通过Terraform查询RDS PostgreSQL实例相关配置

本文介绍如何使用Terraform查询RDS PostgreSQL实例的相关配置。




  • 已创建RDS PostgreSQL实例,详情请参见创建RDS PostgreSQL实例

  • 实例状态为运行中,您可以通过如下两种方式查看:

    • 参见查询实例详情查看参数status,如果取值为Running则表示实例状态为运行中。

    • 前往RDS管理控制台,切换到目标地域,找到指定实例后,查看实例状态。

  • 由于阿里云账号(主账号)具有资源的所有权限,一旦发生泄露将面临重大风险。建议您使用RAM用户,并为该RAM用户创建AccessKey,具体操作方式请参见创建RAM用户创建AccessKey

  • 通过RAM授权,RAM用户可以有效地管理其云资源访问权限,适应多用户协同工作的需求,并且能够按需为用户分配最小权限,避免权限过大导致的安全漏洞。具体操作方式请参见RAM用户授权

        "Version": "1",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
                "Action": "rds:*",
                "Resource": "*",
                "Effect": "Allow"
                "Action": "dbs:*",
                "Resource": "acs:rds:*:*:*",
                "Effect": "Allow"
                "Action": "hdm:*",
                "Resource": "acs:rds:*:*:*",
                "Effect": "Allow"
                "Action": "dms:LoginDatabase",
                "Resource": "acs:rds:*:*:*",
                "Effect": "Allow"
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": "ram:CreateServiceLinkedRole",
                "Resource": "*",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "ram:ServiceName": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": "bss:ModifyAgreementRecord",
                "Resource": "*"
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
  • 准备Terraform运行环境,您可以选择以下任一方式来使用Terraform。

    • Terraform Explorer中使用Terraform:阿里云提供了Terraform的在线运行环境,您无需安装Terraform,登录后即可在线使用和体验Terraform。适用于零成本、快速、便捷地体验和调试Terraform的场景。

    • Cloud Shell:阿里云Cloud Shell中预装了Terraform的组件,并已配置好身份凭证,您可直接在Cloud Shell中运行Terraform的命令。适用于低成本、快速、便捷地访问和使用Terraform的场景。

    • 在本地安装和配置Terraform:适用于网络连接较差或需要自定义开发环境的场景。





本示例演示如何查询RDS PostgreSQL实例的可用区资源。

  1. 创建一个工作目录,并在该工作目录中创建名为main.tf的配置文件,然后将以下代码复制到main.tf中。

    • 创建前置资源。

      variable "region" {
        default = "cn-heyuan"
      provider "alicloud" {
        region = var.region
      variable "zone_id" {
        default = "cn-heyuan-b"
      variable "instance_type" {
        default = "pg.n2.2c.2m"
      # 创建VPC
      resource "alicloud_vpc" "main" {
        vpc_name   = "alicloud"
        cidr_block = ""
      # 创建交换机
      resource "alicloud_vswitch" "main" {
        vpc_id     = alicloud_vpc.main.id
        cidr_block = ""
        zone_id    = var.zone_id
      # 创建RDS PostgreSQL实例
      resource "alicloud_db_instance" "instance" {
        engine               = "PostgreSQL"
        engine_version       = "13.0"
        instance_type        = var.instance_type
        instance_storage     = "30"
        instance_charge_type = "Postpaid"
        vswitch_id           = alicloud_vswitch.main.id
    • main.tf文件中增加data "alicloud_db_zones" "queryzones" {}配置项。

      data "alicloud_db_zones" "queryzones" {
        instance_charge_type     = "PostPaid"
        engine                   = "PostgreSQL"
        db_instance_storage_type = "cloud_essd"
  2. 执行以下命令,初始化Terraform运行环境。

    terraform init


    Initializing the backend...
    Initializing provider plugins...
    - Checking for available provider plugins...
    - Downloading plugin for provider "alicloud" (hashicorp/alicloud) 1.90.1...
    You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see
    any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands
    should now work.
    If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform,
    rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. If you forget, other
    commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary.
  3. 创建执行计划,并预览变更。

    terraform plan
  4. 执行以下命令,创建资源。

    terraform apply


    data.alicloud_db_zones.queryzones: Reading...
    data.alicloud_db_zones.queryzones: Read complete after 1s [id=262******]
    No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.
    Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration and found no differences, so no changes are needed.
    Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  5. 验证结果。


    terraform show
    # data.alicloud_db_zones.queryzones:
    data "alicloud_db_zones" "queryzones" {
        db_instance_storage_type = "cloud_essd"
        engine                   = "PostgreSQL"
        id                       = "262******"
        ids                      = [
        instance_charge_type     = "PostPaid"
        multi                    = false
        multi_zone               = false
        zones                    = [
                id             = "cn-hangzhou-b"
                multi_zone_ids = []


  1. main.tf文件增加如下内容。

    data "alicloud_db_instance_classes" "queryclasses" {
      instance_charge_type= "PostPaid"
      engine = "PostgreSQL"
      db_instance_storage_type = "cloud_essd"
  2. 执行以下命令。

    terraform apply


    data.alicloud_db_instance_classes.queryclasses: Reading...
    alicloud_vpc.main: Refreshing state... [id=vpc-****]
    alicloud_vswitch.main: Refreshing state... [id=vsw-****]
    alicloud_db_instance.instance: Refreshing state... [id=pgm-****]
    data.alicloud_db_instance_classes.queryclasses: Still reading... [10s elapsed]
    data.alicloud_db_instance_classes.queryclasses: Still reading... [20s elapsed]
    data.alicloud_db_instance_classes.queryclasses: Still reading... [30s elapsed]
    data.alicloud_db_instance_classes.queryclasses: Still reading... [40s elapsed]
    data.alicloud_db_instance_classes.queryclasses: Still reading... [50s elapsed]
    data.alicloud_db_instance_classes.queryclasses: Still reading... [1m0s elapsed]
    data.alicloud_db_instance_classes.queryclasses: Still reading... [6m50s elapsed]
    data.alicloud_db_instance_classes.queryclasses: Still reading... [7m0s elapsed]
    data.alicloud_db_instance_classes.queryclasses: Read complete after 7m9s [id=130302****]
    No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.
    Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration and found no differences, so no changes are
    Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  3. 验证结果。


    terraform show
                instance_class = "pg.n8.8xlarge.1"
                price          = ""
                storage_range  = {
                    "max"  = "32000"
                    "min"  = "1500"
                    "step" = "5"
                zone_ids       = [
                        id           = "cn-hangzhou-k"
                        sub_zone_ids = []
                instance_class = "pg.n2.small.1"
                price          = ""
                storage_range  = {
                    "max"  = "32000"
                    "min"  = "1500"
                    "step" = "5"
                zone_ids       = [
                        id           = "cn-hangzhou-k"
                        sub_zone_ids = []


  1. main.tf文件增加如下内容。

    data "alicloud_regions" "query_regions" {
  2. 执行以下命令。

    terraform apply


    data.alicloud_regions.query_regions: Reading...
    alicloud_vpc.main: Refreshing state... [id=vpc-****]
    alicloud_vswitch.main: Refreshing state... [id=vsw-****]
    data.alicloud_regions.query_regions: Read complete after 1s [id=2105****]
    alicloud_db_instance.instance: Refreshing state... [id=pgm-****]
    No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.
    Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration and found no differences, so no changes are
    Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  3. 验证结果。


    terraform show
    # data.alicloud_regions.query_regions:
    data "alicloud_regions" "query_regions" {
        id      = "2105470773"
        ids     = [
        regions = [
                id         = "cn-qingdao"
                local_name = "华北1(青岛)"
                region_id  = "cn-qingdao"
                id         = "cn-beijing"
                local_name = "华北2(北京)"
                region_id  = "cn-beijing"
                id         = "cn-zhangjiakou"
                local_name = "华北3(张家口)"
                region_id  = "cn-zhangjiakou"
                id         = "cn-huhehaote"
                local_name = "华北5(呼和浩特)"
                region_id  = "cn-huhehaote"
                id         = "cn-wulanchabu"
                local_name = "华北6(乌兰察布)"
                region_id  = "cn-wulanchabu"
                id         = "cn-hangzhou"
                local_name = "华东1(杭州)"
                region_id  = "cn-hangzhou"
                id         = "cn-shanghai"
                local_name = "华东2(上海)"
                region_id  = "cn-shanghai"
                id         = "cn-nanjing"
                local_name = "华东5(南京-本地地域)"
                region_id  = "cn-nanjing"
                id         = "cn-shenzhen"
                local_name = "华南1(深圳)"
                region_id  = "cn-shenzhen"
                id         = "cn-heyuan"
                local_name = "华南2(河源)"
                region_id  = "cn-heyuan"
                id         = "cn-guangzhou"
                local_name = "华南3(广州)"
                region_id  = "cn-guangzhou"
                id         = "cn-fuzhou"
                local_name = "华东6(福州-本地地域)"
                region_id  = "cn-fuzhou"
                id         = "cn-chengdu"
                local_name = "西南1(成都)"
                region_id  = "cn-chengdu"
                id         = "cn-hongkong"
                local_name = "中国(香港)"
                region_id  = "cn-hongkong"
                id         = "ap-northeast-1"
                local_name = "亚太东北 1 (东京)"
                region_id  = "ap-northeast-1"
                id         = "ap-northeast-2"
                local_name = "韩国(首尔)"
                region_id  = "ap-northeast-2"
                id         = "ap-southeast-1"
                local_name = "亚太东南 1 (新加坡)"
                region_id  = "ap-southeast-1"
                id         = "ap-southeast-2"
                local_name = "亚太东南 2 (悉尼)"
                region_id  = "ap-southeast-2"
                id         = "ap-southeast-3"
                local_name = "亚太东南 3 (吉隆坡)"
                region_id  = "ap-southeast-3"
                id         = "ap-southeast-6"
                local_name = "菲律宾(马尼拉)"
                region_id  = "ap-southeast-6"
                id         = "ap-southeast-5"
                local_name = "亚太东南 5 (雅加达)"
                region_id  = "ap-southeast-5"
                id         = "ap-southeast-7"
                local_name = "泰国(曼谷)"
                region_id  = "ap-southeast-7"
                id         = "us-east-1"
                local_name = "美国东部 1 (弗吉尼亚)"
                region_id  = "us-east-1"
                id         = "us-west-1"
                local_name = "美国西部 1 (硅谷)"
                region_id  = "us-west-1"
                id         = "eu-west-1"
                local_name = "英国 (伦敦)"
                region_id  = "eu-west-1"
                id         = "me-east-1"
                local_name = "中东东部 1 (迪拜)"
                region_id  = "me-east-1"
                id         = "me-central-1"
                local_name = "沙特(利雅得)"
                region_id  = "me-central-1"
                id         = "eu-central-1"
                local_name = "欧洲中部 1 (法兰克福)"
                region_id  = "eu-central-1"


  1. main.tf文件增加如下内容。

    data "alicloud_db_instances" "queryinstances" {
  2. 执行以下命令。

    terraform apply


    data.alicloud_db_instances.queryinstances: Reading...
    alicloud_vpc.main: Refreshing state... [id=vpc-****]
    alicloud_vswitch.main: Refreshing state... [id=vsw-****]
    data.alicloud_db_instances.queryinstances: Read complete after 1s [id=277****]
    alicloud_db_instance.instance: Refreshing state... [id=pgm-****]
    No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.
    Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration and found no differences, so no changes are
    Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  3. 验证结果。


    terraform show
    # data.alicloud_db_instances.queryinstances:
    data "alicloud_db_instances" "queryinstances" {
        enable_details = false
        id             = "27790****"
        ids            = [
        instances      = [
                acl                         = ""
                availability_zone           = "cn-hangzhou-j"
                ca_type                     = ""
                charge_type                 = "Postpaid"
                client_ca_cert              = ""
                client_ca_cert_expire_time  = ""
                client_cert_revocation_list = ""
                connection_mode             = "Standard"
                connection_string           = "pgm-****.pg.rds.aliyuncs.com"
                create_time                 = "2022-09-28T06:15:32Z"
                creator                     = ""
                db_instance_storage_type    = "cloud_essd"
                db_type                     = "Primary"
                delete_date                 = ""
                deletion_protection         = false
                description                 = ""
                encryption_key              = ""
                encryption_key_status       = ""
                engine                      = "PostgreSQL"
                engine_version              = "13.0"
                expire_time                 = ""
                guard_instance_id           = "<nil>"
                id                          = "pgm-****"
                instance_storage            = 50
                instance_type               = "pg.n2.2c.2m"
                key_usage                   = ""
                last_modify_status          = ""
                master_instance_id          = "<nil>"
                master_zone                 = ""
                material_expire_time        = ""
                modify_status_reason        = ""
                name                        = "terraformtest"
                net_type                    = "Intranet"
                origin                      = ""
                parameters                  = []
                port                        = "5432"
                readonly_instance_ids       = []
                region_id                   = "cn-hangzhou"
                replication_acl             = ""
                require_update              = ""
                require_update_item         = ""
                require_update_reason       = ""
                server_ca_url               = ""
                server_cert                 = ""
                server_key                  = ""
                ssl_create_time             = ""
                ssl_enabled                 = "off"
                ssl_expire_time             = ""
                status                      = "Running"
                temp_instance_id            = "<nil>"
                vpc_id                      = "vpc-****"
                vswitch_id                  = "vsw-****"
                zone_id_slave_a             = ""
                zone_id_slave_b             = ""
        names          = [
        page_size      = 100
        total_count    = 1


  1. main.tf文件增加如下内容。

    • 查询指定实例:


      已创建RDS PostgreSQL实例,详情请参见创建RDS PostgreSQL实例


      • 参见查询实例详情查看参数status,如果取值为Runing则表示实例状态为运行中。

      • 前往RDS管理控制台,切换到目标地域,找到指定实例后,查看实例状态。

      data "alicloud_db_instances" "queryinstance" {
        ids    = ["pgm-f8z04t******"]
        engine = "PostgreSQL"
    • 查询指定地域(环境变量中设置的地域)下所有实例:

      data "alicloud_db_instances" "queryinstance" {
        ids    = []
        engine = "PostgreSQL"
  2. 执行以下命令。

    terraform apply


    data.alicloud_db_instances.queryinstance: Reading...
    data.alicloud_db_instances.queryinstance: Read complete after 5s [id=69816****]
    No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.
    Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration and found no differences, so no changes are needed.
    Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
  3. 验证结果。


    terraform show
    # data.alicloud_db_instances.queryinstance:
    data "alicloud_db_instances" "queryinstance" {
        enable_details = false
        engine         = "PostgreSQL"
        id             = "277908****"
        ids            = [
        instances      = [
                acl                         = ""
                availability_zone           = "cn-hangzhou-j"
                ca_type                     = ""
                charge_type                 = "Postpaid"
                client_ca_cert              = ""
                client_ca_cert_expire_time  = ""
                client_cert_revocation_list = ""
                connection_mode             = "Standard"
                connection_string           = "pgm-****.pg.rds.aliyuncs.com"
                create_time                 = "2022-09-28T06:15:32Z"
                creator                     = ""
                db_instance_storage_type    = "cloud_essd"
                db_type                     = "Primary"
                delete_date                 = ""
                deletion_protection         = false
                description                 = ""
                encryption_key              = ""
                encryption_key_status       = ""
                engine                      = "PostgreSQL"
                engine_version              = "13.0"
                expire_time                 = ""
                guard_instance_id           = "<nil>"
                id                          = "pgm-****"
                instance_storage            = 50
                instance_type               = "pg.n2.2c.2m"
                key_usage                   = ""
                last_modify_status          = ""
                master_instance_id          = "<nil>"
                master_zone                 = ""
                material_expire_time        = ""
                modify_status_reason        = ""
                name                        = "terraformtest"
                net_type                    = "Intranet"
                origin                      = ""
                parameters                  = []
                port                        = "5432"
                readonly_instance_ids       = []
                region_id                   = "cn-hangzhou"
                replication_acl             = ""
                require_update              = ""
                require_update_item         = ""
                require_update_reason       = ""
                server_ca_url               = ""
                server_cert                 = ""
                server_key                  = ""
                ssl_create_time             = ""
                ssl_enabled                 = "off"
                ssl_expire_time             = ""
                status                      = "Running"
                temp_instance_id            = "<nil>"
                vpc_id                      = "vpc-****"
                vswitch_id                  = "vsw-****"
                zone_id_slave_a             = ""
                zone_id_slave_b             = ""
        names          = [
        page_size      = 100
        total_count    = 1

当您不再需要上述通过Terraform创建或管理的资源时,请运行以下命令以释放资源。关于terraform destroy的更多信息,请参见Terraform常用命令

terraform destroy





variable "region" {
  default = "cn-hangzhou"

provider "alicloud" {
  region = var.region

variable "zone_id" {
  default = "cn-hangzhou-b"

variable "instance_type" {
  default = "pg.n2.2c.2m"

# 创建VPC
resource "alicloud_vpc" "main" {
  vpc_name   = "alicloud"
  cidr_block = ""

# 创建交换机
resource "alicloud_vswitch" "main" {
  vpc_id     = alicloud_vpc.main.id
  cidr_block = ""
  zone_id    = var.zone_id

# 创建RDS PostgreSQL实例
resource "alicloud_db_instance" "instance" {
  engine               = "PostgreSQL"
  engine_version       = "13.0"
  instance_type        = var.instance_type
  instance_storage     = "30"
  instance_charge_type = "Postpaid"
  vswitch_id           = alicloud_vswitch.main.id

# 查询可用区资源
data "alicloud_db_zones" "queryzones" {
  instance_charge_type     = "PostPaid"
  engine                   = "PostgreSQL"
  db_instance_storage_type = "cloud_essd"

# 询可购买的实例规格
data "alicloud_db_instance_classes" "queryclasses" {
  instance_charge_type     = "PostPaid"
  engine                   = "PostgreSQL"
  db_instance_storage_type = "cloud_essd"

# 查询地域信息
data "alicloud_regions" "query_regions" {

# 查询实例列表
data "alicloud_db_instances" "queryinstances" {

# 查询指定实例
data "alicloud_db_instances" "queryinstance" {
  ids = [alicloud_db_instance.instance.id]
  # 查询指定地域(环境变量中设置的地域)下所有实例
  # ids  = []
  engine = "PostgreSQL"
