您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行成功后,OpenAPI Explorer可以自动生成SDK代码示例。
名称 | 类型 | 必填 | 描述 | 示例值 |
RuleModel | string | 是 | { "rule": "a5bb24da--a891683e14da", // 行列权限规则的 ID,当传入时为修改行级权限规则,否则新增 "cubeId": "7c7223ae--3c744528014b", // 数据集 ID "ruleName": "测试行级权限", // 行级权限规则的名称 "ruleLevelType": "ROW_LEVEL", // 行级权限类型:ROW_LEVEL:行级权限,COLUMN_LEVEL:列级权限 "ruleTargetScope": "ALL", // 行级权限规则针对的人群:1:所有人,2:指定人 "hitTakeEffect": 1, //命中后规则生效还是不生效(针对列级权限):1:生效 (默认生效),0:不生效 "ruleUsersModel": { "userGroups": [ "9bd2c6440ac542589f16bf12ca8178dd", // 用户组人群的用户组 ID "0d5fb19b--1248fc27ca51", "3d2c23d4--f6390f325c2d" ], "users": [ "433423784358", // 用户人群的 UserID "Huang2e3fa822" ] }, "ruleContentModel": { "ruleContentType": "ROW_FIELD", // 行列权限的规则类型 "ruleContentJson": "{"conditionNode":{"caption":"周期","isMeasure":false,"pathId":"7d3bbc6","relationOperator":"not-null","name":"7d3bbc6","value":{"value":[""],"valueType":"ENUM"}}}", // 规则的 JSON 字符串 "ruleOriginConfigJson": "{"operator":"and","operands":[{"labelName":"周期","isValid":true,"uniqueId":"5","fieldId":"7d3b***bc6","error":false,"fieldType":"string","defaultValue":{"selectType":"condition","value":{"conditionOp":"not-null","conditionValue":""},"valueType":"ENUM"}}],"isRelation":true}" // 前端模板要是用的 JSON 结果(行级权限专用) } } | { "cubeId": "aa574353-41cf-****-8d0d-455176c101fa", "hitTakeEffect": 1, "isOpen": 1, "permissionMode": "COMPLEX", "ruleContentModel": { "ruleContent": { "pathId": [ "264b7a970b" ] }, "ruleContentJson": "{\"pathId\":[\"264b7a970b\"]}", "ruleContentType": "COLUMN_FORBID" }, "ruleId": "3971fa8e-f7e0-****-b6e3-5b3167dd7247", "ruleLevelType": "COLUMN_LEVEL", "ruleName": "规则名称", "ruleTargetScope": "ALL" } |
"RequestId": "D8749D65-E80A-433C-AF1B-CE9C180FF3B4",
"Result": "{\n \"cubeId\": \"aa574353-41cf-****-8d0d-455176c101fa\",\n \"hitTakeEffect\": 1,\n \"isOpen\": 1,\n \"permissionMode\": \"COMPLEX\",\n \"ruleContentModel\": {\n \"ruleContent\": {\n \"pathId\": [\n \"264b7a970b\"\n ]\n },\n \"ruleContentJson\": \"{\\\"pathId\\\":[\\\"264b7a970b\\\"]}\",\n \"ruleContentType\": \"COLUMN_FORBID\"\n },\n \"ruleId\": \"3971fa8e-f7e0-****-b6e3-5b3167dd7247\",\n \"ruleLevelType\": \"COLUMN_LEVEL\",\n \"ruleName\": \"规则名称\",\n \"ruleTargetScope\": \"ALL\"\n}",
"Success": true
HTTP status code | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | Cube.Not.Exist | The Cube does not exist. | 数据集不存在。 |
400 | CubePermission.Columnlevel.VersionError | You are not allowed to use the new dataLevelPermission API. | 没有权限使用新版行列权限。 |
400 | CubePermission.ColumnlevelField.Repeat | There are duplicate field configurations. | 有重复的字段配置。 |
400 | RowLevelPermission.SwitchClose.Error | The row level permission switch must be on. | 对应的行级权限开关必须打开。 |
400 | RowLevelPermission.Rule.NotExsist | The row level permission rule does not exist: %s. | 行级权限规则不存在:%s。 |
400 | RowLevelPermission.Rule.NotBelongToCube | The row level permission rule does not belong to the current cube. | 行级权限规则不属于当前数据集。 |
400 | Cube.NotBelongTo.CurrentOrganization | The cube does not belong to the current organization %s. | 数据集模型不属于当前组织。 |
400 | Internal.System.Error | An internal system error occurred. | 系统内部异常。 |
400 | Instance.Expired | Your instance has expired. | 您的购买实例已经过期。 |
400 | Instance.Not.Exist | The specified instance does not exist. | 暂未匹配到您的购买实例。 |
400 | Invalid.Organization | The specified organizational unit does not exist. | 该组织不存在。 |
400 | User.Not.In.Organization | The specified user is not in the organizational unit. | 该用户不在组织中。 |
400 | Invalid.Parameter | An error occurred while verifying parameters. | 参数验证失败。 |
400 | Invalid.Parameter.Error | The parameter is invalid:%s. | 无效参数%s。 |
400 | Invalid.Param.Error | The parameter is invalid. | 无效参数。 |
400 | Invalid.User.Admin | You are not an administrator of this organization. | 没有权限,您不是组织管理员。 |
400 | System.Param.Empty | You must specify the %s parameter. | 参数%s不能为空。 |
400 | Access.Forbidden | Your instance version or access key is not allowed to call the API operation, only professional version supports calling. | 您的实例版本或者 AccessKey不允许调用该 API,仅专业版支持调用。 |
400 | UserInfo.Error | The personal information is invalid. | 个人信息不合法。 |
400 | ApiUser.Not.Exists | The specified user does not exist. | 用户不存在。 |
400 | User.Not.WorkspaceAdmin | Only administrators of the group workspace can perform this operation. | 没有权限,您不是该群空间的管理员。 |
400 | Application.Object.NotExist | The object you are operating does not exist or has been deleted. | 操作组件不存在或已被删除。 |
400 | Not.ApiCall.AuthUser | You are not an administrator or API call auth user of this organization. | 非组织管理员或API调用授权用户。 |