通过EMR Doctor获取集群HDFS特定目录数据分析结果,目录不超过5级。
您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
- 操作:是指具体的权限点。
- 访问级别:是指每个操作的访问级别,取值为写入(Write)、读取(Read)或列出(List)。
- 资源类型:是指操作中支持授权的资源类型。具体说明如下:
- 对于必选的资源类型,用前面加 * 表示。
- 对于不支持资源级授权的操作,用
- 条件关键字:是指云产品自身定义的条件关键字。
- 关联操作:是指成功执行操作所需要的其他权限。操作者必须同时具备关联操作的权限,操作才能成功。
操作 | 访问级别 | 资源类型 | 条件关键字 | 关联操作 |
emr:GetDoctorHDFSDirectory | get | *全部资源 * |
| 无 |
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
RegionId | string | 是 | 地域 ID。 | cn-hangzhou |
ClusterId | string | 是 | 集群 ID。 | c-b933c5aac8fe**** |
DateTime | string | 是 | 其日期和时间信息以 ISO 8601 格式表示, 例如:2023 年 1 月 1 日为 2023-01-01。 | 2023-01-01 |
DirPath | string | 是 | 目录名称。目录不超过 5 级。 | /tmp/test |
"Data": {
"Depth": 2,
"User": "DW",
"Group": "DW",
"Metrics": {
"TotalFileCount": {
"Name": "totalFileCount",
"Value": 51683279,
"Unit": "”“",
"Description": "Number of total files\n"
"LargeFileCount": {
"Name": "largeFileCount",
"Value": 123,
"Unit": "”“",
"Description": "Number of large files\n"
"MediumFileCount": {
"Name": "mediumFileCount",
"Value": 234,
"Unit": "”“",
"Description": "Number of medium files\n"
"SmallFileCount": {
"Name": "smallFileCount",
"Value": 12345,
"Unit": "”“",
"Description": "Number of small files\n"
"TinyFileCount": {
"Name": "tinyFileCount",
"Value": 232131,
"Unit": "”“\n",
"Description": "Number of tiny files\n"
"EmptyFileCount": {
"Name": "emptyFileCount",
"Value": 15595897,
"Unit": "”“",
"Description": "Number of empty files\n"
"HotDataSize": {
"Name": "hotDataSize",
"Value": 6701531944206,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Size of the hot data size\n"
"WarmDataSize": {
"Name": "warmDataSize",
"Value": 4062349775577,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Size of the warm data size"
"ColdDataSize": {
"Name": "coldDataSize",
"Value": 5570958082267,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Size of the cold data size\n"
"FreezeDataSize": {
"Name": "freezeDataSize",
"Value": 1231312431,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Size of the freeze data size\n"
"TotalDataSize": {
"Name": "totalDataSize\n",
"Value": 62086342083623,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Total data size in megabytes (MB)\n"
"TotalFileDayGrowthCount": {
"Name": "totalFileDayGrowthCount",
"Value": 27809,
"Unit": "”“",
"Description": "Day growth count of total files\n"
"LargeFileDayGrowthCount": {
"Name": "largeFileDayGrowthCount",
"Value": 2,
"Unit": "”“",
"Description": "Day growth count of large files\n"
"MediumFileDayGrowthCount": {
"Name": "mediumFileDayGrowthCount",
"Value": 176,
"Unit": "”“",
"Description": "Day growth count of medium files\n"
"SmallFileDayGrowthCount": {
"Name": "smallFileDayGrowthCount",
"Value": 12345,
"Unit": "”“",
"Description": "Day growth count of small files\n"
"TinyFileDayGrowthCount": {
"Name": "tinyFileDayGrowthCount",
"Value": -123,
"Unit": "”“\n",
"Description": "Day growth count of tiny files\n"
"EmptyFileDayGrowthCount": {
"Name": "emptyFileDayGrowthCount\n",
"Value": 114,
"Unit": "”“\n",
"Description": "Day growth count of empty files\n"
"HotDataDayGrowthSize": {
"Name": "hotDataDayGrowthSize",
"Value": 123154,
"Unit": "MB\n",
"Description": "Day growth size of hot data\n"
"WarmDataDayGrowthSize": {
"Name": "warmDataDayGrowthSize",
"Value": -64806998319,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Day growth size of warm data\n"
"ColdDataDayGrowthSize": {
"Name": "coldDataDayGrowthSize",
"Value": -182636577752,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Day growth size of cold data\n"
"FreezeDataDayGrowthSize": {
"Name": "freezeDataDayGrowthSize",
"Value": -167683929450,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Day growth size of freeze data\n"
"TotalDataDayGrowthSize": {
"Name": "totalDataDayGrowthSize",
"Value": 256482228248,
"Unit": "MB",
"Description": "Day growth size of total data\n"
"TotalFileCountDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "totalFileCountDayGrowthRatio\n",
"Value": 0.02,
"Unit": "”“",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of total files\n"
"LargeFileCountDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "largeFileCountDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": 0.39,
"Unit": "”“\n",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of large files\n"
"MediumFileCountDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "mediumFileCountDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": 0.19,
"Unit": "”“\n",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of medium files\n"
"SmallFileCountDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "smallFileCountDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": 0.02,
"Unit": "”“\n",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of small files\n"
"TinyFileCountDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "tinyFileCountDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": 0.003,
"Unit": "”“\n",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of tiny files\n"
"EmptyFileCountDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "emptyFileCountDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": 0.005,
"Unit": "”“",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of empty files\n"
"HotDataSizeDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "hotDataSizeDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": 0.1114,
"Unit": "”“\n",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of hot data size\n"
"WarmDataSizeDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "warmDataSizeDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": -0.015,
"Unit": "”“\n",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of warm data size\n"
"ColdDataSizeDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "coldDataSizeDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": -0.03,
"Unit": "”“\n",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of cold data size\n"
"FreezeDataSizeDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "freezeDataSizeDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": -0.09,
"Unit": "”“\n",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of freeze data size\n"
"TotalDataSizeDayGrowthRatio": {
"Name": "totalDataSizeDayGrowthRatio",
"Value": 0.14,
"Unit": "”“\n",
"Description": "Day growth ratio of total data size\n"
"RequestId": "DD6B1B2A-5837-5237-ABE4-FF0C8944****"
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | ConflictParameters | Parameters that must not be used together. %s | 多个参数间存在冲突。 |
400 | IncompleteSignature | The request signature is invalid. | API请求签名不合法。 |
400 | InvalidAction | The action %s requested is invalid. | 不合法的Action。 |
400 | InvalidParameter | The specified parameter %s is not valid. | 参数错误。 |
400 | InvalidParameterValue | The input parameter %s is invalid or out of range. | 参数值超出范围。 |
400 | MissingAction | The action %s requested is missing. | 缺少Action参数 |
400 | MissingParameter | The input parameter %s that is mandatory for processing this request is not supplied. | 参数缺失。 |
400 | NotAuthorized | You do not have permission to perform this action. %s | 没有权限。 |
400 | ThrottlingException | The request was denied due to request throttling. %s | 限流。 |
404 | ResourceNotFound | The resource not found by %s. | 请求的资源未找到。 |
500 | InternalError | The request processing has failed due to some unknown error, exception or failure. | 内部错误。 |
503 | ServiceFailure | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of %s service. | 依赖的阿里云其他服务不可用。 |
503 | ServiceUnavailable | The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. | 请求超时或者服务不可用。 |
变更时间 | 变更内容概要 | 操作 |