不存在,请核实入参后重试。 |
404 | InvalidData.FieldsIncomplete | Data is incomplete, %s data is missing, please check and try again later. | 数据不完整,%s 数据缺失,请检查并稍后再试。 |
404 | InvalidParameter.DataNotFound | No data found for the %s parameter. | 参数%s查找不到数据 |
404 | Topic.NotFound | No topic found for the %s parameter. | Topic不存在 |
404 | VpcVSwitch.NotFound | The private network and switch do not exist. Please refer to the document and try again. If in doubt, submit a work order. | 专有网络和交换机不存在,请参考文档后重试,如有疑问,请提交工单。 |
500 | InternalUnknownCodeError | Internal error, please try again, if still failed, please submit a work order to contact us. | 内部错误,请重试,若是仍失败请提交工单联系我们。 |
500 | InternalUnknownCodeError | Internal error, please try again. If it still fails, please submit a work order and contact us. | 内部错误,请重试,若仍然失败请提交工单联系我们。 |
500 | GET.CONSUMER.PROGRESS.ERROR | An instance status error occurred. | 实例状态异常,请稍后重试 |
500 | INTERNAL.ERROR | An internal error occurred. Please try again later. | 请求超时。请稍后重试。 |
500 | InternalError | A system exception occurred. Please submit a ticket. | 内部错误 |
500 | InternalError | An internal error occurred. Please try again later. | 请求超时。请稍后重试。 |
500 | ONS.GET.ALLOWEDIP.INTERNAL.ERROR | The request for obtaining the IP address whitelist timed out. Please try again later. | 获取IP白名单请求超时。请稍后重试。 |
500 | ONS.INTERNAL.ERROR | An internal error occurred. Please try again later. | 网络请求超时。请稍后重试。 |
500 | ONS.UPDATE.ALLOWEDIP.INTERNAL.ERROR | The request for changing the IP address whitelist timed out. Please try again later. | 变更IP白名单请求超时。请稍后重试。 |
500 | RemoteCallError | An internal service invocation error occurred. Please try again later. | 远程调用错误 |
500 | RmqClusterEmpty | A system exception occurred. Please submit a ticket. | 内部错误,请提交工单。 |