

HTTP status code错误码错误信息描述操作
404ResourceNotFoundThe specified Resource is not found.资源不存在诊断
403StsTokenNoPermissionSTS token authentication failed.STS Token鉴权失败,没有权限诊断
403StsTokenNoWritePermissionThe STS token temporary account does not have write permission.STS Token 临时账户没有写权限诊断
403NoPermissionThe RAM user does not have permission.RAM用户没有权限诊断
403UserNotAddedThe user is not added to the system.该用户未添加至系统诊断
404UserTypeNotExistedThe user type does not exist.用户类型不存在诊断
400InvalidParameterThe specified parameter is not valid.-诊断
500InternalErrorAn internal server error occurred.后端服务异常诊断
403ResourceEmptyThe resource ID is empty.资源id为空诊断
403ResourceNotBelongToTenantThe resource does not belong to the tenant.资源不属于该租户诊断
404TenantIsNotExistedThe specified tenant does not exist.租户不存在诊断
403ServiceNotOpenThe service is not activated.服务未开通诊断
400ServiceStopedThe service is suspended. Please check whether the account has overdue payments.服务暂停,请检查账号是否欠费诊断